.r F “17?:'%E'.€?i“" iwwwwmgmmw . k-W Dutchmen Homes were eliminated from league playoffs by Tillsonburg last weekend but still had a tremendously successful year highlighted by their Provincial Women's Softball Association Regional .i,i,iiiiiii,iiiii win. ironically won at the expense of the Tillsonburg club. Members of this year's Dutchmen Home team were (bottom row, l-r) Jane Reble, Jerri Lynn Such. Debbie Hannah. Mary Ann Mederak. Pauline Pinder, Sharon Ratcliffe. (Top row. l-r) co'ach Ron Benedict, coach Pat Eldridge, Marg Munroe, Patty, McIntosh. Mary Reinhart, Pauline Bain. Nancy McCallum, coach Russ Habkirk. Absent from photo were Moira Johnston, Shea Stewart, Olga Vujovic, and K-W Dutchmen Homes rep John Hallsworth. . Lights out on Dutchmen Homes K-W Dutchmen Homes played their final game of the season in Tillsonburg on Sunday evening when they lost to Tillsonburg Jets by a score of 1-0. Combined with their 2-0 defeat on Friday evening, the loss did them in Dutchmen Homes collect- ed only 5 hits In each game, while Tillsonburg managed 5 hits In the first game and 4 hits In the second, but Till- sonburg was able to put hem together when they $eeded them Debbie Boyce was the Winning pitcher In both of the Tillsonburg Wins Patty McIntosh was the losing pitcher for Dutchmen Homes In the Friday game. and Pauline Ham took the Sunday loss Sunday's game, entirely in cold. constantly drizzling rain, was almost an exact replay of Friday's game, with both teams playing some great defensive ball, but both having difficulty getting their bats going The pitcher and defensive play again were exceptional qt v“ " kt6r Commâ€. Call 886-2905 599“" s,t,t,lift At the Pool Every Monday and Thursday 6 oo to 7 30 Come and See the Excellent Facnlmes (Comm ng St N a. Umvovsutv Ave Waterloo) REGISTRATION INFORMATION Specual Classes for Swum Development (Age 9 and Under) Wilfrid Laurie: University ' OLYMPIC SIZE POOL PROFESSIONAL COACHING REGION OF WATERLOO (R O W ) SWIM CLUB 1879-t 980 Program Fees startrngSt $60.00 57tr2975 on both sides as the two evenly-matched teams bat- tled for the victory after two wins apiece during the sea- son. The big difference, of course, was that Dutchmen Homes were unable to score runs when they most needed In the top of the fifth In- ning Dutchmen Homes had two singles and a walk but were unsuccessful at scor- Ing. while in the bottom of the fifth for Tillsonburg Donna Hendrick poked a shot over second base to centre-fielder Jane Reble who failed In an attempt for the shoe-string catch allow- Ing the ball to roll to deep centre and the runner reached thIrd base Thllsorr burg then trIed to squeeze In the run with the next batter. however this dtd not ma- terIaIIze so they agaIn trted the squeeze and the follow- Ing batter succeeded In br- IngIng In the run. the only one scored In the game Althouugh Dutchmen Homes have been ellmmat ad from further play this season. they can look back htm, 578-8887 Dutchmen Homes will be hosting a Last Chance tour- nament on Saturday, Sep- tember 8th starting at 9 on the year as being one of the finest they've had since the formation of the ball club four years ago, and they look forward to better things or at least a better finish next season. anate School (Waterloo) Otters a Unique and Amman" Education Fol Guls and Boys v Kmdugamn to Glade 8 (Commbncement Date - September 10. 1979) Advantages: non ttertommattooal back to basucs no P D Days small classes no open concept quoet atmosphere one/one mstvuctuon quahhed staff structured ptogvamme tum/Ian dnscnplune lundev lull day Member of 0 A A I S Ennchment courses for exceptnonal students and In dwodual ovogrammes for chuldven wrth warning dusabuhtues Byerson Hall operates wuthm the Mmustry of Education Cur ruculum Guvdelmes Byerson Hall offers students an educational envuonment that encouvages each chad as an undwndual to achwve hrs or her fullest po'entual academucally emotuonally and soc'ally. so that a sense of pnde and honom may be emoved wnh accomphshment whatever the chad s capabolny Havel may Parents ave cordually mvuted to Mute or tetephone the school for further consultat-on Enrolment :s Inn-Med BYERSON "All PRIVATE SCHOOL 18 McDougall Road Waterloo N2L 2W5. PHONE: 884-2170 Byerscn Hall Contact the Director (New location) NOTICE TO PARENTS back to basses small classes awe! atmosphere (maimed scan Cum/Ian discopllne Member ofOAAIS a.m. and running until 6 pm. Dutchmen Homes will be strictly the host team and will not enter the competi- tion. Teams from all over southwestern Ontario will be entered and it is hoped that some local teams will also be attracted. Watartrto'CttroetitSr, My, Auwit 20. 1919 - Wanted Young Adults. 18129 to join {BC Majors Sunday nights at 8 30 pm L K-W-Record Team Sports K-W Hospital Smitty 's WATERLOO FAMILY 'Y' TEAM W L T F A Team Sports ' 0 0 26 t K-W Hospital 0 , 0 8 2t NOTE - TEAM SPORTS WON THE FINAL "B" DIVISION . Jog Waterloo Mutual FALL PROGRAMS '79 Smitty's K-W Record . Waterloo Mutual Get out of the house. You can do any of Shed pounds these things with us Kick the TN. habit Take up a hobby Relax Meet New Friends. "Fully Air Conditioned" " Princess St. West 886-2900: IJiidhjttt, (Up Lincoln Rd from Towers Plaza) Ci5TiTllfflTallt Jump -- MENgWE0uiit OPENING For Fun League Mona-watt“) mu. RESULTS - GAMES PLAYED WEEK ENDING AUGUST 22,1979 "A" DIVISION Members Others Programs Start CHILDREN - 3 Games $1.00 Bowl 2 Games, get one free Shoes - No Chemo Do something important JOIN THE ADULTS - 3 Games $2.00 SUMMER SPECIAL OPEN BOWLING Daily 10:00 am. to Close, 145 LINCOLN RD 885-3500 REGISTRATION "C" DIVISION “K" bmsnou "C" DIVISION "B"DnaMON [ 11 N C R . ll Smitty's Run Into our 886-2900 or 886-2370 A 15 Waterloo or Mutual 13 8 K-W Record 12 21l4842 1214248 2 2 04737 2 2 03747 Sept. Sept. Sept. Swim 10 17 14