ha " - Waterloo Gimmick, wwy, My 30. _ Cll,astri,rfiredst,s,,tt,)i, We extend a warm invfta- tion to all who would like to worship our LORD and SA, VlOUR .with us in the fel- lowship of the Waterloo Christian Reformed Church. We meet every Jiunday in the Great Hall of Conrad Grebel College. Westmount Road North. Waterloo. WORSHIP SERVICES / 10:30 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. 'Nursery Provided Evening Service on Aug. 3 to be held at First Christian Reformed Church. 388 Ot- tawa St, S.. Kitchener. - THE DURHAM Art Gal- lery's fund raising Silent Auction of antiques, crafts and collectibles will run from July 29 - August 3. Opening night Tuesday 72mm pan. ' 1 COMING EVENTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS Three only! 20.25.40 acres from " 1g'iU" $9800.00. Boating. fishi g and swim- s',','l'lt.r Call owner. t4i6t 222- l . . PRIVATE SALE. six be- droom. two kitchen. five level home. next to Chico- pee Ski Hill, near 401. Floor to ceiling fireplace, circular drive on la e lot 5 minutes irom four 'lfolfl'in", plazas. Extra lot included in pur- chase price. Raspberry, strawberry plants, cherry. apple, peach. pear. plum trees, also grape vines and asparagus. Covered bar- beque with ha? and water. Hot house. t after over $80,000. Serious buyers phone 803-5750. for appoint- 4 PROPERTY FOR SALE IESSIII LINE“ " John Street West August 18-22 $11230 mm. . For children of all faiths. Ages 3-12 Bible study, projects, games, refreshments. For transportation call 576-4081 (evenings) We Welcome You m Love. Rev. Gary D. hectic "i5isFieFiireia" Forrest WORSHIP - 10:30 a.m. WATERLOO CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Lake, Frontage: VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL "Good Gifts For The Asking" SUNDAY SCHOOL & Sprucellll was“: Village MOVING . TO KITCHENER? Church---, 9:15 a.m. (31) (32D t3It FOUR BEDROOM Home on large treed lot with double _ garage. meted through- out. air- itioned. large living room. dining.room and kitchen will! th baths. Finished family _ and laundry rooms plus many extras in this well appointed home on-Lin- coln Road. Waterloo. 882.000. Telephone 884- 4 PROPERTY FOR SALE SELLING YOUR Property or buying? Let me help you. 'no obligation. 20. years experience. Call Harold Wettlaufer 743- 4333 or 885-0917 anytime, representing Budaker Realty, member of MLS. (M) SPACIOUS, CLEAN, Three bedroom split level, dou- ble garage, 90.500. Priva- te. Phone 885-5385. 5 PROPERTY WANTED 7 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TWO - BURTON CUM- MINGS tickets. CNE, sixth row grandstand, Au- gust leL Phone 335-4033. (tit " ARTICLES FOR SALE YARD SALE - Sunday, Au- gust 3rd, 10:00 a.m. Lamps, headboards. toys, baby items, clothing, books and much more. m King Street North, (corner of King-Hickory). (31) CRESCENT HARBOUR. CERAMICS, Box 273. Sttoud. Ontario LOL 2M0 Phone 1-(705l-436-2331. Sub Distributor - Harrison Bell Products. Distribu- tors - Liquid Suedes and Leather and T.N.'l'. tools. Dealerships available. OFFICE SPACE, 400 to 800 square feet for lease in modern air-conditioned professional building, ample parking. 824 King St. West, (opposite K-W Hospital) 334-2200 9-5. TY d. STUDIO is now accept- ing registrations for clas- ses starting September 2nd. Don‘t miss your chan- _ce to make those beautiful gifts for Christmas. Only a few openings left. Phone 884-9314. TRAILER PARK - 3,300 feet water frontage, Highway 17, Sudbury area. Modem facilities. 117 sites, ‘28 acres. Reasonably priced. Gardner, Box 142, Whi- tefish. Ontario POM 2E0. 1-i705)960303. 7A OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE BARGAIN HUNTERS: Ovrr no Ontario factory outlets to save. Famous brands: Hathaway. Hush Puppies. Borg, Jarman, Catalina, Watch; Send 4.00 to: Booklet ws, Box , 2173. Cambridge NSC 2V8. (83) (31) (311 131) (31) (32) (36) " ARTICLES FOR SALE URINE-ERAS!) ave: car- pet! Guarantees removal dog. eat, human urine stains. Mora from car- pets! Free brochure. Dept. h, Reidell Chemi- cals Ltd.. Box Nat, Iam- don, Ontario. _ ANGUS BULL - 13-15 months. Large framed. Yearly weights 10001200. A.D.G. on test 3.0 - 4.0 lbs. Burthlene Farms, RR s, Mt. Hope, Ontario LOR 1W0 1-t4to-rer-2N6. 12-by-20 FOOT Above ground Fantasy swim- ming pool. “go-foot walk- deck. around pool plus 12- foot end deck. pump. motor and filter; Can be seen by appointment. Two tires and rims to fit Vo- lare. Both reasonable. Phone 885-3353 after 4:30 mm. (31) 24-INCH McClary and 30- inch Moffat stoves, clean and in good condition. Also 36-inch concrete shell and statue fountain with circulating pump. Phone 7420308 or 886-2795. DOUBLE BED, mattresses, new winter coat and spr- ing coat, sizes 28h. 884- ANTIQUE PIANO, grand square, original finish, 81500.00. Large gold velvet Chesterfield, almost new, $500.00. 765-237 8 to 8 pm. (32) MOFFAT STOVE FOR SALE, good condition. $75.00 or best offer, 576- LADIES' RAWLEIGH five THREE CABIN Trunks 36- by-20 inches, good condi- tion, reasonable. Phone 74551323. RENT-A-CAKE, Selection of wedding cakes just like the real thing, choice of color and top from $7.50. "r-5323. ' 7-by-9-FOOT Metal garage door, track; etc. Eight- inch Black and Decker ra- dial arm saw with stand. Phone 815-3188. M-INCH Electric range. im- ROLL BAR and Angle bar. black, fits any GM or Chevrolet pick-up, like new, best offer. “2-3380. (31t OIL SPRAYING - Cars oil 'undercoated for rust pro' tection. T, Weber. 65 Main Street. Bloomingdale. 74_2- 2051. 443! speed. Like new, $100. 806- 3161. maculate condition, $75.00. Bell & Howell Auto-Zoom 674-XL movie camera, $60.00. Wanted: 15-10 gallon aquarium with or without accey series. 88b4173. DEADLINES TUESDAY NOON (3H (31) (31) (31) 13h 131) (31) (33) (31) (3It ECONOMY RUST Protec- tion - Oil sprayed on car. truck. underbody. doors etc. tor good rust protec- tion at a low c ost. Clean quality work by ex- perienced sprayers now in their fifth year. Located on gravel road. Open daily Monday to Friday 8:00 " ARTICLES FOR SALE Very' good ‘condition. ap- proximately lelxajeet lug. $8.75 delivered. minimum five. 88.25 pick-up. 804-8622. (If I USED SUMMER CLOTH- ING. Goodsupply of bath- ing suits and shorts for all the family. Also used hou- schold articles. Rockway Mennonite School. Thrift Shop. 204 King E.. Kitchener t (east of Batons l 57843640. 129) Swimming pool manufact- urer will lease and install new 1980 family-size pool complete with walkway, sun deck and fencing, on a ren- tal basis with option to buy. Your choice of style. Try be- fore you buy! Call 1M- PERlAL POOLS toll free t- 800-268-5970. COME - DISCOVER Mein Liebling Doll and Gift Shop, 1206‘King Street East, Kitchener. 579.5378. Antique doll reproduc- tions for sale. Exquisite porcelain figurines. Doll hospital. Large selection of doll greenware. Doll making supplies. BOOKS - HARDCOVERS .09e each. Harlequin Ro- mance, western, science fiction, fiction, pocket novels .250 up. Buy-self- trade comics. Hand- crafted baby quilts, spider plants and macrame hangers. Book exchange, " Regina North, Wa- terloo. Open 9:004t:tt0,Sa- itttrday-Stqtdtty 0:00-0:00. FOR RAWLEIGH PRO. DUCTS Call 742-2438. (“I a.m. - 6 p.m. $15.00. Spot day 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 pm. $18.00. Price Cgood till Sep- tember Ist. all 886-5850. THREE GENERATIONS OF QUALITY CUSTOM MATTRESS MANUFACTURING " WILlIAM ST. WEST WATER“!!! {SEE} 743-321 9 2830 USED RAILWAY TIES T "ti-tTir--"'"" A Paul [11mm (35t (31) (th Minimum " words 8115 Each MW Word " HOUSEHOLDERS RATE " ARTICLES WANTED July Clearance Sale " msncunnmnnms Tum-Boot Lima um " """"""""""""_ sum. " mo CUSTOM sou sum ' Hum mm 151 B......................-- 32m. " usncunv mouse» Two-0m Liam saw 223 "B............................- moo. " uencuav comm mm sum Wago- Lsmu mm 955 "i...-........-........ 3mm " PONTIAC vmunA spam lime. Jun 219 q..............-............... 32m. " MAVERICK DELUXE Salon “.000 nib: will! QYLIEQEE â€gag REPLAYS WILL Be closed for holidays June 30th- August Mth.. Visit us dur- ing the last week of Air gust for back to school clothes. Rep1ays'Cmtsign- ment'Srtip. "Nearly new clothing from infants to preteens". so Ahrens West lat Victoria). Kitchener. 7426031. ' t33) Factory overstock sale of new 1979 pools. These come complete with walkaround deck. patio, fencing. pump, motor and filter. Regular price 82400, now mas. Call IMPERIAL POOLS toll free 1a0tF2tW5970. 1980 FIREBIRD ESPRIT. METAL SPINNING Equip- ment: Metal spinning lathe and hand forming tools, ring and circle shears, etc. and other equipment associated with metal spinning. Write Box WC4280. Wa- terloo Chronicle. " ARTICLES FOR SALE USED REPRIGERATORS wanted in working order. Phone 579-2724. NEED $2.000? 1 want to buy silver coins or collections of Canadian Silver pre 1967 or u.s. pre 1964. Call 699-5298. Spociol - " Toyota Corolla Station Wagon lie-on OllT m "o".."...."-..-.- " FORD LTB. . Home. Tttt 157 : " BUICK. 16 CARS FOR SALE Lima MW Mt .., " TOYOTA Automatic, Lie-nu cm '" ., " RAMILEII. automatic, 4 BBL., V-8. fully equipped, AM/FM stereo cassette deck. Low mileage, excellent condi- tion. Asking 8,300.00. Oshawa ( 416) 728-0001. MAGNUM MOTORS ST. JACOBS SWIMMING POOLS liulel DMJ I"! BOX NUMBERS 81.00 Extra ' Days: 664-3505 Evenings: 669-8119 ax CYLINDER MODELS (32D (32) t31, ttft "e.i.-..........o.....- "_""......."..-." n "no "_.....-....-- no." ....._..........- "ioimum " wont: $2.00 Each Additional Word " COMMERCIAL RATE 14A HOUSES WANTED TO RENT ftrrWTTttltt0PPLtEtt USED WATERLOO Chroni- . cle newspaper carrier bags. Will pay $1.00 for clean tnot torn) newy bags: sector older bags in good condition. Bring to: Waterloo Chronicle, " King Street South. Wa.. terloo. ANTIQUES - ANY Amount, any price. anything from downright Junk to upright pianos. Phone 669-2235. . ttf, 16 CARS FOR SALE PUREBRED REGIS- TERED German She- pherd puppies. black and silver. bloodline to Rin Tin Tin. All shots and de- BABY BUDGIES and hand 1976 FORD PICKUP with cap, six cylinder automa- tic, good condition, 576- 1973 CHRYSLER 1 NEW- PORT, Automatic) power steering and brakes. good . running condition. as is $700. Phone 885-5060. (31) 1977 TRANS AM. Excellent condition. Phone 885-3631 after 6:00 p.m. weekdays. tamed white and grey cockatiels. also bird food and cages. Phone 745-3059. Cu, wormed. Call 885-1907 after 4 p.m. 50 LaureI St.. Waterloo Expert Dog Grooming All Breeds PROFESSIONAL PET GROOMING $1500. $200. $150. $150. 8150. (33) (32) t31) (If,