p... lil: Van-rho emu. 1trtrheeviftttottry an! 47MAMStJL-Noxthm K Portal. Plan - ass-050m WATEKOO "Fascinating Shop for the Do-it t'oomettirr"" , RIBBON - RIBBON RIBBON l FEEATIVE WAKE A DENTURE . CLINIC Therapy l do Bridgeport Road Bait, ae" WM†'tEsrauii on tme-ttAda-bi-haiku" scam-“Mm.†omoumah "MLeti$RB$t"rTHtEAttrFBir, L9!“ STUDIO WEDDING PORTRAIT SPECIAL gown Mall WE HAVE RIBBON FOR EVERY NEED. canon mason- "W no." - a colon “Oi-pm! Snip.†- Paul and eotid - consume RIBBON- 6 colon, ALSO - Bump, m, Calico, Velma. Sun. and m. SUB-POST OFFICE IN STORE Open Monday-Saturday 9:00-5:C Come In and Brows. Around m - " â€in A: f LR, 1% th - '. (lj! "n [I 'i'la' . . C, "'\ . ' w w 'l/c), tRyWJ. .. r. “mum ktdg',tsi,'t, Sooter Studios I DEREK GROVES, DJ. " I " Tur" - RESTAURANT "For The Best Loved Fish In Tom" WATERLOO SQUARE 'tii'i'_"i'i_l'iii_ii'iiil,i_isi) "rr' 3 "". ... x v.41} '(/ Now brides and grooms to be can plan ahead to have beautiful formal studio ‘portraits on this very special' o fer from Sooter Studio MM) Interested in a full coverage wedding? We offer 5 location wedding packages All packages include the 3 main albums, proolsi thank-you cards, Stop by and pick-up a price list and have a look at our sample albums. q Choose from a minimum of 12 different poses F o Misties & double exposures are included at no extra charge q Han now and book now at either of our 2 convenient locations U in full colour Stanley Park Mail 093-7120 ( Business Students in the Environmontai Horticulturo Program at tho Wotorloo campus of Conostoga Couogo toasod snout-bound rosidonu of tho city with a tIIroo-doy samplo of spring during their lsndscoping show Ian _ Tho show. hold at 550 Parksido Dr., providod tho public with an opportunity to pick up somo idoas for homo gardening and landscapo design. Local landscaping and horticultural companios assistod with'tho displays. T Chronicle at." writer Por the first time in the history of Mutual Life of Canada, total premiums for individual and'gmup annui- ties in 1W9 exceeded those for individual and group life insurance, according to Jack V. Masterman, execu- tive vice-president. vMasterman. addressing the company's 110th annual meeting of policyholders today, said this is) con- tinuation of the trend of re- cent years for Canadians to George Mot: Travel Ltd. SERVICE and CARE tot your and dolor 74 Queen St. North Kitchener 579-5800 Annuity insurance premiums soar He said increases of nine per cent in the number of in- dividual policies sold and 5 per cent in the face amount were recorded during mo. "Miiiketing strength was demonstrated in higher levels of sales and vigorous growth in the size of our field force," he said. "Pre- miums and investment in- come increased steadily. mortality continued low and expenses remained within reasonable bounds." _ , MANY t THANKS For Your Support . IO. NIIDHAM New Democrat Waterloo Despite unsettled political and economic conditions during the past year, Mas- terman said his company had an exceptionally good year.__ “The major change in the past decade has occurred in the individual market as an- nuity premiums soared from just one per cent of the total in 1969 to an impres- sive 30 per cent in 1979," Masterman said. satisfy their insurance needs through the purchase of whole life or term in- surance and their re-, tiretnent needs through se- parate annuity policies, These results reflect ready acceptance by the ptrttiidof major changes made in market strategy and plan design early in 1978. A new term plan was in- troduced last year to meet the needs of corporations and business partnerships, and a no-load daily interest annuity plan, designed to serve the financial needs of individuals planning for their retirement, was an- nounced. There was marked in- crease in health insurance benefits, reflecting the growth in this business as well as the greater utiliza- tion and rising costs of health care services and prescription drugs. accord- ing to Masterman. He said Mutual Life peo- ple have appeared before the Ontario Select Commit- tee on Company Law, mak- ing presentations and re- sponding to questions on un- derwriting. investment operations, marketing sys- tems and the relationship between federal and provin~ cial regulatory authorities. “We. welcome this CK. amination of the industry and we look forward to any constructive proposals which the committee may make to improve the way in which the industry serves its customers." Masterman Masterman said benefits payments - about 81.3 mil- lion each working day - were up 17 per cent over the previous year. Wall: a block a day. If. the fiett Mer. “it I “if“!!!