h.ttiity,,. cause King. By Howard Elliott Chronicle - m Although King St. isn't li.. kely to cave in " some media sources have ru- mored lately, downtown Waterloo's main street will probably be closed for a ’le to allow repairs. d closing the four lane reel in the area of Wa- terloo Square is bound to make a lot of merchants un- happy, "but the work has to be done," according to Mayor Marjorie Carroll and regional engineering com- missioner D'Arcy Dalton. King St. itself isn't in need of repair though. The prob- lem is actually under the The Waterloo Public LI- brary will close at 1 pm on M 24 and will remain used Christmas Day and c 26, Boxing Day On Dec 3l thelibrary will close at l pm. also. and will re- main closed Jan 1 These hours apply to the mam branch and the Parkside branch. Pictured here is the culvert that has Marjorie Carroll worried. " hasn't been repaired or replaced since the turn of the century. This section of the culvert is behind the burned-out Art's Recreation Centre and Garden Restaurant and Willies Too restaurant. Youngsters are reminded to post their letters to Santa Claus in Waterloo library mail boxes at both branch- es Santa picks up his mall daily and promises to answer all letters 2prcie.. worthy of your confidence. STEWART SCHEDEWWZ Waterloo library holiday hours Aginévculve‘r‘i "eu/tiid iirollblleIryr, KEITH nmmuu street, in the form of a cul- vert that hasn't been re- placed since the late 1800's. The concrete culvert carries Laurel Creek under King St. and also under a block of buildings on the east side of the street. Earlier this year fire des- troyed part of that block, and that's when problems with the culvert became ap- parent. Laurel Creek also runs under the Waterloo Square parking lot, but the culvert was replaced when the park- ing lot was built in that There's no doubt the work has to be done, and soon. Cnnrcntcnt Parking. ontrrmg Wellington or King Street a tradition since 1925. 'rascinating Shop for the Do-it Yourselfer†CREATIVE CRAFTS Lower Mall Pomsama, Hony, Cedar. Mini-1m, Santa Chm. etc.. 3130 Fan and Styrofoam forms Datz ~Bcchtd SUB-POST OFFICE IN STORE Open Monday-Saturday 9:00-5:00 Como In and Browse Around funeral home and chapel 621 KING WEST - 745-9495 A- Lalo re -,r","'Ci""-ssa' Foe mis. Pillbw Coven. Wall Hangings in FIomlJngaho th Animal Panama t5RFtit"mtLtas GREENERY son DECORATIONS lATCH HOOK KITS WATERLOO SQUARE says Mayor Carroll, because once the burnedout Maine:- m are repaired. access to the ancient culvert will be almost impossible. Besides the buildings themselves, the mayor wants to see the work done before a new sidewalk is in- stalled on the east side of King St., so the sidewalk and trimmings won't have to be disturbed once they're installed. There's some debate though, about who is going to pay for the new culvert. Until recently, the Grand River Conservation Auth- ority had a policy of paying tor any work involving a tri- butary of the Grand River. But that policy has been changed to cover only the river itself. And the coat of the repairs won't be in the regional budget, so there may be some diftlettity get- ting payment trom that quarter. The important thing. ac- cording to Mayor Carroll. is to get the wort done. Then the Region, GRCA and the City can sort out who will pay for what. She has no idea of what the cost for a new culvert might be, since the design work is not yet complete. But she admitted any work involving a creek is bound to be expensive. And neither the mayor or regional officials know how long the job will take - or how long King St. will have to be closed to traffic. But closing it tor "a month or two" is quite possible. _ PROTECT YOUR HOME Have your chimney donned by ‘axperts EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE Heritage Place 33 Erb St. West Waterloo 885-1871 E79 is the year to shop. We Offer: Pottery, pewter, blown glass. wood and stuffed toys, wood sculptures, soapstone and other native arts and crafts. etc. Items for everyone '... SOMETHING COMES ALONG THAT EXCEEDS YOUR EXPECTATIONS a t " r. I-a., Hours: Every Weekday to 9:30 p.m. Saturday to 5:30 pm: 744-2451 auwttaattetlaatattaaseu '"auaaenattuutbutttlrC CANADIAN MOM!!!) mom. mm. D-tttar 12.19†- M ' *-.atit-r-e-r; n». ry’rui“ ') wwvmmr et" n Te..' .0.‘ . Adding to the expense of the work la the dlstence over which the new culvert must run. " well as under King St., the culvert will have to run under the re- built laminate: and on back to Regina Bt., _ ..---. - An {uncle In the luv Re. cord last week said Mayor Carroll feared a 'King St. 640 Hespaler Road Cambridge, 662-0560 Hours: Open 7 Days Weekdays to 9:30 Sunday - Noon to 5 pm. tsave-in', but Ihe says that is over-dramatlc. The culvert won't cave in because a dun controls the water ttow further up Laurel Creek. If anything, engineering com- missioner D'Arcy Dalton says heavy trame on top of the old culvert might wea- ken it, and even that's unll- Rely.