" New season brings Waterloo ringette new constitution The Waterloo Minor Rin- gette Association will begin e 1979-80 season under the (Iii?)'?,?,,; of a new constitu- on. Throughout late spring and summer meetings, the executive and general mem- bership revised and reor- ganized the original, 10- year-old constitution for the association. Ask Waterloo CHYM'rs these days the reason why they are playing such excellent fastball and almost in- variably they point to the season-ending Intercity Fastball League tour- nament in Guelph. Not only did CHYM'rs go undefeated in winning that event three weeks o, they also for the K','; time this season got all aspects of their game going together - and have played superb ball ever since. Dr. Greg Hallman of Cambridge recorded low gross honors to win the an- nual Ontario Association of Optometrists Golf Tour- nament at Conestoga Wed- nesday, "f could sense it was starting to come just be- fore I left for Bakersfield (the International Soft- ball Congress world tour- nament in California two weeks ago)," said CHYM'r field manager MR MARIO AND ME STS., KITCREIER AND WATEMOO SQUARE " your clothes aren't _ becoming to you . you should be _ Hallman low gross , STATIONERY 'N SCH EN DEL LIMITED 7 120 KING STREET SOUTH, WATERLOO - M‘ ttto OFFICE PM o SIAM†q 0375 Open Mon. to Sat, till 5:45 - Thurs, 8 Fri. Ti? , pm. Tourney meant turhattnmdr E LAURENTIEN COLOURING PENCILS (8 Pack) Reg. 2.09 . . DIXON COLoumNG MARKERS, (1tys)Reg.2.a9........... DUO TANG COVERS. Reg. 33c ( TORCH 13 PC. MATH SET " 2,'l'.el'.'di'.".r.".".rT.o.".'....3 INTERNATIONAL BALL- c POINT PENS (Refillable) . 19 ea. TEXAS INSTRUMENTS (TI-1010) Economical. 5 function LCD Pocket Calculator ' . Reg.19.95 .'".".or.........17 SCHOOL S UPPL Y SPECIALS coming to us! 25c ea. or 5/l" "Our main purpose was to develop more effective channels of communication. that would involve a larger cross-section of the dozens of volunteers and players in the association's decision making." Brenda Clark, the returning W.M.R.A. presi- dent, stated. “To this end we have de- Glenn Mouser. "As a matter of fact the day before I left I told the guys when I came back, I wanted to hear they had won the IFT, tourney, OASA and the first round of our league playoffs." Low net honors among the 50 competitors was Dr. Bert Heslop of Kichener. The event was co-ordinat- ed by Drs. Bill Woolner and J, D. Price of Waterloo. As things turned out, CHYM'rs accomplished most of that They de. feated Water$wn tn win the IFT, tourney after league pennant-winning Guelph Ingrams were si- delined early in the event. CHYM'rs also ex- tended Woodstock Ben- gals to three games be- fore bowing out of OASA, and Thursday, only days after Moeser's return, ousted Cambridge Cores in the second game of a best-of-three quarter- veloped four technical com- mittees that will meet on a regular basis to feed back information from the front lines. This will be invaluable in making the most benefi- cial decisions for the girls in the sport." " final. "We've just played super as a team since Guelph.“ said Gary Mac- Gregor, l who opened Thursday’s game with an inside-the-park homer to defiate the Gates. "i'd definitely say it was the turning point in our sea- son. We had just lost Clemmer (Paul Clemens who moved to Nigeria) and that put a big hole in our lineup. But every player has done his part to help us win. 'take ton- ight, Larry Brooks hit that sacrifice fly when we needed it to score Bummer (Larry Strath- earn). Basically we are doing the things we need to do to win." Working with the Execie tive Committee will be a House League Committee, an All-star Committee, an Officials Committee, and a Philosophy Committee. These individual groups will gather and feedback infor- mation to the executive and run training and develop- Gores and CHYM'rs finished the regular sea- son with identical 16-12 Jog FALL PROGRAMS '79 Get out of the house Shed pounds WATERLOO FAMILY 'Y' Kick the T.V. habit. You can do any of Meet New Friends. Relax Take up a hobby thesethmgs with us (Up Lincoln Rd, from Towers Plaza) Jump Members Others Programs Start Do something important JOIN THE 145 LINCOLN RD 885-3500 REGISTRATION Run into our records, and were very evenly matched in se- veral categories. “I was expecting a very tough series from them (Gores),"said Moeser. “I was hoping we would get it over in two games, but also knew it wouldn't be easy." The veteran field boss voiced no preference about who he would like to face in the semifinals, Woodstock,' which he will, or Waterdown, which was eliminated by Twins Thursday. ment seminars and pro- grams to ensure a continued high level of performance from the volunteers in the association. "The existing respon- sibilities of house league and all-star conveners and the referee-in-chief will in- volve a larger spectrum of people," Clark said. “We also hope to develop a work- ing and applicable philo- sophy for our association. that will reflect the con- cerns and wishes of all those involved in ringette; includ- ing parents and players" “It doesn't really mat- ter, from here on in they are all tough clubs," said Moeser. "I'm just glad we won here tonight (his first game back). If we didn't I prqbably would have lost my job." Sept. Sept. Sept. Swim 1O Waterioo crumble. mm. 6qrtrerttter s, um, - v... 21 v“ The W.M.R.A. will conti- nue their training program for six and seven-year-olds with the Bunny division. Other highlights for the year will be the Community Ser- vice's Ringette School in early October and the One of these programs may be your tucks! to a new lob Our programs are flexible. fees are rea- sonable You'll learn skills the gob market needs Why not call us for details. or drop m for a chat? We'Il make you feel at home _ and there's no obhgatvon illlllllldflltl1 ofyour Me? tfl/Jgh%au. Maybewecanhelpyoutindout. W Building skills today for the needs of tomorrow. Election“: Dining Room Service Eninsh as a Snood Language Food Pagination - Basic Inhalation to tgon-Traditional Occupations Jommlisnl Welding Fitter Retail Moat Cutting Offset hinting Basic Indusuial Techniques Production Planning and Inventory Control Atttiiatt" Sonia». Conestoga College ofADDIied Arts GLENN MOESER W.M.R.A.'s second annual Winterfest Tournament in February. This year the tournament will expand to four divisions with teams participating in the Petite, Tween, Junior and Belle di- visions.