The animals at the Waterloo Park zoo can't be very happy these days. About a month ago. two deer escaped hom the park and one was killed. Authorities said the animal was too close to $MNtu- lated areas and they weren’t sure they could tran- quilize thebeast. - _ So they shot it. Late last week, some well-meaning but very misguided vandal- took it upon him/hersell to free Late last week, some well-meaning but very misguided vandal- took it upon him/herself to free the wolves from the zoo. This action was foolish. but probably not ill-meant. The vandal probably felt sorry for the wolves in their tiny pen and felt the animals would be happier free. Of course the vandal was wrong. and now the wolf is dead. Animals kept in constant captivity such as the ones at out zoo have no idea of how to survive on their own, so they are certainly better off in cages and pens. _ In addition to these two incidents. authorities have recanted many acts of vandalism at the Moo over the past few years. . over the past few van. . The community services department of the City of Watodoo is the branch inch... 01 manhunt. pensive pr published every â€My try Fairway PM“. a division of Kitchener aterloo Record Ltd.. owner tts Fairway Rd. s.. Kitchener, Ott. address con-Wm to Waterloo oaiee: t 92 King St. Smith. Waterloo. Ont. telephone “2830 Wet-doc cm on.“ a band onsfo?.'. of the ow. soon- buckling apocal- Wuwoo Squat Padang on “no so.“ at m Waterloo sow. Open Mommy to FudgySOOam to600trm This Will be tomorrow's headline because the postal de- partment recently placed a deposit mailbox on the Cones, toga Expressway _ - Dear Editor: While depositing my mall. I had to stand on the road In line With the oncoming traffic A car coming over the hill and rounding the curve almost hit me Luckily I saw it in time. jumped to the Side and saved my neck This harardous Sltuatlon Is on Erb St East In Waterloo. near the entrance to the Conestoga Expressway In the wmter the snow plough will bury this mailbox with snow and then It Will be useless The placing of ttus mailbox near the expressway shows the intelligence and mentality of the postal authorities his IS one reason why courier services are out-performing our postal department This letter i.'; written before someone is Injured or lulled. Memo to the postal department tWhat will they think of next“ W. Karges Waterloo PERSON KILLED MAILING LETTER Letters to the editor of the Waterloo Chrorurie must he signed with the writer 8 name In order to be pub- hshed The name wull be published With the letter The writer should also mclude hrs or her address and telor phone number Normally a lotlnr signcd With a pseu- donym will not he published The editor has the right to edit letters for grammar and spelling and to withhold letters which may be doomed defamatorv rontemptuous or of questionable taste The Chromrle wok-0mm letters tn the ednnr on any thN‘t Lenâ€: should bc mm in Tho Fiditor Wa, torhm Chromrlrs T King 'it S SVitrrli") - Waterloo Chronicle, www.mum a: 1gp Letters policy 92 King s'riioGrmiUti'r7ii,"Gii. wwmgéso w "uoets-ca-soets.t"o1'.'_oootitp-tose-rowt, I CAN SEE n ALL NOW, 00EBEC WILL 'a, Parking on King Street or in Waterloo Square Open Monday to - ' i to 6 oo p m . Putg-FuoWtn*Hr SEPARME AND THEN THMI. FIND Editor Howard Ellie" Aehor8t.tettt Manager: John harem . _ subscriptions: $14 a year in Canada. r ' OI THERE ' . . . $16 a year in United States and Foreign Countries _ L a y - t gg-g-tIt-tgt-I-i-tri-l-tellie-li. _ l w' IN A Bless the / fri " F _ beasts - _ t , tii-i/jd,, i ' Eggs - Far" imals at the Waterloo Park zoo can't be tE ' . , by these days. About a month ago. two TA 'E': ' r) 2 uped hom the park and one was killed. / E 'r a. , ‘ l8 said the animal was too close to mow L' 15/ . I ii) Is and they weren‘t sure they could tran- / - (IIB?)) Ar" "CC] LS" p, h" sheast. F- r , . " , f " Its, V f shot it. Iilglil r Eiiiltg '\ G Itf 1st week. some well-meaning but very i, I Ii i iIRieFee BliliMt8ti 'qc'. E t , g I vandar took it upon him/herself to free W llttt& L'i".CC,"2r2t2"iit'."i2zi2t'21 u ‘ t", is from the zoo. This action was foolish, git" t "’5'"? BWBI E"? - _ it." ' bly not ill-meant. The vandal probably felt limit; _ 'i = Bla' . ill? the wolves in their tiny pen and you the r KiG r FSF. if: would be happier free. 3,552“ "g " ugit' . _ rse the vandal was wrong. and now the $221?" .. ' -. Ei . 1llt _ ead. Animals kept in constant captivity li5ilil , titt - ik! re ones at our zoo have no idea of how to ". ' . " . t their own, so they are certainly better off ' . _1,8lllii.iiii. and pens. _ , ' N Cl a ition to these two incidents, authorities - , -‘ kg - irded many acts of vandalism at the zoo , I 2lli10 NIlG NN& T, g. CA r Blal if) il ll Jest few years. . ' u' EI , .. Ki " " ‘ r' ' mmunity services department of the City ooisthebranchinohergeolranningthe . . _ F munity services Administrator Ken Phlug - LN , I can be done to stop incidents of vanda- ru g l ret zoo short of hiring round-the-cloclr se- ' a fill iple. And that. he says. would be too ax- l . . ' r . the zoo isn't so expensive we must stand (a ca-V , fi/l E: animals escape, and are killed. Surely we tr-g-i?.,!:!.?-?.??.?,').,',,?] g Gee, 3 r afford to hire security guards to protect N, a w" (<7? Bi . - kuded,. . " N% I.==r= g MMMEESI, ils. or we can close the zoo altogether 31:37:" it iNEiiiEeS tjail Bg. , [talll) cy lt. ")tl' \_/ ' -" a a 'N--, tt --" _ Is thin mailh ox 35? . , 3" Is this mailbox dangerous? Publish! Paul Wmldu Edna New“ "ttttt A6-tettt Mun-cu: John hot-m trttscriptioets: $14 a year in Canada. ruled States and Foreign Cotmtries, established 1854 The mailbox in question is located on Erb St, just before the expressway entrance The box is pic- tured here and the distance between the box and the road can also be seen clearly, There are no sidewalks in the area I CAN SEE n nu. NOW, 0055a WILL‘ SEPARATE AND THEN mm. FIND,