Paul-Nacho tal' UM]:- 44% m humane. panama by mounting our com- com Vucouaobobummdo-: Wanammvmupto 1l)ltllllLtt! I,llllJoilllll,t Gil ' Tub ebu- Ml 2mmgnuy1uons '-rttv.-r-"t6Mtt' Mime Sunday 2pm tederioli 531 "ity; “WHERE WHOLESWE FOOD AND WEST PRICES ARE THE ORDER OF THE DAY" CAMIIDGE 628-6730 GiIii@11E " KING ST. NORTH PHONE WATERLOO UNI, 885-5700 WE OFFER YOU MEXICAN ‘FO'OD Nu STARTS FRIDAY ineso AT LARGE 1 2MW7|O l BI,tyiitittytitt HELD OVER ALPACiNO IN CRUISING 3 Shows may , . It pm tl HELD OVER AMERICAN GIGALO STARTS FRIDAY STAR TREK "WW 7IO:1ipm Him. In. M HELD OVER ALL THAT JAZZ Nightly 1 tk 9:109"! Mint. 8.1. & Sun. 2 pm Two ttttot-Night-tget Sn.lc8un.2pm HELD OVER . KRAMER . vs. KRAMER 2 ttttow, 'lightly , I tlt Main- tyt. E Sun. 2 a 2 Shows "in†1 . 9:10 mango sm. ngm STARTS FRIDAY SATURN 3 2 'ttow. Mink] , I I "mun MAMA)": STARTS FRIDAY HELD OVER 1tclfletteM,. Funny I). 1†“Moan“! Mia-MW m.zs',a,27,a moo-12m Tun-Inn Tttee-es NWT!- Fch. " 1:no- Imam KITOHEIER Watt . 11:38! Emit. ct.- Teal-v I m 'tqrirtp 19.. It. I Hume‘s-g canines " w... “.m- r-So you think you know Wow-w "It is killing' vegetation, corroding bridge surfaces. putting unsafe levels of sa- linity into drinking water supplies. and, of greatest The use of rock salt on North American streets and highways is costing tax- payers billions of dollars each yepr. ac rding to " bert/W. Thong: president of the London-based Domin- ion Automobile Association. The Church of The 1 I Holy Saviour _ 1 33 Allon St. ‘Em. ( l Wltotloo. _ Co-0rdirtator - Mrs, Dix-o1 Gulclmr. K-W Int-mitt: Pn- Iorol Counselling Comm Discussion. Flooding and no. source Maori-l Avnilablo. The Series Starts at 7:45 p.m. " Inform-Ian 70-8772 - Emma Welcome .. "e Keven m \ hawk-mum Tttecttradqlltahr+Ft-idtsr-it- nrttiettatetmtrtttm-tetmntttim.thte-ietttt -err.tnaytte-tl-thmettiottirttr. Waterleolns Indemtorhminuueclupelnmecemeterym University Avenue East since January ms. he do “facility for crematietrtpeWtottatdateeirt tenggtittnn.TBextettoorugtdoet. Mr. Charles E. '2e,utr,tf'd,a"1n2t,'ht " dollars at coffee to convince _emttteatrie'tuttttte'eeterterttipereirtg.Nr. voerltserrttadttmtrr-saatdemilreerrnatedaatdhe -tt_ettrttteee-tttservieeietthearnta. 'tettitt-eimrtienta1'tltorrdth1t.leehaft Vite would draw tranche entire Bruce Peninsula qargeramatttatttheCityittumdmtdrawsfromHieh has two cm. Me also discovered that all of the maxim - privately owned except the oneinSeult Ste.Marieamd.ttt-ttore.they mustbe miAhtgmmey.NeemttesdttteFewiththeidea tiurttheCitytmtidtntpptyartededserviee andeho make'some my. Atpeeimttttteerernatoriuatdttes take in more money than it costs to run it but all ammonia some!“ paying dfthedehemue titeCitytoVttofimmeetheittsstaNtimMtheere- Theetematrtrittrtt tmdttttadditittet ttttittmtthettmer 1etre1ottiteehapeleotirtW0.000artdmtsttmdedhrthe City of Waterloo with a ten year debenture. It is the most modern type oi cremstor and there is enough roornintheboildingforansdditiooalone.1‘hepn> jected number of commissions the first year was forty to fifty. In im there were 254 commissions and in 1979 there" were an. “OMâ€! 'Use of road salt 'irresponsible' THAT EFFECTIVE MARCH 1, "tttt AUTO LIABILITY INSURANCE WILL BE COMPULSORY. SEE YOUR INDEPENDENT AGENT OF YOUR CHOICE, TO ARRANGE FOR COVERAGE BEFORE MARCH 1, 1m " Want-loo Chamber of Comm-rec, Bridgeport Rd. Wm A THOUGHTFUL REMINDER “WITHIN RESIN IE. WOULD LIKETO REMIND too, He said the United States Environmental Protection Agency released results of an in-depth study into the use of salt in that country in 1976. It's Economic Analy- sis of Environmental Im- pact on Highway De-lcing' study, based on only 20 stormy days, produced a cost figure in excess of $3- billion. The salt itself. along with the post of applying it, re- presented only a small frac- tion of the total figure, Troi- lope baid. Damage to water supplies was plated at $150- concern to our members. aids in the deterioration of atttomMtile bodies," Ttol- lope said. _ 'tfl',','; _ nope said it's a costly addition to icy and snow- clogged roads. George Motz Travel Ltd. SERVICE and CARE toe you! "In! - 74 Queen tit. North Kitchener 579-5800 AND million; damage to trees and vegetation was pegged at {so-minim: corrosion of bridge decks represented $500-miition. But the largest cost was attributed to an- tomobile rust. The survey placed the dollar figure at close to 2-hitlion as a result of thesalt scattered on road- ways during the Mr-day period. _ “Two billion dollars! It's almost too big a figure for the human mind to grasp," Trollope said. "When we began our investigation al- most two years ago, we knew the dollar figure for auto damages would be high. All we had to do was look at our own personal cars. We really never su- spected the figure would be that high. Our study has con- vinced us that salt must be eliminated from the roads. We just ean't afford to conti- nue using it." One of the biggest prob lems. according to Trollope. lies in a lack of guidelines for the use of salt. His " ttoeiation'tt Canada-wide survey indicates that quanti- ties vary from 1.6 tons of salt per mile being used an- nually in Manitoba, to " much " 45 tons per mile on Newfoundland roads. Trol- lope said several provinces were unable to provide fi- gures on the amount of salt "being dumped into the en- Tta-ities-ttsa-e-tate-ties- tioettotttecttyir1tteNDqahmitiirl g-iees.TtteesetisiraHte,torV ar-a-teta-te.--".-" sealed container and a,eoroetet's certificate is mqtat'md.Tttereisamaatditete'rtoiitthttttnsrde1ay incaaean aumyianuired. Amanda.- Me (to. the Daparmiem of Social Serviemrmstiirtittg the-awe: ferrq6ie.httterejafeettrtttefamitytnareieetto 1emretttearittetoiththecemeerystatftobetmried ftoeoftdtaNeito-tttsetptot.tilaetomtremairts 'separatehsasetttefamitrwtsttest-theaahes atataterdste.Morrt-terie0avetqteciatNotsfor From March8toi6,ttteSixtttAnmsa1Wor%Juttior Curling Championship will be held at the Kitchener Memorial Auditorium. This event is being jointly hosted by the Kitchener and Waterloo Chambers of Commerce. the KW Granite Club and the Westmoum Golf and Country Club. Tickets are available at the Auditorium. [ Watertoerteteeeteterie, thee-eon Universéty Avemetiat.aiti"tteMe-ttmteCemetery.TheUni- versity Av-E-tce-i-ttite-ears oidayrideoverst-teertaeteereisrottmtor music-I quid: “gamble than. .. mil}. Vodka would like (one a memorial wall erectedoracrypttmiittoh-th-afterthe debenture for the crematorium is paid. _ Theta-inlet-UU-tttpts/nth-Mer “I feel this is totally ir- responsible. In view of docu- mented damage and side-ef- fects. you‘d think the auth- orities responsible for road maintenance would be mah- ing every effort possible to avoid the use of salt as ade- icing agent on their thoroughfares, .. Trollope Trollope suggests that salt has become too convenient and that there are other al- ternatives available to us that don't cause ecological or automobile damage, like sand alone. vironment. __ "Sand doesn't kill trees. It doesn't make drinking water supplies unfit for con. sumption and it doesn't rot bridges and cars," Trollope He claims the results of his surveÂ¥ confirms the findings " other surveys: under most winter condi- tions. sand try itself is an ef- fective de-icing agent and if stockpiled in dry storage areas before being spread on roads it will, under most circumstances. do the job very well. "We urge every Mfieial of every governmental juris- diction to consider this " ternative this winter. We be- lieve it will m...“ we believe we can save billions of (hum as a result." Trol-