“an (5,,,t1l,//.,),(,l,)li,i,!tll,:f?P, HONDA l ,r' 12.1332? Pt, "t_-.- 744-4429 - rLAT_ErtL_OS CHRONICLEI WEDNE’OAY Auto Body Collisionand figgittt hi s ice 1ltt28tt?ertti.tet,Frttto Year after year, Honda Civic has been the best-selling import in Canada. Is it any wonder that the other car makers are trying to build their version of this remarkable machine. But, Civic's popular combination of quality, performance, handling, comfort and economy is not easy to match. You'll find that out if you look closely. And besides, Civic offers new features for 1981 that make it more appealing than ever. Like a special mam. mm _ "a...“ " , This is the car HONDA FOR 1981 , More than worth thinking about everyone else is trying to build. And this is the place to buy it. Westmount th Gage - Ki‘chonor “I!!! " JANUARY 7, 181 $49953 flexible paint that coats areas prone to stone chipping, like standard _ equipment rear window wiper and washer, radial ply tires (except our standard Civic) and interior hatch release, on all hatchback models. Like carpeting, tinted glass and fully reclin- ing bucket seats, standard on all models. And the price for the car everybody's trying to build? It starts at an incredible 744-4489 ITALIAN BMS.......................... CRUSTY 'too......................... WIEIER 'tttas......................... PIZZA "is........................... PIZZA BtNtstc.......................... WHOLE WHEAT BREAD m. BREAD CRUIISH oar......... "ACCATO ITALIAN BREAD. "' and VIENNA STICK........................ CAMMESE BREAD........,......... 7" and POLISH 'too........................ COFFEE CattES........................1." Old WHOLE WHEAT DUNS m. B"MtES..................................... E/I." SUBS ROLLS T'......................, CIIIAIOI BREAD o..............) and ' RYE........... The city is bowing out of the newsprint recycling business and surrendering the job to local scout Connoil approved an administra- tive committee report Monday, re- commending " discontinue the practice of newsprint collection The committee recommended that scout groups be "encouraged to continue collection of newsprint on a regular basns." k Council also decided to ask the city's community services depart- meal to coordinate and encourage regular newsprint pick-ups by local church and scout groups Last April the city hired the Kit- cheater-based Joseph and Co Ltd to collect newspapers for recycling on a three-month trial basis. In its report to council Monday, the administrative committee said when the agreement was extended for another three-month period "the improvement was barely no- ticeable" over the low volume of previous pick-ups. The city had used King St. to split Waterloo into two pick-up zones for newsprint collections and advertisements were placed in local newspapers to inform the public about collection dates Col- lections were made in each zone once a month City bows out of , recycling scheme T During the first three months, WAT7iN.oi8tMAt_4Ai_t, GRAND [i]ilE[ffi2i.. l These are our Even Day low Prices (BEHIND HANDY ANDY AUTO) THURS. - JAN. 8/81 354 KING ST. N. BAKED .... FRESH .... DAILY " THE PREMISES 0 KAISERS 1.09 doz. 0 DINNER ROLLS " do; 0 WHITE SLICED BREAD 3-1.59 .............109 In. m............. " In. ...............I§5 I". F............. " and: D m. " and BUN KING BAKERY LTD. ............t." In FrZInvouI'OVTM in [all 2’ Ibo/You'lofrici: 1.59 m WHITE SLICED "EA0.............a-t.58 1.09 In PLAIN "tMT............................" " " in. SESAME TWIS‘I........................72‘ In 1.55 I". POPPY TtMST.......................... "' - " and FRENCH STtct1......,................ "' out " not MINI [GIVES..........................1.02 “I. " and ONION Mi........................) “l. "A Canadian Franchise ff the City collected an average 3,000 pounds per collection and that total rose to only mo pounds per collec- tion during m extended period. The committee saidthe avenge volumes collected did not cover the contractor's expenses, and, on one particularly low day last month, "did not even cover the fuel cost Mayor Marjorie Carroll called the results of the city's collection attempts "disappointing" and said every effort should be made to en- courage continued newsprint col- lections by local fund-raising groups. Meanwhile, local scout groups seem to be making headway In the newsprint collection business. Last October the scouts collected about 61,000 pounds of newsprint on the eity's east side, just two weeks after the city had collected only 2,000 pounds. ‘It appears that citizens will save newsprint for these groups but not for the city, " the committee said in its report. The committee estimated that the City needs to collect about 40.000 pounds of newsprint per month to cover its costs including advertising and said "we do not be- lieve these volumes are achievable without restricting the collection of newsprint by others, OPEN 7 DAYS PER WEEK .1.†In. "' and 1.02 m 1.09 an. " and 55' and