‘ Vikings superb up north he. " . Woman manic... WM, M111†Bylaw MIMI“ Theyv-rmttoNoetttBarnotteiretr1ttteqrtet, "ttalter-tsaid-rd-ai-hi-senior girovoiierttaiit-trmtodttoqteritttttteirt-dshif itrtdatr-tdo-trpfaeetmgrtitiltest.. _ ___ No Vite. didn't pull at! any miracle: to will the all-On- tario high school championship. but considering it was the first time for the team at such a high level of txtenpetitieet, their results ‘were commendable. ' In preliminary action Vikings split their gonna with (our other teams, Peel County Woodlands, North Bay Widdirseht, Toronto Kipling and “my Bay Teeter. . F . * - Then. ne'edini to - Toruiio St. ioseph’s in order to advance to quarter-final action. Waterloo did just that and earned the rum tl' meet. ottara Wow“ itt th.e Ways-A "Vines surfed on well in that match too, winning the first game 15-14 but then they tell in successive games ib8 and 15-7 to be eliminated from furtttereonytetitie. 7 . . _ 7 Earl Haig from Toronto won the title with a straight- game sweep over Stratford Central. Vikings' over-all fin. ished fifth out of 18 competing teams. which isn’t shabby at all. "We were somewhat inconsistent the first day, we split with weaker teams that we should have won against, but then we played really well against schools like Kipling." said Jean stopped reading here. WCI coach Wendy Sherlock. "And then when we had to beat St. Joe's to advance, we came through too. It was a valuable learning experience. Leaving arch-rival Metro Toronto OPP No. 5 in their wake, Waterloo Regional Police swept undefeated to their fourth straight inter- national police hockey tour- nament title in Mississauga last week. [ ...Rib Room Specialties BONELESS SIRLOIN En route to the cham- Police win international tourney cattegt0ttraMtttaMttttuREttN.,tGrCteNErt AMttttitATERLoOtNtulutE If your cloth» won’t booming to you " you should ho -- All For only.................,.... Waterloo Regional All dinners include CRISP CHEF SALAD baked potato. roll and butter Monday to Thu-ally " :30 mm. to trait p.m. Friday 11:30 am. to 10:30 Fm.. Saturday " to 10:30 p.m.. ttomHr " to tt pm. 8-10 OE, sirloin stock coming to us! pionship, WRP blasted Ot- tawa 12-2, Durham Regional 5-3, Sudbury 8-4 and Metro (Downsview No. 5) OPP 4-1. Mike Kennedy of the win- ning club won the scoring title. The tournament was hosted by the Peel Regional Police. ffPo gottde-titioetattdgottd-i-toetttegirts. Andail theteamsitttheq.arter-nnaisttadt-tt-ttetoreeareqrt us. Io that was an mum: In “all." Bill Burke and Susan Mueller were honored for their outstanding contribu- tions to athletics when the athletes at Wilfrid Laurier University held their gala year-end awards night at Waterloo Motor Inn Tues- day, Burke, president of the WLU Letterman's Club this past year and integral member of both the football and track teams, was select- ed as the male contributing most to athletics while Mueller, president of the Women's Athletic Associa- tion, member of the volley- ball Hawks, and. generally an outstanding organizer for all athletics at the school. was voted female contribut- ing most to the program. Rich Payne, the only all- Canadian selected from the football Hawks, won the most valuable player award for Hawks and delivered a 267 Victoria St., New Hamburg, 662-2761 We Design and Build To Suit Your Taste . Kitchen Cabinets OBatlImom Vanni» . Hutches . " Units . 308ka looks on»: View Bush!“ Mints Inc. WLU honors athletes We also carry a lull llna of appliancaa: MmMM-Itnutnpn. Whitnbuh 1trttaitrtrArtA-tett-tt [iiniESECrijiE JENN-AIR SUB ZERO GIBSON In hockey. Daryl Ben- jamin was named MVP while Tony Martindale, one of the most promising roo- kies to come to WLU in re- cent years, took rookie honors. Bob Fitzgerald, judged by many one of the premier college basketball players in the country, was named bas- ketball MVP while Paul Flack was top rookie. brief, but emotion-packed address to the gathering em- phasizing how sports and the people of WLU have con- tributed to making the four years he spent at the school the best years of his life. Lineman of the year honors from the football team went to Jack Davis, a most worthy winner while rookie of the year went to Fred West. _ Men's vdlleyball also picked an MVP and that went to graduating Randy Jeff Preston (22) of London South knocks Steve Forden (24) and Evenon McDougell of KCI ttring during Friday's game won by KCI. Reidets lost the final but still advance to the ell-Ontario finals in Ot- tawa this weekend. rum-s NM‘ (NM) Sou Harm (NM) Chin Chm (Baum) Ind My! (Baum) like mun (Bub) M Bark- (Flam) cum Dunn (Sch) Dave Vol“ - Brian Wk - M has: (NW! like In, (Bruins) Soon "chug-u Big Bros. Hockey Thanks to the organization of Paul Nyhout, the Big Brothers and Little Brothers (plus a few Little Brothers' mothers) recently staged a tun-filled hockey game. Koerber, singled out by coach Chris Coulthard as the heart of the club. cret but it is no secret that another game is planned for March 16. Any Big or Little brother wanting more infor- mation or wanting to play can get more information by contacting the Big Brother Association at 579-5150. On the women's side, Karen Danch of the basket- bail Hawks, who was voted first-tearn league all-star two weeks ago, was selected as MVP while Jane Camp- bell, praised by coach Me- lanie Rodney for her out- standing defensive contribu- tions, won rookie of the year. - Among volleyball Hawks, the rookie of the year was The score remains a se- BOWLING PINS City League BaHPaMPMM.haMmN" Nancy Phillips and the MVP was graduating Laurie Hig- gins. In his closing remarks, WLU athletic director Dave (Tuffy) Knight ack- nowledged that it was not a banner year statistically for the school in the many fields of athletics, but that dedica- tion and just a little more ef- fort next year should bring Hawks back to the success level to which they are ac- customed. WESTMOUNT PLACE PHARMACY OPEN 7 DAYS ll WEEK Daily 9 0.1-1!) pm. Sun. In Hal. 11 mum-9 p... 886-7670 WESTMOUNT PLACE PLAZA " Wat-out M.