She said the job fair will permit graduating students, their parents and teachers. to meet with personnel from "Canadian hospitals, una- ble to meet their nursing needs with graduates from their local colleges and uni- versities, are having to re- cruit from outside their area," Russell said. The job fair, which will be held March 23 at the Valhal- la Inn, Kitchener, was planned to meet this need. Russell said the place- ment office initiated the fair after discussions with repre- sentatives of the Ontario College of Nurses and Re- gistered Nurses’ Associa- tion of Ontario. The two groups indicated that there were many more nursing opportunities in Ontario than had been previously available and that in some parts of the country there were actually some real staff shortages. A nunlng shortage in parts of Canada has prompt- ed Conestoga College to or- ganize a Canadian Nurse Job Fair for its 1980 gra- duating nurses. according to Bonita Russel, career plan- ning and placement officer. The tair will have repre- sentatives from nearly 20 Canadian hospiials includ- ing administrators and directors of nursing from as far away as Newfoundland and British Columbia. Nursing fair to be sponsored by college Nearly 200 potential gra- duates from the diploma nursing program at the Doom Guelph and Stratford campuses will be invited to participate in the fair. Last year, 119 of the 164 nursing graduates took posi- tions in Canada and 84 of these are working in On- tario, Russell added. Each hospital will have specific stations for display- ing pamphlets and mau terials relating to their hosptial and community. Students will be amour-aged to develop a set of standard questions reflecting his/her individual concerns in order to gain as much information as possible about nursing jobs available, according to Rinse". Nursing students write their registration exams in August and receive the re- sults about three months later. These exams are writ- ten by all nursing graduates across Canada, thereby per- mitting them to work any- where in Canada upon appli- cation to the provincial re- gistrar. “hiring hospitals and to dis- cuss nursing oAtortatrtities in a variety of locales. The focus will be on information- siiaring and-interested Att- dents will be advised to for- ward théir applications directly to the hospitals of their choice, once they are available for employment. Conservation authority passes s10-million budget for 1980 The Grand River Conser- vation Authority held its an- nual meeting last week in singing. CINDERELLA FINALLY MEETS PRINCE CHARMING...and the results are well-known to all. This production of the famous children's story was put on by students of Lincoln Heights Public School in Waterloo. In the foreground. Cinderella (played by, Bonnie Redakop) and Prince Charm. inn (played by Charles Wilson) prepare for their fateful dance, while other cast members provide Do you want to know how to lose weight and feel better? The, YMCA fitness clinic will show you what your car- diovascular condition is, what your flexibility is like and how much weight you should gain or lose. They’ll explain how you should go about improving yourself on a safe and effective program suited especially to your needs. Call 'trr. 3500 now to boot a ooe4tottfaqqtolntntent durum the week a! March a and s. The specific areas of work include environmental as- sessment, reservoir main- tenance and construction, engineering studies, water chemistry analysis, fi- sheries. hydrologic studies, public information and par- ticipation programs, tor- nado relief and forestry. Three-quarters of a, mil- lion trees were planted last The authority is charged with the task of furthering the conservation, restora- tion and development of na- tural renames in the Grand River watershed. It also ms the many con- servation areas and parks in its jurisdiction and handles flood control. p; 'Y' Waterloo Chronic“, WW9â€; 3563712ng - has 3 The Kitchener-Waterloo Red Cross blood donor clin- ic will be held Wednesday, March 19 from 2 to 4:30 p.m. and 6 to 8:30 p.m. at First United Church, King and William Streets, Waterloo. The clinic hopes to get 300 donors. fitness clinic March 28 and " Don 't forget. Highlights of the 1979 year were outlined at the annual meeting last week. These included the bien- nial tour, held in co-opera- tion with the Long Point Re- gion and Upper Thames River Conservation Auth- ority in October, the com- mencement of work on Cale- donia Dam, as well as Da- mascus Dam in the northern reaches of the Conestoga watershed. A record number of trees were planted in 1979, with 744,000 plantings on both pri- vate and public lands. On May 30, a plaque un- veiling ceremony was held in Brantford to com- memorate the [minding of the Grand River Causewa- tion Commission, which held its first meeting-there in 1934. year. GRCA is also mn- sible for wildlife manage- ment and the operation and maintenance of 14 recrea- tion areas, including 8hade's Mills, the Elora Quarry and Doon Pioneer Village.