"1' tt Wm WMâ€: 11t1t1terd.?.tyr8.tttf.effrt After the democratically elected Marxist government was overthrow by the mili- tary in 1973 many Luth- erans, along with Roman Catholics. Pentecostal: and other Christians became deeply involved with the poor and those in trouble be- cause of their political views. The Lutheran Church fin- ally split with one faction deciding to commie that in- volvement. But a much larger group did not agree with political involvement and have kept closer ties with the military regime. Sister Margaret Kreller. now a senior student at the seminary, nid'the Lutheran Church was founded ISO years ago by immigrants from Germany and did not meld with (Mica; society. They formed, she said. a sort of "mud Ger- w a Owen-lulu. Strife In Chile. no. " wned by a military. re- gime, also led to strife and an eventual out in the hath- eran Chum int-t country. a mourned missionary told than attach»; the and meeting of the Women’s Auxiliary of Waterloo Lum- eran Seminary. "The Roman Catholic seethistmdmamtothergittpaeksondisplatrat That's right. come in and your cllents or lrlende and place your order now and you'll save 10% when you take delivery in December. We will handle " the detells and we even enclose a personal greeting! Chilean strife led to split in church OFFER EXPIRES OCT. 31ftttt ORDER NOW& PAY IN DECEMBER Hickory Farms. WATERLOO SQUARE 885-2241 Chard: unmi- are doing a [an job wh- ing wlth the explolud and the poor," she said. Many Lutherans also are deeply involved but most are “pey- ehoiogiealiy depressed" over the split in their own Sister Krellor worked mainly in Santiago. a city of three million. there she be- came involved with woman now taking more leading roles in the life of the church. Projects totallillc $5,900 for swoon of the seminary were approved by the more than ISO delegates to the session, meeting at St. John's Lutheran Church. Waterloo. Included were 83.50030 pay tuition expenses of se- minarians during their periods of supervised pas- toral education in churches. hospitals and social service agencies ' OthtsrTrojects included 8500 for an ongoing project to frame stained glass win- dows from the chapel of the original campus building, now demolished. The framed windows will be dis- played in the seminary cha- pel. _ The auxiliary. founded in 1913, also provides a number Hickory Farms 10t/i', SAVINGS WATERLOO SQUARE Autumnfbst Electedmresidentifor a two-year term was Mrs. Er- nest (Barony) Schaden- of Waterloo. muse-ting Mrs. Clarence (Mary) Beer. Other, elected were Mrs. D. Grant (Rose) Moore of Waterloo, viee-president: Mm. Lloyd (Eva) Hamel of Kitchener, secretary; Mrs. Jim (Barbara) Romhn of Kitettener, assistant secre- tary; Mrs. Paul (Jean) Weber of Waterloo, treas- urer; and Mrs. David (Jan- ice) Macintosh of Kitchener, assistant treas- Rockway Gardens Senior Citizen Centre at 1406 King St., East in‘Kitcheuer will be the site of an Autumnfest Bazaar on Saturday, Oct- ober 18 from 1 pan. to 4 pan. The banar will feature a senior citizens' quilt dis- play, an apple head doll dis- Nay, tea mom, book nook, crafts, candy booth and a Christmas boutique. of bursaries and financial assistance {or “Menu in the military and in qnrfrid Laurier University, with which the seminary is feu 'rWttSTrtAtihmmSE.. .AWSE WttERErrfttfli.s. Karon. 23. works as a muchandiaing tap for a tobacco company. Sha's pictured hon with a Pm Ryan chain-saw mm" at the neon! Intu- nationaI Plowing Match. She likes to aki. party and - to country music. Katan am says and: looking forward to K-W Wan ... so the can party. of mum. A COUNTRY GAL