We extend a warm invita- tion to all who would like to worship our LORD and SA- VlOUR with us in the fel- lowship of the Waterloo Christian Reformed Church. We meet every Sunday in the Great Hall of Conrad Grebel College. Westmount Road North. Waterloo. WORSHIP SERVICES 10:30 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. Claw 24 ACRES Netherby Road (Half-way between Fort Erie and Niagara Falls, a stone's throw from the river. Phone: 716-835-1165. I 130! 4 PROPERTY FOR SALE ErNrrrEiiiCErE m----------"'"" Nursery Provided. We Welcome You m Love m' that“ o-Petal','-",',".',"?,',;- ."* - A..., x ' t2'iiF,'ir"i"i' 'iaiu'rririuhu - "in -- - g , 9.33 .ugr__â€" - wâ€. a thhier at Gtek Forrest WORSHIP - 10:30 am. "One thing is needful'Y WATERLOO CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:15 a.m. mvm WEEKS-m gnu-mun.- 'Church-n Lake Frontage: Three only! 20.25.40 acres from " low as 89000.00. Boating,nshing and siinr gigs. Call owner. t416t 222- l . ' PRIVATE SALE. six be. droom, two kitchen. five level home. next to Chico- pee Ski Hill, near 401. Floor to ceiling fireplace. circular drive on la lot 5 minutes trom four Istopping plazas. Extra lot included in pur- chase price. Raspberry. strawberry plants. cherry, apple, peach, pear. plum trees. also grape vines and asparagus. Covered bar- beque with hydro and water. Hot house. Best offer over $80,000. Serious buyers phone 893-5756 for appoint- ment. _ 4 PROPERTY FOR SALE FOUR BEDROOM Home on large treed lot with double garage. Carpeted through- out. air-conditioned. large living room. dining room and kitchen with ll»: baths. Finished family and laundry rooms plus many extras in this well appointedshomf on Lin- coln Road, Waterloo: 582.000 Telephone 884- 8465. 103 ROOMS WANTED PUTTING IT UP WITH HONEY. 207 recipes for delicious sauces. jams. juices. pickles and more'. Using NO sugar. Send only 88.45 to: The Storeroom. Box 509. Mmden. Ontario. KOM 2K0 ' NEW SINGLE Bed. also two cots. baby stroller. car seat. all in good. condition. Phone 886-0185. 5 PROPERTY WANTED WE ARE SHORT Of listing YOUNG WOMAN REQUIRES a room with kitchen ‘facilities and parking in quiet. respec- table home in Waterloo. Call 893-2765 after 5:30 " ARTICLES FOR SALE AIR FRAME Waterbed. king size. 851100. Phohe 885-5393 or 884-1970 exten: sion 567. FISHING MOTOR - Elec- tric. excellent condition. Two children's sleeping bags 85.00 each. Phone PIANO - Sherlock-Manning in excellent condition. Me- ‘tronome 812.00. Phone 885- in price range of 840.000. - $70.000. Call Harold Wett- laufer 743-4333 tbusiness) or 885-0917 anytime. re- presenting ‘Budaker Realty. 1th MOVING TO KITCHENER? 13h (3i; t30t (30! 130! ttot (30) 130» " ARTICLES FOR SALE COME - DISCOVER Mein USED SUMMER CLOTH- ING. Good supply of bulk ing suits and shorts for all the family. Also used hoy- sehold articles. Rockway , Meanwhile School. Thrift Shop. 204 -King‘ E.. Kitchener . (east of Batons! $78-$40. t29t 01L SPRAYING - Citssil undercoated for rust pro- ' tection. T. Weber. 65 Main Street, Bloomingdale. N2- 2051. _ (43b Swimming pool manufact- urer will lease and install new 1980 family-size pool complete with waikieay, sun deck and fencing, on a ren- tal basis with option to buy. Your choice of style. Try be- fore you buy! Call IM- PERIAL POOLS toll free 1- 800-26tMi970. BOOKS - HARDCOVERS We each. Harlequin Ro- mance. western, science fiction, fiction, pocket novels .tse up. Buy-tsell- trade comics. Hand- crafted baby quilts, spider plants and macrame hangers. Book exchange, " Regina North. Wa- terloo. Open HID-9:00. Sa- Very good condition. ap- proximately 6x8x8 feet long. 88.75 delivered, minimum five. $8.25 pick-up. 884-3622. at l FOR RAWLEIGH PRO- DUCTS Call 742-2438. (th REPLAYS WILL Be closed for holidays June 30th- August 26th. Visit us dur- ing the last week of Au- gust for back to school clothes. Replays Consign- ment Shop. "Nearly new clothing from infants to preteens". 88 Ahrens West (at Victoria), Kitchener. 742-6031. t33t Liebling Doll and Gift Shop. 120trking Street East, Kiteteeter,"imr-5878. Antique doll reproduc- tions for sale. Exquisite porcelain figurines. Doll hospital, Large selection of doll greenware. Doll making supplies. THREE GENERATIONS OF QUALITY CUSTOM MATTRESS . MANUFACTURING a NINJA" " WEST WATER“!!! 743-3219 turdar-Saday 9:00-6:00 beam USED RAILWAY TIES if!" A POOL MATTRESS (31) (“I REcoNDmoNritD AND ECONOMY RUST Protec. tion l Oil sprayed on car. truck. underbody. doors ete. for good rust protec- tion at a low c ost. Clean quality work by ex- perienced sprayer: navy in their fifth year. located on gravel road. Open daily Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. - 6 p.m. $15.00. Satur- day 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. $18.00. Price good till Sep- tember Ist. Call 886-5850. (35) " ARTICLES FOR SALE LAWN SALE -'July 26th. 10:00 - 3:00. Rain or shine'. 53 Avondale South. Wa- terloo. Frame prints. rug hooking. window blinds and shutters. bamboo blinds. crib and mattress. counter top. pottery. cera- mics. furniture. books. magazines." linens. pil- lows. lamps. some an- tiques and hordes of really good stuff at great prices! . (30t Factory overstock sale of new 1979 pools. These come complete with walkaround deck. patio, fencing, pump. motor and filter. Regular price $2400, now $1498. Call IMPERIAL POOLS toll free 1-800-268-5970. TAPE RECORDER.. Elec- tric barbecue. drapes. Chesterfield suite. plants. can opener. yogurt maker. vacuum cleaner. 884-5894. 130: USED REFRIGERATORS wanted, in working order. Phone 579-2724. _ 14A HOUSES ' WANTED TO RENT " ARTICLES WANTED NEED 82.000? I want to buy silver coins or collections of Canadian Silver pre 1967 or US. pre 1964. Call 699-5298. ftTFE-t'tTtTaUPPLiEs USED WATERLOO Chrom- cle newspaper carrier bags. Will pay $1.00 for clean mot torn) "itewsr. bags: 50c for older bags in good condition. Bring to: Waterloo Chronicle. 92 King Street South. Wa- terloo. - ANTIQUES - ANY Amount, any price. anything from downright junk to upright. pianos. Phone 669-2345. (ti I PUPPIES FOR SALE, Crossbred miniature long- haired daschund and ter- »rier. Ideal house pets. 884- 5014. New vacuum cleanelz. one of the world's be ' with or without power noz- zle. also shampooe'r. Phone 884-3662. Itf ) 50 Laurel St.. Waterloo Expert Dog Grooming All Breeds SWIMMING POOLS PROFESSIONAL PET GROOMING (3h 4th (30) (If: Minimum " wads $1.16 Etch Addition“ Wed I. HOUSEHOLDEIS RATE Pe MONTH OLD Male can- BABY BUDGIES and ham tamed white and grey cockatiels. also bird food and cages. Pttttete WIS-m. (an " PETS I SUPPLIES 68 Pontiac Convertible 2+2. $250. cash as is. Phone 648- 2308 mornings. " CARS FOR SALE " DODGE BART Swing". Two-Door Hardtop Lima "PM 941 ..-......--......i " MAVERICK DELUXE Sedan 44,000 miles Lima lSXJOS T............................., FOUR CYLINDER MODELS " MERCURY OOBCAT Automatic Lieaaco JFY 105 .q......-...-.-."... " TOYOTA COROLLA Automatic. 31,000 lilo: a Linnea OK" 636 q.............."...........-" Spacial - " Toyota CotoIa Station Wagon Lima OHT ttN ..--....................... " FORD LTO. _ CLOCKS REPAIRED - An- tique, wall, mantel, 400- day and grandfather. Free estimates, reasonable rates, one-year guarantee. 884-0139. MAGNUM MOTORS .7 ST. JACOBS Days: 664-3505 Evenings: 669-6179 " MERCURY MAROIIIS Two-Door than RPW 379 o.............".....-....- 86100. " FOROCUSTOM SOO Sudan Lime. - 757 "_......................- $2100. " OOOCE CHARGER Two-Ono: Lima KEX 3.1 B.............-.......- $2300. " MERCURY MORARCR Two-Ono: Home. SRYI 223 .N-...--........ $1800. 15-MERCURY COLONY PARK Station Wagon Liam “IR Mili q................................. $1600. " PONTIAC VENTURA SPORTS _ Lime. JBT 279 T.................................. $2450. T Liam “NV 20t, " TOYOTA Mannie. Liam thM 389 .. " HAMMER. , Lima "(2151 as smelt. 7 I976 Dodge Maxi van. All the conveniences of a motor home, Deluxe in- teriOr; Fully equipped. Mechanically sound. Must be seen to be appreciated. $10,000. Anytime. 549 Glen Manor Blvd.. Waterloo. BRANT TREE Service - tying. pruning, removal a hedges, specializing in ornamental and fruit trees. Ten years experien- ce. Free estimates. 578- 1415. 745-9349. ttf D ary. good singer. 827,00 Phone 335-0389. " TRUCKS, VANS FOR SALE 19.SERVICES “who WHO, Wain-nay, July 23. woo - h.- 1? Lime. BIN Mtt BOX NUMBERS 81.00 Ex". " CYLINDER MODELS i301 (32) e-..'......--.....--" " CARS FOR SALE 1973 VEGA. 24.000 miles. Good running condition. Tape deck. snowures 8400 " is. 805-6413. l915 DODGE WAGON. 360 va., low mileage, Must sell. Best offer. Call 579. "CARS FOR SALE Mioimqm." M 32.00 Each Additional Word " COMMERCIAL RATE FURNITURE RE- UPHOLSTERING? Qua- lity workmanship. Phone George Hinton, Elmira. KEN SCHAEFER Lands- caping and Paving, A-l top soil, sodding, seeding. 664-2012 after 5:00 pm. DRIVEWAY REPAIR Ser- vice - Asphalt sealing to preserve and protect your asphalt; also hot asphalt repairs. 742-2151. (43) " SERVICES RUBBISH REMOVAL - Wall washing, light mov- ing, gardening, cleaning, other odd jobs. Jeff Hard- REGIONAL TREE Ser- vices - Stump removal, pruning. topping. tree and stump removal. Free It" timates ing 884-2831. $975. $475. $925. $200. $150. $150. 3150. t3tn 130) (35) 130) (1f) (tft