Page '4 t Wicmoa 'cwnaeummv; M14,’m‘ 1tlotltottttedtetrtturear ambush sebum!“ oCt-'aggthrattteadhattrtetttn emanation-to†n-tran-ttttttttit, Introductory OFFER EXPIRES MAY 31 ' 1980 For Appointment llilllllglllhc., I 885-3200 355 Weber St. North, Watodoo OPEN: Mon.-Fri. 8-5:30 "LET us LOOK AFTER mun TRANSetSSt0% so rr mu. LOOK AFTER YOU" Barry Beach's If you would like to know more about rabies write for a free copy of our pamphlet. ANIMALS. RABIES AND YOU from the Ontario Health Resource Centre. Queens Park. Toronto. Ontario M7A ISZ _ waterloo transmission Offer Children should be warned to avoid wild animals, especially if they appear sick or friendly because these usually are signs that they are rabid. Pets should be regularly vaccinated and kept indoors at night. You can also help to control rabies by reporting any pets or wild animals which seem to be acting strangely to your local police. humane society or health unit. Do not touch dead animals and contact your doctor or health unit immediately if your child or pet comes in contact with wild animals. Do not handle your pet with bare hands immediately after it has fought with a rabid animal. Seek advice from a veterinarian. 1895 ly Kenn Redraw Rte the We!“ Chamber " Common. Why is a column concern- ing Waterloo {enticing the 115th anniversary of a high Idlool located in Kitchener? To begin with. KCPs entire name is kitetteoer-Raterioo Collegiate and Vocational School. For the first 100 years,frornM6 to the open- ing of Eastwood Collegiate in 1955, it was the 1tl'p,tt lie high school in the win Cities. It has played a me- morable part in the past of many Waterloo residents and boasts graduates the likes of Mackenzie King and Louis Breithaupt. KCI had its beginning in an old print shop where to male students paid five shillings a month to attend. The first headmaster was Reverend Henry McMeekin. By 186. girls were admitted So you think you know Waterloo? Let's keep Ontario healthy. (; Waterloo Chamber of Commerce. 5 Bridgeport Rd. Ministry Dennis R. Timttrelt of Minister . Health mmmmmnmm “Gunshot. . Two years later, the school moved to the second nttor of The, Central Com- Inon School (now Suddaby). By tm, the school was too large for thee premises and - was rented tor Matt "unduly in the New Jerusa- lem (lord: near Benton and Church streets. The school was now called Berlin High School. Being headmaster must have been extremely demanding. since the school saw eleven principals in the first 15 years. Land was purchased in 1874 for no and a building was built for 85.804. The school moved in January, 1876. This location was very close to where KCI now stands. The.sehoot's history re- flects the wading popula- tion and progressive atti- tudea oi the area. commu- cial unhjects were added to the curriculum in 1.4. By ION, physical education was on the timetable. In 1006, the school moved to 'tenrly-remodetted quarters with a new Ia ' Berlin Collegiate and y Meal Institute. It was se- cond high adiool in I19 to offer technical eou s. Principal David Forsyth was appointed to a Royal Commission in in to travel Europe and the United States to research and re- port on methods of technical education in public schools. In 1910. the 1816 building was modernized. By 1932, the student body had swelled to 1,418 students. During the war, the tech classes were moved to homes and all grade nine classes were held at Vic- toria and King Edward Ele- mentary Schools. In 1947. a new west wing‘ was added. By 1958, six more rooms were added to the back of the 'El' wing and in the 60's a gym and arena were added. The KCI reunion is being held from May to to is and about mm former students and teachers are expected. A plaque will be presented to the school, and unveiled by Her Honor Pauline M. McGihbon at the opening ceremonies, designating the building " having historical significance. KCI has been designated under the On- tario Heritage Act by the City of Kitchener with the cooperation of the Waterloo KCl's goblin] history is eompose"irof many small personal histories. The triumphs and failures of high school are remem- bered always because those high school years are more than one phase in growing up, they seem like a little lifetime. Conny Board of Education. sun members from KCI have [one on to be prin- can]: and teachers at every one of the geven modern high school: that have been built in the last " years. atte/Natitmat Film Board of Canada is considering a do. cnmentary of the Ichool 's history. A lllblm to the National Film Board's 40th Anniversary Competition won first,prhe in its region of Southern Ontario.