Plot 32 . Wat-doe Gnome... WM. tete1tttr M, C 1iissii,fieill, be; STRATHROY ANTIQUE Show and Sale. September 26. 4 p.m. to 10 p.m.: Sep- tember 27, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sttecial Guest Friday Event! John Hearn. t39t 4 PROPERTY FOR SALE , COMING EVENTS ll ANNOUNCEMENTS PRIVATE SALE - in a quiet country setting with ma- tare trees and spring-fed pond. This beautifully landscaped ih acre pro- perty has a tour year old, ' bedroom bungalow with walkout basement to pond level. Property is fenced on sides for comple- te privacy. Only ' minutes from Waterloo. Close to school. Ila: to be seen to be appreciated. Call “4- 330 after 5:00 pm. for an appplntment. NO AGENTS PLEASE. (as) We extend a warm inet- tation to all who would like to worship our LORD and SAVIOUR with us in the fellowship of the Wa- terloo Christian Re. formed Church. We meet every Sunday in the Great Hall of Conrad Grébel College, West- mount Road North, Wa- terloo. WORSHIP SERVICES 10:30 am. & 7:00 p.m. Nursery Provided Homes $5.†- Lakeshore Village. two storey. two bedroom townebome. MLS OL-277. 828.900. - Three bedroom townhouse, 10% down pay- meat and reduced mortgage rate available on both pro- perties. Excellent value! Call Penny Wright mm: or 579-3220 representing Canada Trust, Westmount. (39) Hartwood at Ellis Rev. John Griffiths Minister "ram 9:45 a.m. - CHURCH SCHOOL 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. WORSHIP SERVICES 11jdiitiiuP - tir.tttU.m Corner at Glen Form We Welcome You in Love. iGGGGrs and Students bodily WM. ' For Transportation 85-1924. Lakeside value Rev. Gary D. Jackie Worship at GLEN ACRES BAPTIST CHURCH WATERLOO CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:15 a.m. “It's About Time" Affordable For all ages mm. SEMI-DETACHED in Lauattttre Village. Low mortgage rate, matures was. Phone 834-4921. (39) 4 PROPERTY FOR SALE , " “new: FQR SALE " ARTICLES FOR' FAKE, " mucus son SALE " ARTICLES FOR SALE HAVE BUYER For bunga- low with family room on main floor. single or dou- Ne garage. Also modern duplex with private upper apartment. Call Harold Wettlaufer 748-483hor 885- 0917 anytime, represent- ing Budaker Realty. Member of MIS. ttt l PRIVATE SALE, " be- droom. two kitchen, five level home, next to Chico pee Ski Hill. near 401. Floor to ceiling fireplace. circular drive on large lot 5 minutes drive on ta e lot 5 minutes from {our AU',',')', plazas. Extra lot included in pur- chase price. Raspberry.- strawberry plants. cherry. apple; peach, pear, plum trees, also grape vines and asparagus. Covered bar- beque with hydro and water. Hot house. Best offer over $80,000. Serious buyers phone 893-5756 for appoint- PLANT CITY - Florida. Clean, quiet cottage ac- commodation for " per- sons. all conveniences. reasonable. Tampa 20 miles. For rates Call I- 832-5218. r 5 PROPERTY WANTED " ARTICLES FOR 'SALE 30 Families on Euclid Avenue 7 FLORIDA RENTALS Selling furniture, applian- ces, antique glassware, china, coal oil stove. 350 Honda, snowblower. trailer, 6 h.p. riding mower. bicy- cles. bamboand. Avon pro- ducts, puppies,' sandbox, machinery, tools. toys, books, baby needs, skis. skates. car seats, radios, te- levisions. Christmas crafts and gifts, market vege- tables. baking, doll house. air hockey game, kitchen suite, picnic table, refri- gerators and stoves. 1979 Mona. 18-foot ladder. Refreshments Available EUCLID AVENUE betwee- Wlllla- all m (we. at I“ Street) Waterloo Rain Date: Sunday. Sep- tember 28, 1:00-5:00 pm. September 27 :00 mm. . 4:00 pm. GIANT STREET " KITCHENER? MOVING invite you to a (39) MOVING SALE - 6,000 BTU Air caiditioner 3150. Wood shelving units 85. and 870. Washing machine 8115. Dryer 8250. Couch 8150. Recliner $150. Coleman stove $2tr.00. Black/white television $25.00. Televi- sion converter $70.00. Rocking chair 825.00. Clothing rack $5.00. Floor .lamp 325.00. Metal shelv- ing unit $20.00. Fluores- cent light $15.00 each. Small desk $10.00. En- cyclopedia Britannica set and Year books 8550. Golf clubs and bag 8105. Weight-lifting set $25.00. Phone 834-2093. (39) GARAGE SALE - Saturday. September gtth, 9:30-3:30. 99 Elgin Crescent. Wa- terloo. Toilet, sink, radios. bed and springs. hockey equipment. dishes, bicycle and my house- hold articles. (39) GARAGE SALE - Saturday. September 27th. 9:00 - 2:00, 297 Lourdes Cres- cent. Waterloo. Four fa- milies. Dishwasher, avo- cado. used six months; white spindle bunk beds: loveseat: coffee table: utility table; fireplace screen; fan: Swinger bi- cycle, "trieycies: chil- dren's record players: rugs; drapes: curtains and rods; Remo drum practice pad and sticks. like new; child‘s drum set: bedspreads - bunk. twin and double (Bates): pink and white checked wallpaper. 2% double rolls and paint; baby items: doll bunk beds and high- chair; toys: games; books; clothes: Guide uni- form size 10; lady's leather coat size 10; chil- dren's dress coats; figure skates size 11; ehildren's crosseourttry skis. jewel- lery. etc. (39) OKTOBERFEST DiRN- DL Dresses complete with blouse and apron. size 12, $35.00 each. Phone 884-9281 after 5:00 p.m. 139t Odds 'n Ends Sale PLEA MARKET Saturday. September 27 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 D.m. W-K UNITED MENNONITE CHURCH BALL 15 George Street _ Household items of every description. Baked goods, etc., etc. Come and find yottreamrre. _ DOWNHILL SKIS - 160 cm. 150 cm. and 130 cm., also boots 8%. 9. junior 1; good for beginners. 885-4119. (3) THREE -SPEED Boy's bi- cycle, ZI-inch frame, ex- cellent condition. Phone w. (39) GARAGE SALE - Televi- sion stand $5.00; end table $5.00; suitcase $5.00: oil painting $6.00; new milk shake mixer $5.00; ampli- fier $10.00; new electric knife $10.00; clothes: women (0-10), maternity: boys (14); men (me- dium). Phone 886-6954. (39) DEADLINES TUESDAY " :00 A.M. 886-2830 (39) WOOD 'STOVES At pre- seum special. while fre- sent supply lasts. Foe ef- ficient wood burning stoves, regularly priced at 8489. now available for a limited time V at only $83.70. Call toll free I†â€8-5070. (so) CHINA CABINET, End tables. baby's change table with bath, also playpen. priced reasona- bly. 86-5663. (39) GARAGE SALE - Saturday. September 27th. 163 Mar- shall Street, starts 9:30 a.m. Old self-standing sink, guinea pigs, electric fireplace and a lot of other stuff. (39). GARAGE SALE - Saturday, Mill-12:00. Bicycle rack, ski rack. tennis racquet, fire screen. new queen . sized bed frame, radial tire HR 70-15. window air cortdititmerg, antique iron _ pot plus miscellaneous items. IM William Street West. Waterloo. (39) GARAGE SALE - 119 Allen STAINLESS STEEL Count- BROWNIE UNIFORM Size 8-10, $7.00. Batik paint- ings, new framed, $10.00 each. Phone 88b5093. (39) CHILDRENS CLOTHING - Good as new clothing at low prices. Replays Near- ly New Shop, up Ahrens SCOTCH. AUSTRIAN And White pine. spruce. cedar. tamarack. maples and Juniper trees. Wholesale prices. 88b5388. (41) PLANTS - Good assortment of house plants. Book Ex- change, 28 Regina North. Waterloo. Open 9:00-9:00. Saturday-Sunday 9:00- 6:00. (t5) Street East, Friday. Sep- tember 26th, 10:00 a.m. - 7:30 p.m., Saturday, Sep- tember 27th, 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Baby's crib. change table, playpen. plus many more baby ar- ticles. Air conditioner, walnut coffee table. oval braided rug. chesterbed. some sheer curtains. as- sorted doors and windows, hand tools featuring the Stanley Th-inch Mitre saw plus many, many other articles. _ (39) er, suitable for cafeteria. Phone 885-5817. (39) West lat Victoria) Kitchener. 742-6031. Tues. day-Friday 1:30-5:00. Sa- turday 10:31F3:30. ttft 00870. we OUR SPECIALTY --tfigit our 'eetoer- * FREE DELIVERY . man! “WU" U. A, -tttrt MATTRESS Minimum " m 32.00 “Human " was 82.20 Eastman-0M1. Emwwmu HOUSEHOLDERS RATE COMMERCIAL RATE Clean-out specials on all new and used recreational vehi- cies . . . SAVE tt' GARAGE SALE . . . appli- ances. trailer parts and acces- sories at BARGAIN PRICES'. Sept. 25, 26, 27 Cattle Manure for sale $23.00 heaping pick up truck full. $4.00 per wheel barrow, minimum 3 wheel barrows. Call 573-0992. VACUUM CLEANERS. Make life easier for your- self witlnone of our new or reconditioned progressive cleaners with or without power nozzle. Excellent condition. Reasonably priced. Guaranteed. 884- 3852. (m MICHAEL RANIERI FENCING FIREWOOD - Maple and CANADIAN NEGATIVE Ion generators for the fresh air feeling. Reduces stress hormones. mi- graine headaches. air borne bacteria: relief for allergies, sinusitis; in- creases alpha brainwaves. productivity and quality of environment. Safe. affor- dable. guarantee. war- ranty. For home. office and car. A neat gift! Dis- tributed by Leisure De- sign MSâ€? or 85-5991. FULL SPECTRUM Fluore- scent lights t9IR natural light with extended UV. CRI 90t - the healthy choice! Reduces visual and physical fatigue. hy- peractivity in children and harmful bacteria counts. Increase visual accuity. emotional well being and productivity. Energy el- ficient £40 wattsi. 34.000 hours continuous burn lite. Excellent warranty. Distributed by Leisure Design 8864997 or 000- 5991. mi FOR RAWLEIGH PRO- DUCTS Call 742-2438. (ti! Oil, SPRAYING - Cars oil undercoated for rust pro- tection. T. Weber. 65 Main Street, Bloomingdale. 742- 2051. (43) beech, $37.00 single cord. Phone 884-854. 50-ft. of 36-inch high, 2-inch, No. 9 gauge fencing: green. black.»rwhite. brown............................ $22.09 Same as above - except No. 11 gauge ..........._ $15.79 Ht high. all black vinyl gates with all hardware ..q...m.............m................... $34.05 THERE ARE TOO MANY OTHER ITEMS TO LIST Highway 8 th miles west ot 401 Open House The Complete Chain Link Fencing Service Mobile RV Centre _ . 653-5788 BOX NUMBERS $1.00 Ext:- Fall Inventory Reduction Sale COEZSLQ (39) a" WOODSTOVES - We sell Fisher air-tight stoves. One of the leaders in pro- ven efficiency and reliabi- lity. Free wood with each stove sold. Phone ans-5350. (39) MOVING SALE - All cloth- ECONOMY RUST Protec- tion. Oil spraying. Clean, quality work done by ex- perienced sprayers now in their fifth year. located on gravel road. Open full- time 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 Fm., Monday-Saturday. Take "ihh Street West toward St. Agatha, turn right onto Wilmot Line. follow signs. 886-5850. (44) OKTOBERFEST DIRNDL Blouses - Selling out. re- duced prices. a few extra dimdls available. Phone 806-1852 between 3:00-7:00 p.m. s, (41) GIRL GUIDE Uniform GARAGE SALE - Four fa- milies. everything priced to sell and clean. Hundreds of items: small appliances. china, Hoot sled. games, material and much more. 9:00 -' 3:00. September 27th. 276 Lour- des Street, Waterloo. (39) TWO - TWIN Beds. walnut finish with box springs and mattresses also beds- preads, good condition, best offer. W. (39) Very good condition, ap- proximately (5ka feet long. $8.75 delivered. minimum five. $8.25 pick-up. 884-3622. ' no TWIN BEDS - Frame. spr- ing and mattresses. $25.00 each, good condition. Phone w. (39) GARAGE SALE - Saturday: ing, household articles and books, 50% off! Rock- way Mennonite School Thrift Shop, 204 King East, Kitchener (east of Eaton‘s). 578-8640. complete, size ten, $12.00. Phone 884-6815 after 6:00 pm. (39) September 27th. 10:00 am. - 4:00 p.m.. Cane- wood Place (Lakesttore Village). Household Items. skis and boots. components, motor. re cord player. baby Items, children's clothes. gum. much am. (39) USED RAILWAY TIES Today I r, stereo (40)