Contributing to that pinin- met is the loss of key per- sonnel from the Waterloo club that finished third in the Inter-City Fastball Lea- gue last season with a 16.12 record before losing out to Woodstock in the semis. Catcher Brian Russell will suit up with Cambridge Gores this summer as a matter of convenience to be nearer his farm just outside of Galt, and CHYM'rs cen- trefielder~reserve catcher Paul Boileau has announced his retirement because of job commitments plus a blossoming squash career which sees him in weekend tournaments until July. Those losses further com- pound the announcement last week that Larry Brooks, Bruce Everest, Doug Weiler and Bill Miller would also not be returning for various reasons. “We know we've got a lot of speedandwi0begoodk fensively, the question marks are our sticks (bats)," said Moeser. "Some of our guys are capa- ble of batting well all the time, if we can just get some support from the rest. we'll do all right." split weekend games with Wingham losing " and win- ning . 1-0. 'H think our average age is about M, which is the lowest it's been in years." Page " - “who Mich. Wodmdav. my 7.1m "We are a very. very young team for a senior entry." said CHYM'r field manager Glenn Moeser Tugsdiy after, his club had The pass word around " terloo CHYM'rs camp this spring is "young." Veeeerrrry young. . And only time will tell if youth will be to CHYM'rs benefit. By Rick Campbell - _ Waterloo appears tube t cure-Hole - Emu latively sound on the mound with Ray Holliday Sgtgi he pass qeord around " and Whitey Lobsinger an 1.oo CHYM'rs camp this George DitarBeilrirting the 'Ing is "young. " staff from Team Sports and Ieeeeryrrx young : .. .- Big Bill's respectively. DAVE DAUTNER who: to com through _ Moeser is also intent on inking John Dietrich, who, can pitch and play first, and last year came to Team Sports' aid when they linked up with the IFL. - Also candidates for first base are Team Sport grad Steve Uherig, who can also play centre field. and Larry Stratheam, CHYM’rs MVP of last year who can play any position in the infield. Versatility seems to be the name of the game for se- veral CHYM'rs who can play infield or outfield. Gary MacGregor will see action in both areas while veteran third baseman Bill Shaddick returns to the fold for his fourth straight year. Grant Martin, a member of the Kitchener hockey Rangers, has joined the club this year from Guelph's OASA midget champion club and has seen lots of action at short. pther infield-outfield candidates include Dennis Schmidt and George Grassi. Catchers presently on hand are local product Adrian Diemert and lan Chamandy of Toronto. After concluding exhibi., tion action this weekend with games against Team Sport Saturday at t and Sun- day at noon‘and Kent Hotel Saturday at 1 p.m., CHYM'rs open league ac- tion next Thursday at home at 8 pm. against Cambridge at Centennial Park. Outfielders with the club including Uberig and fellow Team Sport alumni Dan Straus and Ken Neeh. as well as CHYM'r returnee Bob Riley and newcomer Kevin Kuindersma from Sarnia. "There will be no excuses this year. Not that they were offering any lastyear. but Team Sport Juniors of the Inter-City Fastball League will have the sole hand in determining their on fate this year. Unfortunately, Juniors also had to take over North Wa- terloo's woeful " record but the youngsters made a valiant attempt at a playoff berth before ending off at 11-17. only one game behind Grimsby J.P.'s who grabbed the sixth and final post-season slot. After being ousted from IFL play, Sports went on to win the City League title and then captured the inaugural Kit- chener-Waterloo Industrial league title by beating Big Bill‘s Bargain Warehouse of the RH. in two straight games. Faced with the pmspects of plugging several gaps, Brill and coaches Larry Pfaff and Al Mifflin seem to have done a nopeworthy job of rpmding uprquality replaceqlenls. . Jmiors. playing 5...: of the Waterloo City league. joined the IFL part way through last season to take up the void left by the departure of North Waterloo. During the stretch run though, Sports were forced to play several dmttt1etteaders plus their on (City) league games. and although this year's manager Pete Brill declined Sun- day to use that as an excuse. there is no doubt mental, if not physical fatigue set in somewhere along the line. But key individuals from that club have graduated and since Sports are to remain strictly a junior club pointed at the Junior elimination: in Oshawa July â€-13. they are una- ble to return totlle club. ' Several of those, including pitcher Mark (Whitey) Lotr- singer, first bare.otttfiehder Steve Uberig. and outfielder Dan Strains have joined Waterloo CHYM'rs, who held com- bined spring workout: with Junior: at Moses Springer arena. Drawing' mostly [mm the North Watérloo Rural junior league. Sports have assembled a lineup that should at least make them competitive with an accent on aggressiveness: Larry Salmon». WotorIoo CHYM'r MVP of 1979, win be relied upon once again this you for his awmmo bat and big plays 'tfield. At the plate on Sunday Studio-m (top photo) cmckod a stand-up triple in the bottom of the ninth inning to soon Stove Ubol'ig (bottom pivotal-with tho winning tun as CHYM'n downed Wingham 1-0. Uborig is om of uvonl Thom Sport grads on the Watuloo dub. "Talk going aim-Id is that all the other with: have to db is (brow their but: on the. field to win against as," said Rude awakening awaits Team Sport detractors Newcomers in the infield include the Owen Sound pair of Ted O‘Connor and Scott McKelvie. Rott White of Sebring- ville and Wellesley's Rick Steinman. Two new faces behind the plate are Brent Snyder of Breslau and Warren Diemert of St. Agatha. Pfaff, a former CHYM'r player and Kitchener Evergreen coach who Joined Sports this year from St. Jacob's of the Rural League. “I'll tell you, it that's what they think, they're in for a rude awakening.“ Among the returnees in the infield are catcher Bob Flem- ing, pitchers Dave Dautner and Dave Bisch and second ha- seman Dean Oberle. Last year's left side combination of short stop Dana Saunders and third baseman Randy Har- bach is also back with the club but because of increased depth around the horn both have volunteered to play out- field. Right fielder. Bruce Duncan also returns to the fold to provide the club with three experienced players in the pas- tures. Hopelullly filling the void created by the leflhander Lotr. singer are Bill Runes. also of Sebringville who saw action last year with Stratford of the1FL, and lefty Don subbing: of Bmlau. »- "It could take a while until everyone gets to know each other but then I think we'll do all right," said Brill. "We're looking for a good sound defensive club. 4N,I be fighting for our nus and therefore will probably ha to win those low- scoring games." Sports have the menviable task of opening their season at home against defending league champion Guelph Ingram: next Wemesday at St. Clements, where all Sports home games will be playedthls year. A busy slate ot exhibition games should have them well-prepared for the lidlifter. All three Sport bosses agree that there is little if any trepidation in the camp about facing clubs like Evergreen. who must be slotted in the Goliath role based on previous experience in the Ontario Fastball League.