PROFILE By Stewan Sutherland Sufi Writer Rev. John G. Henderson is obviously not your average. stereotyped bibhe-thumper. but a minister with a unique social concern and array of academic credentials. _ He seés himself as a "social minister" and has an educational and practical back- grgund 99 bask up this imprqsgiop. _ Rev. Henderson recently filled the pas- toral charged Knox Presbyterian Church in Waterloo. The position became vacant last year when the previous' minister. Rev. Walter McLean was elected to the House of Commons as MP. for Waterloo. He feels strongly that his service to the congregation involves taking a series of educational programs to expand his capabi- lities. enabling him to offer his congrega- tion more than just a Sunday morning lec- tee, from the pulpit. Rev. Henderson has completed the two- year internship in marriage and family counselling at the Interfaith astoral Coun- selling Centre in Kitchener and is presently completing his training as an “raved su- pervisor of the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy. The association trains its students to deal with people on an individual in“: who may be going through a marriage crisis. per- sonal trauma or depression. “Some people who are experiencing a personal crisis ta to put it aside without really dealing vi the situation and in the long run, this just adds to the burden." Rev. Henderson said. "But you can't isolate ttteseprxttrlems. "eentrmleaoeekittgao Rev. John C. Henderson took over the pastoral charge of Knox Presbyterian Church last month. He replaces Rev. Welter Mchen who was elected to the House of Commons " M.P. for Waterloo last year. New Knox minister has varied background -rve discovered that when a marriage is coming apart there's a barrier between the husband and wife that I have to overcome. Sometimes they keep secrets from each other." can't rush into suggesting rash so- lutions...timing is important and I have to be veryjydifrious." he said. Rev. Henderson has been with Knox for nearly two months and says "I do want to continue the church's focus on the com- munity that has been built up over the yearpt." _ _ -- _ .' admission of guilt and then getting the per- son_to ask forgivepqss frqm God." 7 " "The building itself should be used by the community as it always has been. It should provide a catalyst for activities and help provide facilities for a lot of organizations within our community." he said. Rev. Henderson said all his educational background isn‘t unusual for someone in his position. One course leads to another and he was interested in "sprucing up my tech- nique.". "I wasn't happy with how I was dealing with problems and I wanted to give more to my congregation and the community so I went back to school whenever possible." he Along with Ree. Henderson? other trainL ing he has received a B.A. degree from the University of Western Ontario and a B.D. (Bachelor of Divinity) from Knox College. " part oi hU outgoing education he has studied church extension. alcohol and any concerns. marriage enrichment. family clustering and values Ctarifieatitm. “Whit.“ (“Wm-M)- Watchful“ 1...:me JOHN SHOBTREED $33113] John Shortreed is a civil engineer, specializing in Transportation. He has been in the Civil Engineering department of the University of Waterloo since 1965. This year as an alderman. he has been the Chairman of the Com- munity Services committee and a member of the Finance Advisory commit- tee. In thesurweekly columns he is presenting some of his ideas on the issues in the election. _ ILIIEIIIMI II WATERâ€!!! MWI‘I’OWI FIiIm2ClIil SUPERIOR MEMORIALS The Business Improvement Associa- 'P tion of Waterloo is composed of the downtown retailers and businessmen. Cs' In cooperation with the city of Wa- r . terloo they have been constructing $1.93 planters and installing new lighting in C/ll. ' the downtown. This program will be Fd f, . completed over the next few years. The , city is currently studying the role of the Fl t ., downtown, in order to take a more ac- Gai , CJ ‘ " "." tive role in its development. ‘ 2i' - v"" Downtown is important since it is a Tr . SN reflection of the identity of our city. The recent growth in the number of stores ' 1 and restaurants in our core has made it h; 1rA I C. . s. more attractive for people to shop in " .1 V if“ g" Waterloo, and has improved our tax _ A“ , 5'" E base. I think that the new city hall should be located to be an important focal point in the downtown. I feel that we should encourage the "uptown" image of Waterloo as a specialized shopping area, where usually the owner of the store is serving the customers. This reputation for .... " "rl personalized service, good selection. 51 and quality merchandise is growing I E, t " . and should be promoted. " l], " , This photograph shows the new " ' . ___ parking spaces for the handicapped - .,. ftp" a at Waterloo Square, l was in- . g , " ' T a i strumental in having these put in by '_': 1.“; C . ‘ ca sl the City. after I was approached by f tC. q . ' ' ..... some citizens. We must continue to . Bt improve the accessibility of down- " " _ Lt ' town for the handicapped. " I’m-Winter Installation YOUR MEMORIAL ACADIAN UPHOLSTERY . and INTERIOR SHOULD BE ORDERED NOW Manon Harbec '%tsrtoo Chronicle. W. Combat 0, "tttl l [1137 “may, om 10. " “a. to 5 pm. mom T v _ WOODCARVNG , WORKSHOP. cw†. s' .so-ato-etmsssoeoviesod.fomgirtor 'tattthethatBttorAttaSeierte. School. K-W top. Mrs MnrionScholzot BBS-2‘41 Atsmetieat.o-rrtmttNaetioetirttttthoetMeartnAt 'xtigtt$i%iett.rttttt. M0 PHILLIP ST. WATERLOO ONTARIO - 886.3302 Beyith-t Conan. KW: V We offer you guaranteed workmanship 18 years expenence Very Reasonable Prices _ tree estimates q pickup and delivery Reuphoistéring Repairs. . [ Draperies Furniture stripping and refinishing. AU