Many of the toilets were overf1oteing, she says, and some residents slept on hal- conies to avoid the smell. As well, the bottled water served in the hotel was un- safe. IA Toronto man had a sample of the water ana- lysed upon return, and North York health inspee- tors reported the water "un, suitable for human con- sumption". ) "We've always been sa- tisfied "with the Holiday Inn in the past," Mrs. Wilkinson said, "but the sanitary con- ditions were terrible." 949155.931 zaggtioa. 00. "Plidav (Continued from page Il The illness experienced by her family was not a simple case of "Motttezuma's Re- venge", which many tourists in Mexico are af- flicted with, Mrs. Wilkinson maintains. Heather, one of her daughters, had a tem- oerature of 102 degrees for Top studonts in tho annual Watorloo rogional high school German contost woro honorod last wool: at an awards prosontation on the Univorsity of Waterloo campus. Studonts aro soon abovo (front row, loft to right): Etri Rossdoutschor. of Rockwoy Monnonito, top studont in' tho â€wookor Gorrnan-spoaking background" catogory; Tom Jakoboch, top student in tho catogory for thoso with strong Gorrnan- spooking backgrounds. and Shoila Atkinson. Forost HoigMo collogiato, top studont among thoso with non-Gonnan spoaking backgrounds. Jakobsh is a studont at Kitether-Wattorioo collogiato institute and livos in Waterloo. Soon in background aro mombor's of tho Tronsylvania Club's folk danco group who performed during the awards ovoning' (loft to right) - Linda Orondi. Goorgo Emrich and Holgo Bliofon. ...Remember the last time you went on a vacation for a change and a rest...And the belhoy got the change and the hotel got the rest?...... Try Something new . A natural hm quickly and without burning a SunShop 258 KING NORTH DP Tanning Centres WATERLOO GRAND OPENING INTRODUCTORY SPECIAL 10 " 1/2 HOUR SESSIONS '39'i IN EFFECT UNTIL CLOSING . SAT. APRIL 19TH 6:00 PM "t DROP IN FOR COFFEE AND DONUTS two days, and had to be taken to a local doctor. The doctor prescribed medica- tion, but the girl couldn‘t take it because the medicine had to be mixed with bottled water and that water was unsafe. According to Mrs. Wilkin- son, even native Mexicans often become ill when visit- ing Puerto Vallarta, due to the unsanitary conditions. She says she saw open sewers running into the ocean. but only noticed them after her children had played briefly in the water. The town doctor told here the water Was one of the causes of her children’s ill- Mrs. Wilkinson doesn't know what other unhappy vacationers in this area are doing to protest the trip. But she's doing everything she can and getting few results. She's written a letter of complaint to Sunquest Tours the company that ran the 'trip, and to the Holiday Inn as well as contacting the Better Business Bureau and the Mexican embassy in Ot- tawa. She realizes there's no way the family can get all their money back, but she hopes to be compensated for up to half the total bill. Thus far the Wi1kirtson's have seen little action taken on their complaints. Sun- quest Tours claim any prob- lems in the resort were the result of an abnormal amount of rain that fell in Mexico around the first of the year. Mrs. Wilkinson has con- tamed other people who tra- veiled to the resort, and her file on the subject is grow- ing. Her optimism about ttettin, esults is fading ihough, becadse no com- plaints have come from Puerto Vallarta since Jan- -"""'"_"----'e.-".-"-i' Dancercise is a unique combination of dance and exercise routines, done to music, designed to give you all the bene- fits of jogging and vigorous exercise but cleverly packaged to make it 45 min. of sheer fun twice a week. You can norm- alize your weight, tone, trim, firm and shape all over. Improve your out-look on VALERIE LEE ACADEMY 9 Ertr m. Em (W King 0 Regina, Monday I Wednesday 2:30-3:30 pm. 2:30-3:30 pm. Tm O "and" 156-0248 pm. TAO-0:“ pm. ran Insomunou on menu can?“ FOR cwu no OFFICE GROUPS " - A was no PLACE or was come: cm “at": LEE unon Maw -dittm, hour-m sun the wank ot April aut in mention: was mm. Waterloo, Cambridg- and Gulch. Clo-u fitt Quickly So Hurry. Raine! at thq abov- domomtntiom. SEE DANCERCISE INACTl0lil! " CLASSES S " WEEK SESSION only Wednesday and Thursday. April 18-1701. 6 ao. 7:30 and 830 p . Friday. April 18th. 2:30. 6.30. Tao and 8:30 pm Saturday. April 19ttt 10:00, 11:00 and12 noon, 1:30, 2:30 md 3:30 pm. MEET BARBIE AND ED ALLEN At Fairview Park on Friday. also Saturday mowing. FAIRVIEW PARK (Amphitheater) ASTRA TRUST 1rurg 104 KING ST. s., WATERLOO, ONT. N2] 1P5 Ral? 104 KING ST. s., WATERLOO, ONI. N2t IN ACROSS FROM WAYERLOO SQUARE ' 834-2444 - 886-2400 Wot-loo otrooieu,aiwietw. April as. man . Pup s (Chanting Privileges) L'imilltE Wcmatm ttiti lifrand meet some fresh new friends. You don't have to be a natural "hoofer" . you won't open in Vegas but you will be MOVING towards a smashing fiqure. Join the Barbie Allen "Chorus Line?. Pack your T-shirt, shorts and sneakers and get with Dancercise today! Savings Account 123/496 404 K-W Wing R.C.A.F.A. MONEY BACK GUARANTEE 510 OUTTON DRIVE WATERLOO. ONTARIO MODERN FACE"!!! 0000 â€ON" ACTIVITY AND _ COCIAL CALENDAR FULLY LICENCED IAN " " Alba Air Face "6000“ An "Mud to Enquire Fa Membership ST. THOMAS SCHOOL 200 6mm. Orin ht Unit-ttrt Monday 0 Wow†’ 1:00-0:W P.m. 7:00-0:00 pm. 0:004:00 pm. ..tttNW.tttt am. PHONE (619) 804-1272