Winter can be a time for fun and recreation, according to the Grand River Conservation Authority and this group of eager young people. Snowshoeing and skiing are only two of the many activities possible ' at GRCA facilities. - . GRCA winter Sports programs Entertainment Chronicle at." writer Although tt might seem pointless to talk about cross- country skiing in view of our grey winter this year, the Grand River Conservation Authority reminds Waterloo area residents that when the snow does come, the GRCA is prepared. Thanks to the numerous conservation areas and parks in this aria, winter is as much a time for outdoor recreation as summer ever Providing some snow does fall and stay, the GRCA has a "total range of winter out- door fun" available at cer- tain parks. ‘4 .40 " G e . “L a " if a . Il sp; " A pt J Je - " .ol ti -91 tho i',?ii!i:,!,l,t:,'ii, 'e; doom. 'tet; .cosxo‘oa .o' \(\69\Wb\~lle‘e - tlii3' Cie, 'iitt oot 'iiEt "" tho 'sos'. Jiitf Ff, scams we scum; oo iiiti?))'i, "ot) 0060‘s 506 kt', oo\\ee \o Moog. M65mox1. 'git) Vow ‘n60es$'§\\\ee¢eï¬voo ooévo‘ga "" _ “my ,wooomw 006 9305990. We lot', 9k». Qo‘ . ',rJf, " $06 op d mo 'lot ea A isji;ttt M 0. .The cross<eountry facili- ties include marked and groomed trails, plowed parking lots and concession and ski rentals. - With the increasing in- terest in cross<eountey ski- ing, the GRCA also has a number of complete cross- country skiing facilities. They are Elora Gorge, Guelph -Lake, Pinehurst Lake and Shade's Mills. Snowmobiling is a popular winter sport and three areas of GRCA land are available to offer a combined total of TO kilometers of snowmobile trails. Luther Marsh, Cones- togo Lake and Belwood Lake are snowmobile areas. so' For those who like' more than pure recreation in the winter months, the GRCA offers a number of pro- grams which take place on weekends in winter and spr- ing. These programs feature lectures. slide shows; movies and discussion on various nature, recreation and resource management topics. The programs are concluded by hikes onto Na- ture Centre lands where the All for only HALF BARBEQUED » CHICKEN M" to Thursday 'trat mm. to 9:!) on. Frau-v " :30 mm. to 10:30 p.m., Sunni-y " tirnot30 pm. Sunday " to 9 mm. Itth Room Specialties All diam include CRISP CHEF SALAD. baked potato, "in and humor. hosted with oPr famous barboquo sauce Called the Conservation for Communities Program," these weekend events are offered free of charge. Fa- milies and organized group: are welcome but advised to phone in advance. At present the weekend courses are operated out of the Taquanyah Nature Cen- tre' near Cayuga, Apps' Mill Nature Centre near Paris and the Laurel Creek Centre weekend! 'opies can be ex- plored firsthand. ' Planned Parenthood j reaches :, ".'r.i'ii_'_:,'_,ii fund goal Following the success of last year's sttow, members of the clubwill once again prepare and serve gourmet hors d'oeuvres including fresh mustrroomistutted with crab. petite quiche lor- . m " writer The theme for this year's Eaton: - Kitchener-Wa- terloo May Court Club Fa- bles Show in Tallinn: for the MN.. The show will be use on Wednesday. Feb. ' begin- ning at 1 :SOp.m. in the Vien- nese “Ballroom at the Wa- terloo Motor Inn. . Planned Parenthood Wa- terloo Region raised $13,283 during its recent fund rais- ing campaign, exceeding their goal of $12,000 set ear- lier. The figure represents an increase of more than 20 per cent' over, the previous year', cohtributions of 811.000. hold fashion show May Court Club to Vinita: Ohmic“. wanna-y, January 30, "no . Pool tt ft]!),!.,!!,],,?,?,,],] 1,l,lll,l,lll,Lt,!, WEB}!!! Endoviclliili m. on... m "ttttlt-tters Froduickiii rtuttsuliitirui. "Sid-Ii mum-vmsnun FA l-‘girview CHIC]!!! STARTS FRIDAY AMERICAN GIGALO 2 Shows Mindy 7 a. 9 Maine. Sat. & se. 2 pm HELD OVER KRAMER V8. KRAMER 2 Show, Nightly , a. 9 Mninu Sn. a. Sun. 2 gm THE ELECTRIC HORSEMAN 2 Shows 'l'mtttty , 8: 9:15 pm 2 Show, Nightly , & 9:15 Matinee Sun. 2 pm STARTS FRIDAY 'thitttie at 7 l: 9 pm “the. Sat. 8: Son. 2 pm "to" 2 Shows Nightly , a. 9:20 HELD OVER "GOING IN STYLE" HELD OVER 'GOING IN STYLE' STARTS FRIDAY HISTORIC JESUS 28Mw|m¢mV1a9pm Motion Set. . Sun. 2 pm Cult of the Damned Two Shows Nightly , a 9 pm HELD OVER GUYANA nine. mailman bracts. minted oysteri on thin rye and cocktail smokies in a tangy sauce. hum from Eaton: will feature spring and summer designer clothing including a selection from the exclu- sive Signature Shop. In addi- tion. Eaton: will pmvide 15 door prises 'with a minimum value of 810. The grand prize of the evening will be a $300 wardrobe from Eatons. Proceeds from the even- ing will assist the May Court Club in carrying on its ser- vice to the community which is geared to the needs of women and children of disadvantaged circumstan- Cash Paid For Existing Mortgages Ariruurt 848-2510 KITCHENER 743-536 MORTGAGE MONEY FOR All REASONS Difficult Mortgages A Specialty Prime Rates Fat Service " -M--" -B.'aqeo. Wadi; . on? â€um