PAGE so T WATERLw CNRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, DECE! Take notice that apphcatroos. by dehvery or maul, addressed to the underugned. woll be vecewod until 5 oo p m .' Monday, December 15. 1980 from any members of the general pubhc who desire to have their names oonsnderod for appomtment to the fol- lownng boards. commtssnons and committees for the terms and-cated A. REGIONAL LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE Two persons until December 31, 1983 - one person who us a resodem ot the Townshop of Welleslev and one person who IS a lesadent of the Towrtsttsp of WNW! One person to 1:11 an unexpired term to De, camber 31. 1982 - must be a res-dent of the Cay of Watertoo CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Is Pleas} To Announce The Opening Of His New Office At 124 KING STREET NORTH WATERLOO. ONTARIO N2J 2X8 TELEPHONE 884-1100 A Practice Ofhtring Financial Services Rolating To "Fin-dd In“! ttt A Sill has“ (ad hoc advisory to the Regional Engineering Committee » term unspecmed) One person famrhar wrth energy producing aspects of waste recovery ECOLOGICAL AND EM"ROMMEHTAL ADVISORY COMMITI'EE Frye persons untrl December 31, 1982 one professornal envrronmentahst Involved In deve- lopment. one professuonal envrronmentairst not Involved rn development and three representa- trves from vanous envrronmental groups throughout the Rewon WATERLOO REGION SOCIAL RESOURCES COUNCIL Two persons untrl December 31, 1982 one urban resrdent and one rural resndent Applrcatnon forms to be used by persons wrshA mg to apply for any of the toregorng posrtlons may be obtained by callrng 885-9420 or may be picked up at the ofhce of the undersmned during the hours of9 oo a m to 5 oo p m Monday to Fnday REGIONAL LICENSING COMMITTEE Four persons until December 31 1982 tAfATERL00-wELLtNGT0H AIRPORT COMMISSION Four persons until December 31. 1982 SOCIAL PLANNING COUNCIL OF KtTCHENErt-WATERL00 One person who may be an elected or cmlen appomtrnent unul December 31, 1982 WASTE MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE Three persons until r person from a Chamt _ onemed body, one Three persons unm December 31. 1982 one person from a Chamber of Commerce or tourist _ oriented body, one person from a lounst unr dustry and one who may be a member of the general public One person bly from a 1 GRAND RIVER CONSERVATION AUTHORITY SIX persons until December 31, 1982 DOON PIONEER VILLAGE BOARD OF DIRECTORS One person unto! December 31, 1982 wl does not have an attmatron wuth the college NIAGARA AND MIDWESTERN TRAVEL ASSOCIATION (FESTIVAL COUNTRY) Three persons until December 31, 1982 o CONESTOGA COLLEGE BOARD OF GOVERNORS APPOIITIEITS To BOARDS. COMMISSIONS All) COMMITTEES Fmancml Fomcastmg For Bank Flaunt-hon: Preparataon and Management of Funancnal Budgets Corporate and Pomonal Tan Plannmg Bookkoopmg SONICOI W. CRAIG KELLER Scrvucos Of Expertise Include , unto! December Townshnp munucn REGION“. MUNICIPAUTY OF WATER“!!! (Mrs) E Luhowv, AMCT Regional Clerk 8th Ftoov, Marsland Comte Wmerloo. Omano r 31 _ 1 ,npalny 1982 prefera who balls, Norm Peterson President is Jack tnovice t-ball i, and Mike Middlemass, vice- Oberholzer. Dave MC~ president Paul Puncher. Graw and Gerry Hooper secretary Pat Bishop Manager coaches for and treasurer Ron Wett- the all-star teams were laufer C $536 N w L V90 Volvo _ C70 . 'st-r _ Rabblt c, C C3199 Mercedes N. American models. Minor baseball annual meeting Those elected were Paul Puncher (midget). Jack Middlemass (ban- tam), Cliff Campbell (peeweei. Dave Gardiner (tyke), Doug Fisher (senior t-ball), Pat Bishop (junior t- ball). Norm Peterson (novice t-ball " and Mike Oberholzer. Dave Mc- Grytw and Gerry Hooper At its annual meeting last Tuesday, Waterloo Minor Baseball Associa- tion elected 10 directors representing the seven divisions of the associa- tion and three directors at large. At . _ asfiiit MIN LiL2ss ililllglltNEE' . MIBii , , a frarliflnn clnnn 10'): 72.1.E1 Directors appointed at the meeting were Art Grace. Keith Spence. Wayne Scott. Roger Dupuis, Jim Renaud, Stu Demone, Doug Schreiber, Ron Karges and John Thompson, Gerry Such was elected as business manager and Glenn Moeser will once again return as field manager. [ Past-presndent rs Jim Bucholtz. Returning by acctamation as president IS Dave Honsberger. While other executive members acclaimed were Dave Miller as Vice president, Fred Weigel as secretary, Ken Buckley as treasurer. Bucholtz as promotions manager and Basil Milton as pub- he relations manager Waterloo CHYM'rs of the Intercity Fastball League announced their club executive for the tn season Sunday. CHYMfrs executive Sent/ice" worthy of your confidence. HARRY ROSS HUEHN BRUBACHER Dissatisfied with present service? for export "rtalrs, (all Mike in Klaus a! 43"» (,(uwsnogn Rd W Wan-[Inn 884-7640 After appointing all previous presidents as honorary life members. the following new execu- tive was elected. A also appointed and are as follows: Glen Wilmer (t-ballb. Doug Stephens (tyke Hornetst, Kevin Hergott (tyke Bees), Gord Murray 1peewee No, 1) Gerry Gagnon Ipeewee No, 2t. Don Barr (bantam) and Jerry Scharlach tmid- gen, Convenient Putting, entering Wellington or King Street a tradition since 1925. Datz~bcchtcl funeral home and chapel 621 KING WEST - 745-9495 - _ . . "ur w‘v' .. _ I ' I.» v, , IgEeh La'it _ a P' ., tt l aw . '7'»-.. - - _ _ . _ ’ V" F t A " ,.. M RFia5 1vjraTes3ifh-'f.i',' a M ,i,ifrr,'i'iis'ii',tr'tt.,t? MF 'ro'sT. 'itrt'c, -"_-a. _,n'M? c. '1’ "r'se"s%F' Wih4P;vi4 muv.‘ r". ..;C ' "CTI? “3i: . fâ€;,., _..'. .,5, '4 jtylatsq b-------..-....-..-..--.--.-.-----,, Get vouv war Tohe a no“: Penny Greene of WLU Golden Hawks (2) gives that extra effort in trying to rescue the volleyball off the net after it was blocked by Western's Brenda Gowder (4) during action in Thursday's OWlAA match at Laurier. That's WLU's Nancy Phillips (10) ea- gerly watching the result. Western won the match 3-0 with 16- 14, 15-2 and 15-5 victories. in quot WW " “m " F-... Iva a CRAFT CORD LTD) L MACRAME ACTORY OUTLET DEALER DISCOUNT A VIILABLE Full Range of Cords made by Canada's Largest Macrame Manufacturer Regular Hours 1-6 pm Thursday. 1-9 pm Friday 9-5 pm Saturday Corner of Highway " a NonMiold Dr in the back of the Knox Carpet Mills Building) AMPLE PARKING AVAILABlE 65 Northfield Drive. Waterloo 888-6270