In her opening address'. Board Chairman Barbara Evans said the agency is proud of its past record which has brought’ disabled people out into the com- munity. provided recrea- tional programs on an " most daily basis. and worked toward,improve- ments in architectural bar- riers and transportation. "Project Lift" being an ex- ample of this. _ By Home": Pallet Special to the Chronicle Kitchener-Waterloo Ser- vices for the Physically Dis- abled recently held its " nualdinner meeting. attend- ed by approximately so people. at the Adult Recrea- tion Centre in Waterloo. mu . Waterloo Chronic... wm. Judy to. woo l Society for disabled holds annual meeting Agency consultant Dr. John Lord reported on the implications of his recent study and report on “Chang- ing-ourselves. our agency. and our community." Tttis extensive document. “A Planning Process for Chan- ge." has been adopted " a working document by the board of directors. which plans to implement it in the immediate future beginning “Due to the pressures from the disabled in Cana- da. and government. we are 'Je"rlutr,r,,ree,'Ai'rtt _ into a peri of new growth with goals of advocacy, normali- zation. integration and human rights being our prime concern. . vans stated. with the summer program. This program will be coor- dinated by volunteers and disabled consumers. Dr. Lord said education regarding rights of disabled consumers. integration. working for change. dignity. normal life opportunities. job opportunity. and sui- table housing. will be the fu- tth goals of disabled pdtr p . . T "While _stru,ggles for dig- nity. i'1e,tt,"th" and human rig ts are never easy. such struggles are es- sential." Dr. Lord said. Dr. Lord's report states “Dominant attitudes in the past of all facets of society have been to devalue the dis- abled as human beings. At the dinner. apprecia- tion certificates for ten years " agency volunteers were awarded to Mae Hicks. Lorraine Howey. Carolyn Anderson. Lota Taylor of Kitchener. Elizabeth Debly. Janet Jaittai. Mary Robin- son and Margaret Pall0t of Waterloo. Five year volun- teer certificates were given to Donna Allwood and Kevin Montgomery of Kitchener. which has led to the practise of sheltering individuals from the mainstream of so- ciety, These attitudes. based on the philosophies of charity. have led to overpro- tection. segregation and in- stitutionalization of the dis- abled Barbara Evans will conti~ Kellerman is a recent le- sident of Clarendon House in Toronto. which is an apart- ment block geared to the ar- chitectural facilities. and Guest speaker at the end of the evening was John Kel- lerman of Toronto who. in the past. has been active in Ewan rights for the disao we as Board Chairman. support services. which dis- Elected to the Board of abied 'hrtit require to live Directors as new members a normal lie. are Don McLeod. Doug Ketlerman talked at plans Mayer and Bea Brown. Re- for observing ttm "The tCiring '""or.2'LT.""gg, Year of the Disgled Per- o in . rian. inx son." andpoeedt question' Brunker. Loretta Burke. "who is normal" in dim Fran McIntosh and Mar- ing the philosophy of "nor- garet Pallot. Executive Se- malization.‘ _ cretary is Connie Cruick-_ . shank. F A IAIA-A h The competition Was de- layed nearly 10 days due to June'seoot weather. There were nine entries this year, an increase of two from the previous year. The Waterloo Horticul- tural Society invites resi- dents to submit entries for the annual outdoor lawn and garden competition no later than August I. Award to ' the rosiest city garden Second place was award- ed to Maurice Plummer of Lexington Cr. while Jacob Sauer of Ellis Cr. captured third place in the competi- The award, donated to the Waterloo Horticultural So- ciety by J. M. Putnam in memory of. his mother, was first presented last year. , George Blyth, of Dick St., Waterloo. recently won the Margaret Putnam Award for the best rose gar- den in the city for the second consecutive year. Kellerman talked ttf plans for observing tttot “The Year of the Disabled Per- son." and posed the question "who is normal" in discuss- ing the philosophy of "not- mahatimt.' _ MARTEN'S summons "wnsuouss" / Living Room Package Bedroom Peckeoe Dinette Peckege 2979 KING E. NEXT TO KIT. HOLIDAY INN MON-FRI. " 'hr. " to In. can: my ole- ol no KING OF THE 3 Room Grouping 499°“ BONUS 9X12 CARPET INCLUDES