"Nrou-tootrxtoiitftdrtrodrrAhst+,t1tt8tt __" Two Waterloo schools were honorad Monday by the Waterloo Fire Department for their school lire safety programs. John Osborn, principal at Harold Wagner public school (left). accepts his school's award from Larry Hobson. fire prevention officer while Paul Loosernore. principal of St. Louis school receives his award from Charles Devison. chiel'fire prevention olficer. ' , COULDtq'T GET ENOUGH OF A GOOD THING? l/MEA/E, cor A BETTER ONE SEE YOUR _ MAZDA DEALER tsilO1/V. BUS Y BEA VERS l5 University Avenue,Water|oo 885-5090 Mazda's all-.rtew front-wheel drive GLC Sport mom a lot of fun. as wall as milss, out of each gallon of gas. For 1981. the popular soonomy car has a sliding sunroof. â€MOSH-l 3 stool- belted radial tins. sporty full whoal covars, fin-spud manual transmission. and a now "lounge-style" intarior with specially contoured front and rear seats. AT sr. JEROME’S _ Registration up dramatically Pimt year gtttdggtt regio- lntloa at the [kindly at St. Jerome's College is up 6% over last year. college official; report. . Ken Lavina. registrar at the Roman Catholic college federated with the Univer- sity of Waterloo (UV). said that a madam-are apect- ed to be registered in first year. compared with 112 last year. In its two major areas of study. St. Jerome’s has had an increase of 20.9 percent in the arts faculty'and a son percent increase rin the mathematics faculty. Lavigne pointed out that the marked increase in the number of, students taking math at St. Jerome's is due to the increased competition for a limited number of spaces available at the Uni- versity of Waterloo. As a re- sult of a cooperative arran- gement with the math fa- culty at UW. 94 additional mu have mum at the College in mummies. This means that Ttrat year mathematics at St. Jenna's will be “my! to MM students. a record foy the college. - __ . “In or?" to enable stu- dents to pursue the first year matttemttiesrem, they were offered alterna- tive registration at St. Jerome's and we are very happy to be able to accom- modate them," Lavigrie said. In the arts faculty, MN stu- dents have registered for course: this yer compared to Q at this time last year. In talking to first year ate- dents selecting courses and has' notiéed a change in atti- "There is a renewed in- terest in liberal arts educa- tion, specifically humanities and social science sub- jects.“ Lavigne said.