PROGRAMS SUBJECT "rd-CH-jus/GE, [:7er NOTICE tll;',!!!,,),).,.,,?), 1,lll',fll,,L,tl sugar 1,llllJ1lllll,l) um I "tr 1iitl MEATBALLS guts†â€You!" 7 & 9 'r.m., Ma lm, "UL Tr I I 2 Shows nagulv 7&me any . my». Malmee Sat8Surt. 2pm "rrvutiPrrkt" t ','iiiir,"fig,'1' SATURDAY: ARENA 10:00 am. to 5 pm. v Teta Room Craft demonstrations Ind sales on Area. Roor FRIDAY: in Front of Grand Stand T:30 Fm. - OPP 600000 Helm Prod-don Bid. 8:00 Fm. - Opening Common?» 9:15 FM. - 11:OOa.m. - , oo run 1:45 p.m 7:00 p.m HAMBURG "f? FALL - FAIR Et.airwiew HELD OVER Cinema, __ Noam DALLAS - Watch Chronicle. W. tu-ttter 12, .1979 Parade at , , am. - Seoonorerd by the New Hamburg Bond of Trade Commencement of " Livosteh Companion hm. - Horseshoe Pitching Competition um. - Pet Show um, . Heavy Horse Pulling Companion MIDWAY IN FULL SWING BOTH DAYS _ Sponsored by Wilma: Minolta“! Society 71 STARTS FRIDAY Al MEATBALLS Aim†Open at all time: New Hummus China; Band Crowning at Queen at tho Fair (Bandstand - 6 team wood robin Tug-ol- War competition Royal aunt - Champion Bubs Shop P" I FORTY' R 7a9oroMst.Sort2o'r, 2od Hut have. to Alcatraz BOX OFFICE OPENS 7 300m “an!“ STARTS FRIDAY I THE INLAWS 2 Shows Nvghtly at 7 8t 9 am STARTS FRI GREASE 2nd Hut Saturday Fm STARTS FRIDAY LOST & FOUND 2 Shows md'nly 1th9orr Mann" Sat &Sun 2prro STARTS FRIDAY NOBTH DA! I AS HELD OVER â€FRISCO KID" NUHIH DA! I AS Yam-nâ€: FORTV sonny 2nd HWY!" Warriors NO CHILDREN STARTS FRIDAY Q MALIBU HIGH " 2od HwVan NUVI Bank's"! SORRY NO CHILDREN HELD OVER Box Office Opens at 7:30 pm HELD OVER "Just You And Me Kid" 7 a. 9 pm I Mat. Sat. Sun. 2 p.m. HE LD t5VO "STARWARS" Mat. Sat. & Sun. at 2 p.m. Two Shows "inky 7 th 9pm 7 & 9:10 p.m.Mat. Sat. Sun. 2pm ETARTS FRIDAY 1llilllilllllllllllllllll1 AMERICATHON Box Offrce Opens at , 300"" .m. Mat. Sat. & Sun. 2 pm. Locum le-rlll.(! k Arts Centre box. amide staff writer Tttn w Arts Cave is open am. qetrtattraefim" latch 21. See - net's 'NeBenrottieertttteUttl- fhmi9a.m.ti1tsp.mirh- surtoa Tlursday.0ctn "smetieie5ttraeoarqttetertst versity of Waterloo open: day to Friday. ' and no until Thursday. of attractions. for indivihal ticket sales at , - ‘ - _ . 9 a.m.. Monday. September / - ir, aceording to . my» WLU offers" program to ' press release from o".,',')-,',',','." v " _ - Centre Publicity Di tor \ q q Betty Adare. The mm develop effective study skills is located in the Modern ' . . . Languages Building. mom L., . with topies such as how to u. “M...“ rdnmln‘ lain: Ind mm. at- benefit from imnmed On Tuesday of that week. two oltampus ticket sales locations will open 'at Bi- shop's Style Shop. Stanley Park Mall in Kitchener and at the K-W Symphony 0r- chestra office, 56 King St. N., Waterloo. ' The Waterloo Horticultural Society will host a guest speaker on September as. a p.m. at the Adult Recreation Centre in Waterloo. Brochures giving _details on the shows being present- ed at the Arts Centre are available by calling W. The speaker wilt be Cindy Schnarr. and she will give a demonstration of fall arrangements, Phone orders for events at the Arts Centre will be ac- cepted starting September 18. Call 885-42801 _ Chronicle so" writer area will be holding a 24- CKWR, a community hour "disc-a-thon" auction owned and operated radio October 5 and 6. . station broadcasting from The purpose of the event Kitchener to the Twin Cities is to raise funds for the sta- SOCIETY NEEDS YOU! PRE-RETIREMENT EDUCATION COURSE I IWANIS ROCRWAY GOLDEN "K" CLUB 'c, _ ,7 I" '..-;"T"i "_-"'" - " " , _ V . L .'rtittart.irhrtrttt., ‘uwkkmm P" J M" E Community radio station to hold 'disc-a-thon auction' -. -'" From - Oct. 3rd _ Nov. 21/79 Wed. Eva. Time - 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Lacuna - Rocha" Sonia Contra Cost - $15.00 pow mm - 326.00 pct couple amnion - sun. , 72024 O 27 Place - llodnuny Sonia Citizen Comm Horticultural society to give demonstration Choose Light Luncheon Sandwiches. Choose Cold Summer Salad Plates. Choose Pickerel. Choose Spareribs. Choose Steak. Choose Live Lobster. A Little or A Lot. Wuhan returning to miv :ty after several year, in business or at home may have forgotten how to study properly and find it difficult to keep" up. accord- ing to Wilfrid Laurier Uni.. versity. All part-time students are invited to enroll in a pro- gram for developing effec- tive study skills. The pro' gram. offered by the WLU counselling "service to WLU students. is designed to make university study less frustrating and more re-. warding. brogram will deal ofifhNrittratttrt sales c." with topics such as how to take a test. propernote tak- ing methods. how to get the most out of lectures. and how to improve memory and concentration. _ . pr. Berry Calder. director of counselling WLU. said,tlle program was developed as a result 'of ob- servations made by several professors. They found that many students were earning poor grades. despite sy- perior intelligence. due to deficient study methods. non. which is staffed com- pletely by volunteers. CKWR is a non-commercial station depending on the surrounding community for operating revenue. T The disc-a-thon auction is to be held October 5 starting at 5 pm until Octobef‘s qt 5 “The program. however. is not limited to under achievers," said Dr. Calder. “Good student's. as well, When the station began broadcasting seven years ago it was the first radio station in Canada of its type. Since then the idea has caught on. and CKWR has grown in popularity. p.m.' at Kitchener's Stanley Park Mall. (Corner'of Ot- Sumwat Theatre to present F lnlshlng Touch Sumwat Theatre will present a ranged version of the Finishing Touch, an original hit comedy from the sprtng season The production will be staged at the University of Waterloo Theatre of the Arts, and admission is $2 and $2.50 for non-federation of students members. Tickets are availa- ble at the UW Box Office for this performance. to be staged September 1922 starting at 8 pm. Host of the event will be disc Jockey Jay Silver. who .will stay on the air for 24 continuous hours in support of community radio. Music for the disc-a-thon will COW- sist of material from all areas of the station's pro- gram schedule and there will be live on the air inter- views with local community groups and listeners. benefit from improved study habits, It could mm the difference humor? or an A." Part-time WLU student may attend the program be- tween 7 pm. and 9:30 pm. on either September fl.l9. or no. - ", For the first time the pro- gram also is being offered at WLU‘s Simcoe Campus on September 13 at Twin Lakes Secondary School between 7 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. A similar program also is offered to full-time WLU students beginning the end of September. . tawa St. N. and River Rd: Kitchener.) At 5 p.m. on October 6 there will be a draw for a portable black and white te- Ievision to wrap up the disc- Tttttttel" are ROG