5 PROPERTY WANTED YOUR HOME will sell fas- ter when you list with Bu- daker Realty. We im- mediately need: two 3-4 bedroom and two family homes. We have prospec- tive buyers waiting for our firm to find them the rightt home. Call Harold Wettlaufer 113-4333 (bu- siness! or 885-0917 any- time, representing Bu- daker Realty. A HALF SECTION of deeded rangeland in the sunny Okanagan Valley. 8225.000. Custom homes reasonably priced. Phone I t604t 698-4196. Lebert Construction Limited. Box 1056, Oliver. British Columbia VOH IO. 4 PROPERTY FOR SALE -BEST RATES -PRE-PAYMENT PRIVILEGES -REF1NANCiNG -HOME IMPROVEMENTS PROMPT SERVICE 2 MORTGAGE FUNDING We extend a Warm invita- tion to all who would like to worship our LORD and SA- VIOUR with us in the fel- lowship of the Waterloo Christian Reformed Church. We meet every Sunday in the Great Hall of Conrad Grebe! College. Westmount Road North. Waterloo. SUNDAY SCHOOL - 9:30 WATERLOO CHRISTIAN . REFORMED CHURCH Clasgfmmâ€"W Income Mortgage Services 745-4795 Toll Free Number 1-800-265-8761 wdn'sm'P - iiGiG%. 1yo9ittg.'roIeatr." V SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:15 ’LENTEN FAMILY l NIGHT ‘ Thursdav. 7 :00 pan Ages 3-15 years. WORSHIP SERVICES 10:30 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. , Nursery Provided. We Welcome You‘m Love. TRUST co. . PRIVATE FUNDS 1st and 2nd Mortgages . INSURANCE CO. SUNDAY SCHOOL " Maiden-tires} “Wm-cc - Wanda; Gnome“. 1nettrttdthv, Funny " In ' ttf) 19) " ARTICLES FOR SALE CARPET - EXCELLENT quality in perfect condi- tion. top-line Crosley and Harding. just like new. Burnt orange. blue. plush purple and light beige cblon. 579-0224 or 579. SUBLET - TWO Bedroom apartment, available April Ist near Tower's Plaza. Phone 884-2676. (10) LARGE TWO Bedroom apartment downtown Wa- terloo. Broadloom. ap- pliances. available im- mediately. Phone 886- M. 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. + HOME IN Beechwood area to share with other quiet. respectable males or fe- males. Walking distance to university. Available April Is: and May Ist. Must be seen to be appre- ciated. Phone 884-6390 for appointment. 7 ilZl ONE AND Two bedroom apartments. 57-59 Brid- geport Road East availa- ble now. Close to Tower's Shopping plaza. outdoor pool. yearly leases. For more information. please call “1997. SB SHARED ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE IMMEDIA- TELY - Twit bedroom townhouse with dining room. broadloomed. two appliances in small com- plex with lots of green area. Erb Street West lo- cation. Call Esvari Deve- lopment and Associate Li- mited 835-6181 or 8934968. + Monday to Friday 12 noon to eight pm: Saturday and Smday one pm. to five p.m. DIRECTIONS: from Ottawa Street South take Homer Watson Boulevard to Pioneer Park. tum rim onto Old Car- riage Drive. " 893-9731 Ltittury one and ' two bedroom suites adult building country like setting dose to Highway 401' controlled entry elevator service almond colored appliances -hutcher block counter top ~wall4o-wall carpeting Jame iii-suite storage -private balcony -all utilities included Fitt)frrr)rqor I APARTMENT: FOR RENT Pioneer Park area Open 7 days a week COME and SEE RENTING MODEL SUITE Hot HO) THREE TIER Plant stand with grow lights and timer. Good condition. bestoifer. Phone 8t60114. as Laurel Street . Wager!†(Two blocks east of King, Just off Erb) Factory overstock sale of new 1979 pools. These come complete with walkaround deck. patio. fencing. pump. mater and filter. Regular price $2400. now $1490. Call IMPERIAL POOLS toll free 1At0tF26tMi970. _ TEN DAY Winter sale from Feb. 21 to March I. All psed clothing 25 per cent off. Roékway Mennonite School Thrift Shop. least of Bacon's), 204 King Street. East. Kitchener, SKATES - starcs size IO, â€0.00: girl's size 12. $10.00; boys' sizes 9 and 11. $2.00 and 35.00. Phone 884-9281. Cumin Made Wa1Nngirtgs CERAMICS - DO You like " ARTICLES FOR SALE GENTLEMAN'S NEW Camel hair car coat. size 42-14.. $5.00 hew, selling 830.00. “It“. MOVING - MUstseg. Nine- piece walnut dining room suite. Two bedroom suites, one walnut, one bionde. 21 cubic foot freezer. 8-inch radial arm saw. Drapes and sheets. Set of dishes. En- cyclopedia Britannica. All excellent condition. 886- on, FIRED furnace. in good condition $125.00. 257 Frederick. Kitchener CREATIVE TOUCH THE GOOD EARTH SHOP MI ' With-II Manned Gifts Open: Tues.~Fri. 10.6 Sat. Fr.0tt DEMONSTRATIONS In Your Home by The beautiful lamps, vases, knic-knacks and gorgeous dinner ware? Why do you pay so much for them? You can make it yourself for 1/3 the cost. we will Show you how. We have openings for day classes and a few on Thursday evening. Phone TU. Stu- dio, 804-9814. tity SWIMMING POOLS 578-8610 tttt (tty (9) + (tot + + G9) Unique old stuff. crafts. clothing, junk. . 12 KING ST. NORTH Waterloo (upstairs) beside Waterloo Theatre. m1 Wehaty, trade & sell small interesting things. (lCat1tettttrp Eattt MEN & YOUNG Mien: Turn those suits, coats. etc. into cash. Must be in im- maculate condition. Sell- ing on consignment. Gent's Boutique. 548 Woolwich Street. Guelph. 1-8224)â€. Tuesday-Satur- day 10:00-5:N. (9) BEAT INFLATION _ Outfit your children at Replays, good quality clothing at less than half the original price. New and nearly new clothing for infants to preteens. Replays Con- signment Shop. 88 Ahrens West lat Victoria). Kitchener. 7426031. Tues- day-Friday t:304V.00. Sa- turday “1:30-3:30? USED HOTEL Furniture. rugs, beds, light fixtures, desks, heaters. mirrors, chairs, etc. Executive Liquidators, 665 Colby Drive, Waterloo (off Northfield, one block from Conestoga Mall). 888-5801. + CANADIAN NEGATIVE Ion generators for the fresh air feeling - 10,000 negative ions per cc com- pared to 0-250 in most of- fices and homes. 1,000 - 4.000 in the country. (min- imumnumber level one . should live. work and sleep int. 2.500 , 10.000 ocean surf air. Significant evidence from Europe and United States that you feel, think and act better with more negative ions and improve the environmen- tal harmony. Phone Marcus 886-5997. + FOR RAWLEIGH Pad was Call 742-2433. "tft BUYERS Guide to Factory Outlets Famous brands Duh. Areoir, Bauer. Kit- ten ete. Over)†Ontario locations to Save. Send Moo tn BOOKLET " Box 2173. Cambridge, Ont. NOC 2V8. ' _ FlREWOOD - SPECIAL. We are now loading wood cut from woodlot recent- ly, and will sell at lower prices by delivering direct. Mainly hardwood: red oak, black cherry, beech. maple, white ash. yellow birch also some bass and hemlock. 886- 1.3.hr.t.T.Eh.ht.f.,fl1t.e..y:.F... ' " ARTICLES FOR SALE - " ARTICLES son an: ans-4391 Winter Hoursz. 11-6 Wehesday u Saturday of mambo For Art & Antiques . " REGINA NORTH' (at Young) Waterloo 2mi TIME AROUND ttfy (l3) HOU‘ENOLOEIS RATE um " m an: Each Addttiqgtat M " LEAR-SIEGLER Heater. heats over 450 square feet, connect to gas. Electro- home Humidaire. Cascade 40 water heater. Sunbeam mixmaster. All items ex; cellent condition. Call 576- ATTENTION: CERAMIC Home studio owners. T. J. Studios can give you the best deal on greenware you have ever seen. over 600 different pieces to choose from. For more in- formation call 834-9314. VACUUM CLEANERS - New and reconditioned in excellent condition. with or without power nozzle: upright and cannister type also shampooer. 884-3652. ttf i SPEAKERS: PAIR Opo timu's SB,, three-way su- spension $175.; pair T100 Tower speakers. walnut cabinets 8200. 884-0983. + Swimming pool manufact- urer will lease and install new 1980 family-size pool complete with walkway, sun deck and fencing, on a ren- tal basis with option to buy. Your choice of style. Try be- fore you buy! Call IM- PERIAL POOLS toll free 1- 800-260-5970. COMPONENTS OF Elec- FIREWOOD. - Seasoned hard maple and beech, $40.00 per f/e and $35.00 p/u. Call 885-0009. at) ZENITH AFRrNGER Washer. Two galvanized tubs. Summer screen. Alarm clocks and watch. Phone 886-2105. (9) LIGHT BULBS - Uncondi- tionally guaranteed for four-years. Call Fuller Brush N2-N72. (12) BEIGE RUG. - 12-feet 3Winches . by lS-feet 9-inches long. excellent condition. Brown, walnut kitchen table and tour chairs. like new. Phone "4At827. . + BOY'S THREE - Piece suit size M, 29-inch waist, worn twice. tan Dacron polyester. $25.00. Phone 885-1422. (9) FIREWOOD - DRY Hard BROADLOOM - BEIGE SONY SPIN-WASHBR/ D r y e r . Lady's one piece Ski-Doo suit, size medium. Baby's stroller. All good condi- "tion. 83-3390. + trohome console Hi-Fi, in- tegrated amplifier. Ger- rard record changer. two woofers, two tweeters, two mid-range drivers, best offer. Phone W. maple; $28.00 for tt cubic feet delivered. Phone as 3003. 19) Wool, 23 feet by " feet, mm. Phone 885-5427. (9) RENT A POOL BOX NUMBERS 81.00 Extra ttth + t9t, " CARS FOR SALE " PETS & SUPPLIES 1973 CHEVROLET BIS. CAYNE Station Wagon. va automatic. good con~ dition, good body. best offer. Phone 884-2358 after 7:00 pm. 1974 PONTIAC PARISIEN- NE Brougham, air condi- tioning. tape deck. radio. extras. good condition. best offer. Phone 884-7281. 19) 1969 OLDSMOBILE “83". USED WATERLOO Chroni- cle newspaper carrier bags. Will pay $1.00 for clean (not torn) news- bags: so: for older bags in good condition. Bring to: Waterloo Chronicle. 92 King Street South. War. terloo. It!) USED REFRIGERATORS Wanted in working order. Top dollar paid. Phone 579-2724. (10) ANTIQUES - ANY Amopm. any price anything from downright junk to upright pianos. Phone 669-2345. " ARTICLES WANTED DONATIONS NEEDED By PRE: 1930 CLOTHES - silks, dresses, satins, nightwear, hats, cos- tumes, stockings, boots, vests, jewellery. purses. etc. 801-6601. COMMERCIAL RATE mama.» EoetAdAtioetatWmdN .KNOWLEDGEABLE, Re- putable Owner of small ojntiqli, shop wishes to boy FULL SPECTRUM Fluore- scent llghts are 91% n- turai light with exuded UV. long life (33,500 hours, and energy " ficient. ‘lt reduces visual and physical fatigue. pro- motes proper function of the endocrine system and increases productivity up to 25%: For more infor, mation on the economic and health benefits talk to Marcus at MW. good 455 motor. as is $300.00. Phone 884-8239. PET GROOMING 50 Laurel St., Waterloo 'll'fle Expert Dog rooming All Breeds hoGehoifitems: rugi, silver, furniture, etc. 885- the Trillium Travellers Camping Club for thtera-, tion Wheelchair' at Cam-' perama '80. Bingeman Pare, Kitchener. Sales - March 5th - ttth, Auction Sale Friday. March Tth, 8:00 pan. Help us help the handicapped. For pick-up or further information call 745.4802 or 885-5045. (9) PROFESSIONAL (IO: (tf) (tf) + (tf) Ilfl 19)