Associaiion, Vikings will meet two teams they have not {awed in the past. ' face: will he Inch Herold Bryan and Mark Eisner. Because of the Twin City amalgam with the South Waterloo Association to form the Waterloo County --t%ertoesC8-ieste.tWdr_S-ntttertRtth “Irina. mummy-one) arWAAtttrtrtSt. N.-Noxttolohn "N. Pal'kdale Ptaza - 88m - WATERLOO Compames and from many Twen (Hy merchants or. send a cheque or money order With the (nupon below [he all nk he! dollar (mm are $1 each plus 25( to cover postage and handlmg for senous collectors a hauled number of spenmen quality 999 sulvev Oktoberfest dollars are avavlable Prwe us $18G) "THE WM†Canada's great Bavarian festival __ Oktoberfest -- as fast appmachms - oof we're waning now to help you get mlo the spam of fun that surrounds the nine-day (ck-bumm Oktoberfest Dollars, Programs and Cookbooks are avatlahk now and you (an get yours wmply by ordonng With the coupon below Don't delay' [veryone loves a souvemr and the Oktoberfest dollar Is one of our most popular souvenirs lt's manual too keep the all rm Rel (om as a memento of your vrsrt or engoy spendmg It Oktoberfest dollars are legal currency to the lwm Ctttes of Krtr boner and Waterloo untal ()(tober it, 1979 for 1979 the Oktoberfest dollar features our own ()nlu-l Hans and frieda m a musKal setting wrth Hans playrng the tuba whole lneda looks on The obverse depxts a lamrllar srght m Waterloo [lemon a Mennomte horse and buggy, a ittnntt symbol at our herrtage as Kntrhener relebrates rts 129th anmversary Oktoberfest dollars are available at all K W Banks and Trust Oktoberfest Dollars .11 vmamuummauam Halibut) oCumCho-t.r.B+uetooooamm oBugonoShoIIOnABun C oFamlyDiningorJako-Om _ tteE-t.-Sat.tba.Thwii.mgP.M. ' ' tttre're0gt.etSurt_otittars 12-8 on. k Oktoberfest dollars f 16 NH krl Dullavx Sh 9S I l Nulu‘l Dollar SI 15 l l Souvvnu Annual Hh l }\Ilvpv Dollar 5mm l JOktoherfest ( ookbook $t95 MAR TO. " MIMI?!“ oFHCE. 77 Orturio sh (â€than per (om whuth mdudm laws, handling and shtpptrm Tho H mm ulvm tom tom In an annuity? r"o0ettor's wallet ( IW mem o/State Postal (Odo/lop ( ode Name Address "For The Best Loved Fish In Town" 1139mm of di5ttttiitlityitit FEATURING: opposition on opening day My at WCI. MW coaches do not like to use the expression "seeding", the senior teams in WCSSAA have been aligned in groups according to" past and- predicted strength with regards to View 1?ng will sappy the RESTAURANT' "For junior scheduling purposes. they've basically mirrored the senior sche- dule," said Easton. "For- tunately for as our games against the stronger clubs aren't until the end the of season so'we're hoping to get a footing. in the early games. All our kids are super eager and they're get- ting excellent coaching from our staff (Ed Scorgie, John McIntyre, John Cater) in the fundamentals of the game, but remember for most of them it's the first time they've played the game. We've got a big job ahead of us." WCI which does not have a sepia: .clpb, therefore is aligned with Nt'.",,", coun- §erpar§s that, _ gle tten- iori play each week. WW October 5-13, 1979 Canada’s Great Btttmritttt Festival Now you (an recreate 'at home all the delrnous treats that are \n murh a part of Oktoberfest In The Ongmal Oktoberfest Cookbook, you'll fertd over one hundred pages of reupm mrludmg soups and salads, meats and barbecues. rakes and tortes. pastnes and rollee cakes and rookres The rookbook (onsvsts mamly of reopet from the Kmderlzorh test, one of the many Oktoberfest General and Cultural Events, but " also features ream from total German Clubs and restaurants PrKed at St 95 the ()ngmal Oktoberfest Cookbook makes a great gilt Avarlable now from the Oktoberfest ollKe In rexerve your copy send on the coupon below wuth a cheque or money order for more deulled "tformation on thes year's festival plus the story of Oktoherfest's Hevert Years of Gemutlkhkmt, send '" the (oupon below voth SOt ('mludes postage) for your oflKul olluslulcd trktoberfest snuvvnu annual book thh n Jumble after luly I, 1979 Oktoberfest Cookbook " you would like a complete set of b (Duns for the years 197) to 1978 a hauled number are available In an allranwe tolkN tor's case for $699 each Oktoberfest Program Set of 6 nickel dollars GET IN ON THE FUN AAfATERLOO (Continued from one 19) score to establish a winner. WC] came out way ahead in the mbined meet totals with a more of Arr. Preston was next with " while St. "Marr's--St. Jerome’s was a distant third with +337. "What we tried to do with this meet was encourage as many students to cane out and see what cross-country is all about," said meet con- venor Kaarina Tulisalo of WCI. "We tried to stress participation. and at the time allow the serious com- petitors a chance to get in shape for future events." The course at Laurel, not generally regarded as one of the tougher ones, was made more difficult by steady rains the previous day which made the going, especially on the dirt (mud) paths through the bush, more challenging. Water and mud greet 2ii"," and loft rolling terrain any- mtr." Lloyd Schmidt at Preston was the fastest navigator oi course, winning the 4.5 mile event maul. Mike Houston of wcr was the first local finisher, ending up thin! in It was nearly an all-Wa- terloo Show in the girls 4.5- mile ‘race with wel and Bluevale competitors' do. minating. Giselle Kavanagh Fii oc'nAMs SUBJECT TO cages WITHOUT NOTICE 1l,lt,lh,,,Ltt,l, :2? 915.19% tlJill,,l,lll) MINI". " I I Mr. was Mondo Video Inca luau-sn- 7 & 9 p.m. Mat. Sat. & Sun. 2 pm. C STARTS FRI. Can t Do it w Till I Need Glasses 2nd Hit Fury Tabs m Jul Hit Seward-m The Wanderer: Wt',' 206 Hir 800.0qu Might, BOX OFFICE OPENS “IBM STARTS FRIDAY FORTV " w“ 2 Shows Nightly at 7 & 9 pm STARTS FRIDAY NORTH DALLAS STARTS FRIDAY "bibs-:9 'ih'iiih' The Wanderers 5;;; "a, 2nd Hit. Bank's"! NU†CHILDREN Box Office Ogens_at 7:3QpJn. STARTS FRIDAY Just Yoo and Me Kid STARTS FRIDAY North Dallas Forty 2 Shows org6ttv 7890f" Mat-nee SatASun 2pm STARTS FRIDAY Mono Nude 2nd mom “a." 3rd Hit-Exotic hm SORRY NO CHILDREN STARTS FRIDAY STARTS F RIDAY Monty Pythons Life ofBrian 78r9:10p.m.Mat.Nt. Sun. 29m The Wanderer: Bose ome- HE LD OVE R ill AMERICATHON 2 Shows unduly 78W Matinee Sat.&Sun. 2pm , th 9 Mm Mat. Sat. Sun. 2 p.m. STARTS FRIDAY Box Office Opens at 7 30pm MNMW759W "tinny. sot may em- fnaed and travelled a total at seven miles but reputedly mmdnworsefor wear. The next WCSSAA cross- country meet is Friday, again at Laurel with Blue- vale, Laurel and KCI host- ing.Seoring will be of the more traditional format. around 3nd removed the guide pal-ternary girls, Tatm "ri-aetttr.o.W .7 - nuance». Tun-anacon- AML'L‘VQ ADMIVYANC' HEEL! NJ I, "-s.T..GGT ADO-12’: Aggnuhgl [AI m