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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 7 May 1980, p. 20

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WATERLOO CHRISTIAN REFORMED " - CHURCH W We extend a warm invita- tion to all who would like to worship our LORD and SA- VIOUR with us in the fel- lowship of the Waterloo Christian Reformed Church. We meet every Sunday in the Great Hall of Conrad Grebel College, Westmount Road North. Waterloo. SUNDAY SCHOOL - 9:30 t'--Chumlt 1h SECTIONS land, feedlot for 1.000 cattle. hog barn. 3 bedroom modern home. water plentiful. Write Ralph Cockerill. Box 371. Roblin. Manitoba. Phone (204) 937-2701. 4A VACATION PROPE RTIES TWO BEDROOM Town- house to sublet immedia- tely, 8281.00 monthly, Westmount Estates, fire- place, carpeted. clan. Vi- vian m. (I!) YOUR HOME Will sell fas- ter when you list with Bu- daker Realty. We need immediately: two b4 be- droom and two family homes. We have prospec- tive buyers waiting for our firm to find them the right home. Call Harold Wettlaufer 743-4833 ttttr- siness) or 885-0917 any' time, representing Bu- daker Realty. SIMMENTAL SALE. May M, 5 p.m., Double M. Air- port Road at Cashtown. 56 lots fullblood. percentage females. 3 bulls. CATA- LOGUE: MILTON 5 PROPERTY WANTED 1 COMING EVENTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS 4 PROPERTY FOR SALE 8A TOWNHOUSE FOR RENT PRIVATE ACREAGES - Specially selected. from 100 to 1.000 miles from Toronto. Mostly level or gently sloping hills; year- round road access: beau- tifully studded with ma- ture trees (maple. pine. spruce. birch. poplar. etc. l. Lakes. creeks. hunt- ing, fishing, boating. camping. Superb. 'stable. ever increasing invest- ment! Flexible financing!, Large discount for cash! Call b4i6-222-fr210. _ t19t =rrEriiEi215 Nursery Providéd. We Welcqme You in Love. McARTHUR RRI Stayner. Ontario. 705-466- Ages 3-15 years. WORSHIP SERVICES 10:30 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. WORSHIP - 10:N an. “Unwanted Mothers" SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:15 a.m. cm a me- Fun» [uni-re Village . "tertoo Gimmick, WV. my J, mo (tft CARRIAGE. PLAYPEN. . Carbed. toys. highchair. excellent children‘s cloth- ing to size fire: mep"s clothing .sizes 38-40: ma- ternity wear sizes 8-10; shutters: buttiarrner: white scatter rugs. 884- 0537. (19) GARAGE SALE - Saturday. ROCK-PICKERS: Rock-O- Matic models 546. 5' pick- up. medium damp". model 57. 7' pick-up. high dump: model HDW5. 20' pick-up high dump. Windrowers models TM20, 20' width. TM12, 12' width. CON- TACT your local farm equipment dealer for 'prices. Distributed in On- tario by LE. Seeley, Fle- shertori, Ontario. MIC tlilo. Phone 519-922-2389. REFRIGERATOR - VIK- ING ls-cubic feet, brown. in working condition, $40.00. Phone 886-3212. GARAGE AND Moving Sale. May 10th. Two hou- seholds. including sports and. baby items. {as Park- wood Court, Waterloo. 8853382. 119! GARAGE SALE - Neigh- borhood Sale Saturday. May 10th. Cardin Cres- cent (off Albert). A variety of great household bargains. One house spe- cializing children's cloth- ing. snow suits and winter coats in many sizes. Also some ladies' and men's clothing. t19t " ARTICLES FOR SALE RCA VICTOR Color console solid-state television. El Vegas handcrafted guitar including pick-up and 25- foot cord. Call 886-0725. 119) GARAGE SALE - Saturday, May 10th, 9:30 a.m., 590 - Glen Manor, Waterloo. Table, chairs, television. mag wheels, tent, cataly- tic heater, sleeping bag, crib, change table, drapes. Sheers. refrigera- tor, stove. toys. clothing. (19) GARAGE SALE (Base- ment), 160 Elgin Cres- cent, Waterloo. Piaypen, crib, buggy, stroller. fur- niture, etc. Wednesday- Saturday. 835-3471. (19) GOLD REFRIGERATOR. VIKING 12-INCH Portable May 10th, 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.. Antique ice cream maker, antique brass light fixtures: bicycles: lawn- mower: ceramic tiles and much more! 547 Twin Oaks Crescent, Waterloo. tIN Kenmore, frost-free. 15 cubic feet, only two years old. Beige and gold ches- terfield and chair; brown and gold Chesterfield and chair. Weight lifting equipment. EIectrohome air conditioner. 12,000 BTU window unit. Black leather chair. Baby furni- ture: change table, baby seat, hardwood trainer, walker, baby gate and back pack. Large tricycle. Bicycle baby seat carrier. ”-3707. (19! television. practically new. PttmteNb0M8. (19) (19' LADY'S STANDARD Bicy- cle with child's seat 825.00. Phone 884-6815. _ (19) Good condition. approxima- tely 6x8x8 feet long. $8.75 de- livered, minimum five, 88.25 pick-up. 884-3622 GARAGE SALE - Sat., May IO, " pan. children's and ladies clothing galore, foo- twear, couch. drapes, tires, plus many more items at unbelievable low prices, 171 St. Jerome Cres., Kitchener. Licence No. 11334. USED HOTEL Furniture and factory seconds. Rugs.e beds mew and used). light fixtures/air conditioners. tables, chairs. mirrors, desks, . etc. Executive Liquida- tors. U5 Colby Drive. Wan _ terioo.8tt6-580t. 'ttin ELECTRIC LAWNMOWER And hedge trimmer. Ex- haust fan 16Aneh with heavy duty speed con- troller. Two h h.p. ther- mo protected motors. 742- 9363 before 8:00 p.m. (19) BUYERS GUIDE To fac- - tory outlets, saves money. Famous brands; Hatha- way, Catalina, Blue Moun- tain, Laura Secord, Backs, etc, over 140 On- tario locations. Send $4.00 to: Booklet W-li, Box 2173. " ARTICLES FOR SALE BABY STROLLER Also boy's 2binch Raleigh bi- cycle. Phone 744-0148. r19t GARAGE SALE - Saturday. May 10th, 8:00 am. - 4:00 p.m., 149 Duke-Street East, lone block from Kitchener Market). Golf clubs. old dishes, small appliances, pictures, used clothing, etc. All proceeds to K-W Big Sisters. (19) GARAGE SALE - All pro- ceeds for Cystic Fibrosis Research, Thursday Noon to Saturday Noon. 70 Ellis Crescent North, Waterloo. t19) 90-YARDS OF Good used carpet and pad. 83.00 per yard. Contact: M. a M. Flooring 88b40fl0-LP_) PHILIPS 26-INCH Color te- levision on stand,' " years old. Phone 743-5116. nm GARAGE SALE - Lady's and man's three-speed bi- cycles: 8 mm. camera projector: hair dryer, car radio and tape deck; tri- cycle; chihiren's toys and games: household treas- ures and collectables. as Reyburn Avenue Kitchener. Friday 4:00- no p.m., Saturday 10:00 am. - 4:00 Fm., May 9th and 10th. (19) FOR RAWLEIGH PRO- DUCTS Call 742-2433 1th NEHGHBortH00D GARAGE Sale - Saturday. May 10th, 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. 129 Dunbar Road South. Waterloo. (19) Cambridge, N3C 2V8. (24) Used Railway [ Ties It!) iHARLEQUIN ROMANCE. l Western. science fiction. fiction, pocket novels 25c ttp. Buy. sell and trade comics. Handcrafted baby quilts. plants. handpainted plates. Book Exchange. 28 Regina North, Waterloo. Open 9:00-9:00. Saturday- Sunday 9:00-6:00. chem - CUSTOM sum. save over 8300. by orderirig now. First comein first Served basis, Call Corner- stone Canoes. "2-7690. CATTLE MANURE for sale. $20.00 heaping pick- up truck full. $3.00 large wheelbarrow full. Mini- mum four wheelbarroWs. 578-0992. . GARAGE SALE - Saturday, May 10th, 10:00 10:00 BEAT INFLATION - Outfit your children at Replays. good quality clothing at tess than half the original price. New and nearly new clothing for infants to preteens. Replays Con- signment Shop, as Alums West _ (at Victoria ), Kitchener. 742-6031. Tues- day-Friday 1:W5:00. Sa- turday 10:30t.30. (til " ARTICLES FOR SALE RECONDITION ED AND LADY'S ALL Weather coat, brown/white: all wool soft blue spring coat; both size 16, excellent condition. 745-5011. (l9) ALUMINUM GREEN- HOUSE - 6-by-8-feet, in excellent condition also corresponding basement plant starter table . equipped with fluorescent lights. 742-0308. (20) Swimming pool manufact- urer will lease and install new 1980 family-size pool complete with walkway, sun deck and fencing, on a ren- tal basis with option to buy. Your choice of style. Try be- fore you buy! Call IM- PERIAL POOLS toll free 1- momma New vacuum cleaners. one of the world's best, with or without power noz- zle, also shampooer. Phone 884-3652. 1th p.G., we Erb Street West. Waterloo. Going abroad, everything must go! (19) THREE GENERATIONS OF QUALITY CUSTOM MATTRESS MANUFACTURING [PEER " mm». " WEST IITEIUO 743-321 9 RENT A POOL mam ttfy (19: HOUSEHOLDEIS RATE m u m 81.1“». m " Each "0ttbqgtq' M " . a... “a. BOX NUMBERS 81.00 Elma SWING AWAY Your leisure hours with a lawn swing built strain enough to hold {bur adults. Assembled in sections. easily set up. Get them at Sauder‘s Camping Service, Cedar Street West, St. Jacobs, evenings only or Saturday. Daytime: 58 Queen Street. 664-2633. (22) URINE-ERASE saves car- pets! Guarantees removal dog, cat. human urine stains. odors from car- pets! Free brochure. Dept. A. Reideu Chemi- cats Ltd., Box 7500. Lon- don, Ontario. FULL SPECTRUM Flores- cent lighting for your health 191% natural light with extended life, long wave UV): reduces visual and physical fatigue and harmful bacteria. in- creases feeling of well being and proper function of endocrine system. See _ more with less light. Con- tact: Marc 886-5997 or m 5891. 119) ELMO SOUND Movie ca- mera, eight months old, hardly used. iew $550. asking 3375; Adult three wheel. three-apeed Ney- cle. used one year, new $820. asking ttrs. Movie projector (no _ mud). $45.00. Catt ms. 09) trARlGE SALE - quse- Factory overstock sale of new 1979 pools. These come complete with walkaround deck, patio, fencing, pump. motor ahd filter. Regular price $2100. now $14N. Call IMPERIAL POOLS toll free HID-MSG”. BOYS BICYCLE - Hi-rise handle bars, banana seat, suitable for ages 8-1;; ex- cellent condition. 884-4756. (19) tt NEED MONEY $8 - I can better almost any offer for Canadian or US silver coins, also pre-l900 leather books. 699-5298 after five. (19) " ARTICLES WANTED " ARTICLES FOR SALE SMALL CHROME Table with extensions and two chairs. like new. Phone mm. (19) GAS LAWNMOWERS Want- ed not necessarily in working condition. Phone, 8844484. (21) PAIR OF French doors wanted. size flexible. must be light colored wood. Phone M24. 119) KNOWLEDGEABLE. Re- putable Owner of small antique shop wishes to buy household items: rugs. silver. furniture. etc. Iss- 2300. 7 - Wrii Itil ANTIQUES - ANY Amount. any price. anythim from hold goods, tires. hi-fi, etc., 139 Meaford Drive. Waterloo, Saturday, May 10th,9i3:00p.m. (19D doioirigttt junk to {upright pianos. Phone 'e-tte, SWIMMING h POOlS COMMERCIAL RATE mum-aux “WW1. 15 PETS AND SUPPLIES DINKY TOYS Wanted - " CARS FOR SALE USED WATERLOO Chroni- cle neWSPaper carrier bags: Wil pay $1.00 for clean mot torn) news- bags; 50e for older bags in good condition. Bring to: Waterloo Chroniile. 92 King Street Sout . Wa- terloo. TP ROOFING - Reroofing; patios, sundecks and small repairs. Phone 579. ‘6711 or 576-9817. It!) GROOMING FOR DOGS 1974 AUDI FOX SL, automa- tic, power steering, power brakes, recent body work and paint. Rear defrost, AM/FM radio. Excellent condition. Certified. $2,350. Call m3. CHIMNEYS repaired and rebuilt. Written guaran- tees, fully insured. Plume "2-2834. ttfy " SERVICES G.T. PAINTING Services - This summer hire univer- sity students for your hou- sehold painting needs. In terior - Exterior. Referen- ces available. For a free estimate. Phone Terry 886MN. (20) " AttrtCrEtLttr9.r1it2 RUBBISH REMOVAL - Wall washing, light mov- ing, gardening. cleaning, other odd jobs. Jeff Hard- ing 884-2831. (21) 1971 MERCURY MARQUIS 1977 CHEVROLET NOVA - " cylinder. four door, power steering, disc brakes, saftied, good con- dition, $3.600. 884-5663. N (19) 1979 CAMARO 2-23. dark blue, four-speed, air con- ditioning. stereo tape deck. Phone mm. (19' TENT TRAILER - Sleeps tour, excellent condition. canvas needs some repair. 8250. or best offer. Call 886-7239 after 5:00 p.m. (19D HANDYMAN HOME Re. pairs and renovations; painting; large and small appliance repairs; yard clean-ups. "bi786 in) 1 7A MOTORCYCLES [ FOR SALE 1978 HONDA XL-lzs in good condition, 8800. or best offer. Phone 884-5394. (19) " TRAILERS That's the brand name. Ptttme 85-5164 after 7:00 am. (22) Brougham, in excellent condition. Phone 745-7455. (19) 50 Laurel St., Waterloo Expert Dog Grooming All Breeds PROFESSIONAL PET GROOMING (19) (l9) ttf,

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