PAGE G - “ATEHLOO CHRONICLE. WEDNE‘DAY, DECEMBER to. mo " Pruneâ€! St. W“! “6-2900 at 300-2370 Sundays - " mm. - " Noon ALL YOU CAN BOWL - $2.75 PER BOWLER (3 per lane) t,ak1Wgh.1'as DAILY " A.M. TO 7:00 RM. WEEKENDS I MONDAYS' 10 A.M. TO 11:†P.M. You haven't got a great deal unless you get a great car in the deal. B-K Service Centre has both. Our 1981 GLC prices start at just 5.090. And we've got a wide selection of 3 - and 5-door models. including the new GLC Decor and the exciting 1981 GLC Sport. OPEN BOWLING COMPARE OUR NEW FRONT WHEEL DRIVE MAZDA GLC WITH HONDA, DATSUN tt TOYOTA. THEN COMPARE OUR DEAL. HERE) l5 University Avenue,Water|oo 885-5090 THE MORE YOU LOOK, THE MORE YOU LIKE -K Service Center SEEKS PROVWCIAL SEAT Bob Labbett. presi- dent and general manger of Benverdale Gott Course has an- nounced he will - the nomination of the Pro- gressive Conservative arty as candidate in the riding of Waterloo North for the next pre vincial election. Labbett has served on the executive of the PC Association for more than eight years, holding the office of president Labbett announces Candidacy for PCs for the last two-and-a- half years. He graduated from the University of Western Ontario in 1957 and worked as an execu- tive in the general tn- surance business In Toronto before coming to Waterloo in ma Well known in the sports and recreation field, he served on the advisory board to the Waterloo region com- mittee on Open Space and Outdoor Recreation. He has been active In golf, curling, Waterloo minor hockey, and is a member of the North, held Racquet Club as well as being involved in various golf manage- ment Associations. He and his wife Bar- bara have three chldren. Craig, Sharon, and San- dra. They are active members of First Unit. ed Church, Waterloo, and live on Weston Place, Waterloo. Christian women meet The Kitchener - Wa- terloo Christian Wo- men's Club will hold a Christmas luncheon in the Bingeman Park ballroom on Tuesday, Dec, 16 from 1 pm. to 3 Tickets cost $4.50 and there will be a free nur- sery for those attending the luncheon. For tick- ets or more information call Cathy Hertel at 885- 2047.