_ Reader recalls old Waterloo landmarks -ede-r,r-rbrrai-r5'tess, oi.isi-ite-rarate+o$teemdud..-et 6?“, " S. Kitehe-.0" "Ares-ere-de-r-ttross' uma.mum.on.wnsn w-oo-as.-.-.----".----. ms... Mammanmm (bum-o rah 100'..- . soitUm Waterlooahlermenmayhaveaconflictofinterestand thenagairvther maynot. Attiie-Gtnittottr-isrorsee4eertttteioee: ".amtrmaatrtrsomeuthemeitt1iretttreiecmttl birioLArerdrtreemttrrriesedtrrtteAss.oc9ti.eo', Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), stating in principal how csmnieiotinterestamemgeiectedmtmicip9ifffic9isi) be identified, came before Waterloo council Manday night andwasprmuttrreerredurttoththe1tief'sdyparte't amitheAuminhirativectnnmitteeforstmtramtreport. 'rhatsotvedtteprattriemteimtoraritriitwats+iese oreemudbeezrtecudtoread,digestandiyterprettlttttifA rerortrigtttmtiheeoooteereF,i_tsrrreeresferm.ite- ty felt. Aid. Richard Biggs declared a conflictof intereston tuissoesbetorecmGa,andAierBottMenryraisedthe academicquestionastowhetherAld. Biggsshouldhave madeasinii1ardectaratio-athirdissmeinwhiehheap- peared to have neither direct or indirect financial interest. Thepoint Ald. HenrymadewasthatAld. Biggsvotedona pianhingehantreroroeterrrolttctImtdec1infdetevot.tory' identical planning change affecting a project in which he has a financial interest. What if theootcome had beendif- ferent for the two projects and Aid. Biggs' vote were cri- The intent of the conflict of interest legislation as it af- fects our elected representatives is surely to guide and con- trol moral behaviour in office. Legislating morals has always been a problem. On one hand there is thedanger that politicians feeling intimidated, will play it safe and declare aemtnictoetthievaguestofcmtnectioets,andinsod?ing representthevotersuoettyairactioetottltieesbefore cmncil. Ontheotherhandourmayorandaldermenmay find themselves in constant need of expensive legal counsel Can you imagine a residential planning matter coming before council and aldermen rushing to the nearest phones for legal opinions on possible conflict of interest based on the fact they live in this city? On the rare occasions when a quorum could be achieved, council meetings would probably overlap into the next day. _ Whatever is in that ominous looking AMO report (copies are not as yet readily available). I for one hope the defini- tions and auditions are laced with common sense and a healthy respect for the moral judgment of the people we elected to rimnicial office To the Editor: Our heartlest congratulations on the celebration of your l25th anniversary of your paper Your edition tAug 29t brought back many fond memorTes of what Waterloo was like when I moved there In l9l3 I thought maybe you muld publish the following The lollowmg are Just a few landmarks of yesteryear I Where the Marsland Centre Is now standing was the old red brick town hall and In front was a bandstand where Prof Thlele held band concerts every Friday night during the summer months 2 The Waterloo fire hall was directly behind the town hall on Albert St The fire engines were hauled by horses The harness was suspended from the ceding In readiness to be dropped down on the horses whenever a fire occurred , In the vmmty of Anne's Kitchen on Erb St W was a wooden bridge and wooden side-walk over the open mill- race coming from Srlver Lake 4 A few doors further east was Schefter's blacksmith shop where the farmers brought their horses to be shod Par sersby would stop and enjoy how the shoes were heated and shaped over the Iron anvil - NosrALCMA 5 Behind where the Granada store IS now was the Ring St Snider Milling Co where farmers brought their wheat to be ground Into flour 6 At the south west corner of King and Erb St In front of the Molsons Rank, (now Bank of Montreal» was a large tron water trough for the convenience of the horses used In those davs 7 'Further down Erh St East corner Regina St was the old skating rink With a grass tennis court beside It where I used to play tennis To ‘con flliiet or not to conflict t. Letters to the editor o-ooo-sid.--'.--')',),", _ "tmeri-sr'uayearmcaatat1a 'isareariraUrrisedStaesa-ieckr'rr'eres God! "our Priest did no wrong in marrying Sorry I won't be here to see the changes that wall probably take place m the next 60 years To the Editor: Recently a former Roman Catholic pmest died In Chicago. and he was denied a funeral mass by the omcials of the church, Why" What was hts sin" The Natmal Catholic Reporter explained “he left the pnesthood and got mamed m 1975 .. Looking through the written word I note marriage ts an ar- rangement Instituted by God and It says. "God proceeded to create man m his Image. In God's Image he created hum male and female he created them and God blessed them and sand to them Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth and subdue It." Gen 127-28 Then m the hook Timothy 4 " “The Inspired utterance says definitely that In later pennds of tlme some will fall away from the faith paying attention to misleading utteran, ces and teachings of demons by the hypocnsy of men who speak hes. marked In their CtAtsCtPqtCe as with a brandmg mm forbidding to marry q' In my opinion the priest did no wrong whatsoever He was carrying out God's law not man's Many of us have seen gangsters get all the rites of the church who committed murder which Is considered serious by the laws of God and Man Comment LG. Ila-nun Kitchener WI). Pope Waterloo Reader calls Chronicle headline ironic - Elmira school anniversary coming up Iran think of a series from the Widening of llmon Street to the Allen Square Parking garage currently Of course only hall makes decisions while the mule-n5 who are affected are away on vacation In July and August Your article In August 29th's ('hromcle headed “Waterloo shafted during Carroll's absence"" pmhably had a lot of your readers chuckling Major donsuons have been a tradr hon In Watettoo mum‘ll chambers m summer months for some wars Now Mayor Carroll knows how some of us little guys feel Rosemary Rowe Waterloo Dear Editor: Staff. Students and Parents. present and past. are invited to John Mahood Public School's 25th anniversary on Satur- day, October 27. 1979 at the school Actlvmes for the day Will include an open-house, a brief ceremony at 12 30 and an afternoon family skating party Letter to the Editor, Congratulator'y rnessdiis arid old photos would be appre- mated Further Information IS available by calling 669-'3153 Janet Higgs Chairperson, Family Teacher Assomaton