SCRAP - WILL Pick-up free: old appliances. biey- cles, lawnmowers. car parts. batteries, metal. McAR'l‘l-IUR APPLIANCE SERVICE but In! - lull-m REITZEL BROS. mn/r'i"'"titutiri.EfE SERVICES SAVE s DEAL DIRECT AND SAVE Take Advantage of Our Complete zit-Hoyt qu9 Services . 8:5) pm. guru. batteries. metal. hone 744-0005. 0:00 am. - OWIBCITIISOFILLM omit-um . F OMHSEIUIOE, ' . (MEMBER OF BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU) KEN HODGINS KWCHENER N294 488 Can-trr-sri-Pi-tim . -nit-CttimterrCattihhtg Puma Cloning - SIM Blasting FULLY INSURED LAWNa GARDEN MAINTENANCE on POOL CLEANING PHONE 885-1562 (FOR OVER THREE GENERATION†t HOME owNEttfi Let G.E. Home Maintenance Look After yoyr 30-DAY GUARANTEE ON PARTS AND LABOR GILL " H3311! 142-2834 g??? " v' MAINTENANCE PHONE 886-1 975 Same Day Free Estimates Monday-Friday 5:00-7:00 PM. At Affordable Rates Book Now to assure Service TAKE IT EASY Feet. Rename. Experienced "" T JUEBGEN MAIMANN 233 Duke Eu! Kitchomr 743-2330 - Excavating ' " Bmthhoq-Froett End Loader Sonic. be No thfCX 370 SEALING OF CRACKED BASEMENT WALLS (N) Patios. Pool Ann. Dtivomvs new In. No. - Mm. lo. mu “no: Com no. - mum " SERVER INTERLocxmc STONE PAVERS RICHARD MAUSSER Con- struction Limited Builder- custom homing; commer- cial and residential remo- delling. Phone 1m. 743-4466 " mm‘ CARS PAINTED and sand- ed. Phone â€4.0406 after 6:30 pan. (ti , MAITVIOJDMIMED Dit-rr-dim-es-dh-retreat-tttarg-ein humanity-nu. ' -mmm-mwm- FURNITURE REFINISH- ING - Specializing in cus- tom and antique finishes. Free estimates. Phone 745-1422. OR. Furniture Refinishing. PERMANENT WAVE - $20.00 in your own home by licenced hairdresser. Phone 884-5772. CERAMIC TILE and plas- ter repairs. Free estima- tes. Phone 885-1044. A-l YEAR ROUND Tree Service - Maintenance and removal: Insured. M.H. Kesselring & Son. Kitchener. Phone 576- 8531. an FURNITURE REFINISH- INC and repairs, free es- timates. excellent rates. pick-up and delivery. Call Reichert's Refinishing 742-7tB0, if no answer call 835-2914. (tft ARNIE'S FIX-IT repairs small electrical applian- ces and saws. no Erb West, Waterloo. “76. It9t REGIONAL TREE Services - Stump removal, pruning. topping, tree and stump removal. Free estimates. ms. (t!) W. win an vow In!" ttrimmimt indudod), all gamma long or wk“. Po" on on holidays. We also .do lawn raking WM tami l um. foaming. lawn- l swlying and guanine â€VIC... of dead and disabled cattle and horses Phone 1416-8924421 of Kitchener 5793820 Licence No. 671-079 We time relevance; on Hm I Shunt. Phone Adam Gum" at 835-5056 or Pour manna" It 70-5215. 500.00 GOVERNMENT Grant available for homes built before 1961. M & J Insulation m. PACONI DEADSTOCK FREE REMOVAL PHONE 743-4406 . I... In Ide. lax". can-.1- I". an 88125]. mos. t19t t19t (t!) (tf) MOVING SERVICE - One item or several. fully in- sured, in town or Out. Basic rate $18.00 per hour for two men and van. tttkV 1725. (th " sauces PIANO MOVING - Fully ex- perienced and insured: local or out of town. rea- sonable rates. 835-1725. FENCING - Book now tor early spring install“: During every free adula- te a complete range of fencing products is shown ‘and explained. 804-8896 _ calls Michael Ranieri Fencing where a good price and job are my only references. P.S. Do-it- Ytturttelfers should also call and ask about our spe cial advantages. A DO IT NOW! Free estima- tes for painting or pa- perhanging. Call Gert Bindseil Decorating 060- 8471. Serving the area for 20 years. ROTO-TILLING. Lawn FURNITURE REFINISH- ED - Free estimates. pick up and delivery extra. PWL Restorations and Repairs, Call 742-5011. + PORTABLE TYPE- WRITERS. Cleaned. oiled: adjusted. repairs to all makes. reasonable rates. work guaranteed. Add-Type Business Equip- ment, 28 Bridgeport Road East. Waterloo Una! down from Tower“. 886-2570. at l All Trades announces a complete line of swimming pools and accessories, also complete installations, land- scaping and fencing. Call now and beat the summer heat! M15. (22) TOP SOIL And general land- scaping. Seeding. sodding. Call 664-2012 after 5:00 ROTO-TILLING - The 5th Waterloo Boy Scouts will till your garden at a very reasonable price. Funds will be used to send our boys to Calgary in 1981. Please Call 885-1893. 20 TYPEWRITER 8ALE-ttERVtCE8 BRANT TREE Service - topping. pruning, removal and hedges: specializing " ornamental and fruit trees. Ten years experien- ce. Free estimates. Sh). 7625 or “5-9349. . mowing by able student Phone Paul 885-4188. POOLS (if) (th (21) (If) (2h (20) ttft Vim Grundy-0mm, my 7,!†. P. tt 21mm [ammo AN “w.†/'iee9N, . o * D 4 - Chock when)!!! plan for 23 AGENTS I: SALES HELP MAKE APPOINTMENTS By phone to service Fuller Brush customers. Ex- . cellent commission. Phone 7424572. , an PROFESSIONAL SALES person required. John Deere Ag. Experience. High earning potential, Benefit package included. Write John Porter. Ben- ning-Porter Equipment Ltd., Box Mt90, Wainwright Alberta. T03 4P0. 4084H2.6131. NEEDLECRAFT OPPOR- TUNITY -' Join my Crea- tive Circle team. our craft kits are fun to demonstra- te, easy to sell. No collec- tion, no delivery. Gen- erous commission. For your own home show call Lila Whittington 144-9319. ttf ) " EMPLOYMENT WANTED CLEANING WOMAN Required, half-day per week; on transportation. Phone 'tN4B23 before 9:00 thm. I t19t BUSINESS IS Booming! Equal opportunity for everyone. ladies. men. students. No investment. eight hours a week will do it. Salary or commission negotiable. Full time openings available. Call Electrolu. Waterloo tlt). cm. Kitchener 7m. 22 HELP UNITED RELIABLE LADY Will do weekly cleaning. homes or off ices. Phone “54142. . ao, 't.ttr-tgBtal-utdt "eni'iho'teeo' are in he'll-h. am hornâ€. private homes and him. . NEWSPAPER CARRIERS If you live in one of these areas and would be interest- ed in delivering newspapers on Wednesdays after 4:00 p.m. (Applicants should be at least ll years of agel. Please fill in the application form and mail to: WATERLOO CHRONICLE Att: Carriers' Supervisor, 92 King Street South, ' Waterloo. Ontario. NAME ................ ADDRESS ......... PHONE ......... 24mm: Required for Areas of limo! ind central Lanzhou Ion! l" W‘ comic! lens 1 C; For “You: mac nursing ttft CARR“ . by: II Ct required te dim! te" "my WWWJ!‘ GROWING COMMUNITY PERSONS WITH Sewing machines, an extra in- come at home sewing for the cottage trade. For more information can as (57! after 6:00 pm. (19) 26 DRESSMAKING & ALTERATIONS 26A TAILORING lk ALTERATIONS MICHAEL THE Tailor does all kinds of tailoring and alterations, even fur: and leather. Reasonable. Call 806-6437. 81 Ridgeview Crescent. ttft DRESSMAKING ON all ladies' wear, no pattern required. Also alterations on ladies' and men's wear. 885-4315. ttft HERITAGE RIDING 25A SUMMER CAMPS availabic clue to your home. In! be depen- dattte. MM. (19) 'teq"patter is looking for sales persons. and editor agricultural human an asset. If you want to get involved. all name to PO. Box 130; Mount F'oeest,thtt.N0GgM. 7 t ' - 1trlhti1tl,flll, isâ€: Camp. girls 6-16, Blue Mountain, Collingwood. full camp program. Write: Route 2, Cures. burg. Phone 1-416-621- lt'snotwoduowalt. Somvhv-wamoo u .88.“! Walks (19)