may 'teos-in-toct-tuso-ttwrt-ttto."" by um Couch The possible have uses of ategtmtrgtieatittgtg satellites are virtually endless. ac- cording to one of line founders of a new area in- dustry whose products end up galaxies any. _ _ Val O'Donovan. president of Com Dee Ltd. in Cam- bridge, says that while it will be technically possible for people in the future to live, work and eat without evenJeaving their homes, it isn't likely to happen. _ We're quickly approach- ing an age when life will be very much like that depicted in the science fiction comic books of 20 years ago. ' You'll be able to order food, clothes, work from home and even do your WINTER IS COMING! WITHIN“! TRAVEL LTD. Designed as a complete sports. fitness and recrea- tional facility. The Centre can offer members ex- ceptional value - a varied. weekly sports pro- gram, individualized fitness testing, attractive rates, and outstanding facilities. _ Come out and tour this one-of-its kind sports com- plex. . _ Join in the planned activities/ice skating is availa- ble from 1:30-31!) pm. CONESTOGA CENTRE ',. That would be ac- Lots of Free Parking 421 Greenbrook Dr. Forest Hill Plaza (Just off Conestoga Pkwy.) Kitchener Thinking of going South? Book now while space is still available Brochures now arriving Call or drop in today "We are not the biggest But we are the best" OPEN HOUSE Saturday. September tt Sunday. September T I†Donn Valiey_Drive. Kitchener 1-5 p.m. at the Yet Com Dev Ltd. conti- nues in its tori to make just such concepts possible be cause O'Domvan says "the future is technology.“ Pun. ducts the company makes are sent to outer space as parts for the communica- tions satellites, or used in earth stations. where micro- .wave signals are beamed from the satellites. “But it won’t happen. We're social animals and we want to have contact with other people," O'Donovan says. . computed though the use of lune compact and the utilization of communica- tions satellites. While the details are high- ly technical. O'Donovan says the concept of satellite communication can be ex- 576-5920 information .call '634tlb00 For more {.011 planted in Wade terma. lnloruntion. whether it be a visual or audio dual. is beamed up to the satellite from an earth atation. It bounce: off the satellite and is beamed hack to a specific point on earth where itgoes into cables and is distribut- ed. The concept enables a television network, for ex- ample, to distribute a show to all parts of the country via gateIme rather than by ground distribution, which is much more cumbersome and tinte-consuming, O’Donovan explained. Right now, there are about 30 or 40 communica- tions satellites suspended in outer space, but by the year 2,000. O'Donovan expects that number will have in- creased at least tenfold. Company's goods are out of thi The reason a satellite is SAVE 23,000 miles away, he mid, is because at that distance. it tskes the same amt of time to orbit as the earth it- self does; " hours. There. fore, tor all intents and pur- poses." it remains in the same spot since it goes around at the same speed with the earth. The lifetime of a com- munications satellite is li- mited to about seven years, O'Donovaii said. After its use is over, it stays suspend- ed in space for an indefinite amount of time, although O'Donovan estimated that perhaps in a 1,000 year time span. it might eventually shift to the point where it would enter the earth's at- mosphere and bum up. He' agreed it would be in- teresting to retrieve a sa- tellite that was no longer fit0,,f,/'i(,'.; '_' , - i. o ON ALI . *‘ 4 AIND a: -/-. F: <3?‘DAYS All new to murder: could study the effects outer - has had on it, but that is impossible. "We will be able to do it some day, mom." O'Donovan stated- The reason Com Dev lo- cated. in the region was be- cause of the wealth ot brain- power available within a close radius ,of their bu- siness. Com Dev hires out- standing ptatherpaties and enginedith students from the nearby University of Waterloo and McMaster Un- iversity, and there are se- veral other universities within close driving distan- _“Our main resource is people and since there are few high technology indus- tries arotmtrhere, we can take on the best graduates, train them as we grow and 560 PARKBIDE DR. STARTING TOI! FOR THE’NEX' SEE ,THE. EXCI' ANDA VARIE'] ALL AT 209601 Over 500 units fro, lighting needs; wh, event. You will find; purpose you have in beautiful new lightia Floor Lamps, Swag will stimulate your! your homes or office special event. Come 1 Small isolated columni- ties, such as'those in the 'Aretie, now have television viewing and emergency help available. via Telesat, Cana- dty's crown corporation communications satellite. "We'11 find there will no longer be such a need for big cities. We'll be able to live where we want" because everything could be done using the communications satellites. He gave an ex- ample of a large department store beaming down infor- mation about what's on sale and the customers can order 886-8460 have a supply of good peo- ple." O'Donovan aid. f O'Donovan says an in- creased use of communica- tions satellites in the future will revolutionize how we live' our day to day lives. and it's already beginning. mama.