John Austen of Kitchonoc Kinsmen Contra got! so! to take a shot on the London goal Sa- turdoy during the K-tht Mont-I 'totnrdatioet Wook Floor Hook-y toumomom at erloo Anna. Kitchonot won this M's - 12-6 but ended up with a 2-2 record good for third place behind Brantfotd. Branded also won the co-ed division with an unblemished 3-0 record while Kitchener was 1-2. Mental Re- tardation Week is from May 11-16 but the ftoor hockey people gave it an excellent head W all weekend long “ether. go Hey kids and dads too. This is your chance to show your mom how much she really means to you. This Friday. Sound" and Sunday " mothers go for Free, if wompaniod by their child. Thor's right kids. if you pay the maul-r price for MINI GOLF. GO CARTS or BIG DIPPEH SLIDE mom goes FREE. A " ' ' LD f (fC-il, N is ‘ 1ili:gll t Rt I . T , ' l , 5;" [3333 I. I who muo1mmym:m-uzo Seth fire Between Weber & Regina : OPEN: _ MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY UNTIL 6 PM . THURSDAY 3. FRIDAY UNTIL a PM SUNDAY NOON UNTIL 5 PM Plan" of Free Parking Right At Our Store Front 92 LODGE ST., WATERLOO Th. " Milt HIM "I!!! HIM"! FUWIIIIS nus OFFER 6000 III“ IT F . Mt “IE " III! " GET ANOTHER irirllii:i, POP FOR Ill',?, PLUS'I'IXUMSI'I’ Tremcom 'i'" Phone 743-3686 for free Estimates IT TIIE “all! "ICE .---"'" . _ _ _ 'ig-ter-tttttted _ oTatt.tetqt'rtgtattt “It!!!†dud-cum 7 o-ttras-ttttttttttCttee!!,,'. ttit.trsrtootmroetide.thdr-tw,Mwr.t_e" FILL BIS! 1213. 01 " 2411. I!