_ Classified "scams' -BEST RATES -PRE-PAYMENT PRIVILEGES -REF1NANCiNG -HOME IMPROVEMENTS -PROMPT SERVICE MORTGAGES FOR ALL ,reasons. Prime rates. Fast service. Difficult ’mortgages a specialty. Cash paid for existing mortgages. Phone Don or Bill Madill or Bill Pratt. or All Ontario Financial Consultants at 743-5361, or write: PO. Box 2695-8. Kitchener (ti l LAKESHORE - WA- TERLOO Save on realty. three-bedroom semi-de- tached, broadloomed throughout. finished re- creation room with fire- place, near schools. shop- ping and buses Mortgage transferable 8864778 2 MORTGAGE FUNDING 3A MONEY TO LEND MORTGAGE MONEY for home or farms; fast ser- vice, good rates. Phone Mal ammo. It!) OPEN HOUSE - 293 Dale Crescent, Waterloo; Mon- day-Friday 6:004t:00 p.m.. Saturday-Sunday 1:0tF5:00 p.m. Two story, four be- droom, pool size lot in park like setting, close to universities and schools. “L" shaped living and din- ing room, large kitchen, 1% bathrooms, finished recreation room. Asking 855.500. House must be sold, Phone 835-0153. RETIREMENT LN Affor- dable mobile home park on Lake Huron Enjoy life 4 PROPERTY FOR SALE 4A MOBILE HOMES . & COURTS Income Mortgage Services 745-4795 TRUST co. PRIVATE FUNDS 'lst and 2nd Mortgages NE SECTION Land. 480 acres cultivated high pro- ductive soil. Good build- ings, complete with ma- chinery. Will farm it if requested. $500,000, Write Box 4, Site 8, RR l, Boyle. Alberta ETIREMENT IN Affor- dable mobile home park on Lake Huron Enjoy life In beautiful surroundings Write Huron Haven Vil- lage. Box 123. Goderich. Ontario N7A 3Y5 (CifiiiEt) INSURANCE CO. In beautiful surroundings Write Huron Haven VII lager Box 128. Goderich Ontario N7A 3Y5 Toll Free Number 1-800-265-8761 (3H 43h I33) (31' l3]! 8 FARM FOR SALE INDIVIDUAL OWNER will sell established 45 unit motel plus licensed dining room and cocktail lounge located on prime commer- cial land, in growing northern Alberta com- munity. All enquiries to Box 1000, High Level, Al- berta TOH lZO. , BUSINE“ EXPERIENCED SALES New Hamburg area, only minutes from Kitchener.. Waterloo. Brick house in er cellent condition. Approx- imately 87 acres workable. Sold privately. Phone 885- 0653, ask for Wayne " ARTICLES FOR SALE 10A ROOMS FOR RENT TD BUY OR LEASE. office complete with carpeting. excellent condition. near King and Weber. ample parking. If interested, phone 885-6735. FURNISHED ROOMS - Downtown Waterloo loca. hon, all conveniences. 81500 per week. summer special Phone 743-536l 5.000 SQUARE feet retail also 2.500 square feet storage: two store fronts. Will consider subdividing. loading facilities at rear. street parking at front and municipal parking at rear. on King Street. Cambrid- ge, 84 50 square foot. 883- 3862. it! v Swimming Pool Manulact- urer has new 1978 Pools regular price 52190 00 now at our off season spe- cial of $1,355 00 Pools come with walkaround deck. patio fencing pump. motor & fuller De. livery arranged to your convenience For best so lccllon and Information call toll free 1-800-268- 5970 an TB RETAIL SPACE AVAILABLE SCUBA COURSES - Interna- tional licence an comple- tion of course Courses starting weekly until the end of September For m- formation Call 0 W 7A OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE SLEEPING BAGS - Com, plete stock an sale Good chmee. great savings '0 W Sports, 92 King Street South, Waterloo 886-2840 i'.11t Manager ,tor a profitable mobile home sales es- tablishment in northern Alberta. This excellent business opportunity offers limitless potential in a large competition free zone. Option to pur: chase available. Serious enquiries only to Box lilo, High Level, Alberta TOR Sports 886-2840 OPPORTUNITIES 95.5 ACRES (31) (31) 1th an sol, fPumt 9W ALUMINUM AWNINGS - Unique design for cot- tages and trailers. folds and locks or removes easi- ly for winter storage, eli- minates theft or damage. Exclusive in Canada. Do- it-yourself kits available. Belmont Sales. 12 Brid- geport Road East. 886- WATER CONDITIONER - The Bon Aqua magnet re- duces scale (scum) for- mation and rust. in- creases soap suds. pro- tects water pipes. dishwashers. water heaters. sprinkler sys- tems. toilets. swimming pools, coffee makers. etc. $174.50. Money back guarantee..Belmoett Sales. tt Bridgeport Road East. Swimming Pools to Rent - Will lease and install for homeowners. family size aluminum swimming pools with patio. Choice of styles. meeting all fencing regulations on a one, two. or three year rental basis with cption to own. Try before you buy! Call toll tree 1-80G268-5970, " ARTICLES FOR SALE Clark; on children', books. 15e and up. We need only comics in good condition. " each. Open Daily , - ' 'Sat,&Sun.9_6 'tfs Parking FOR RAWLFHGH. PRO- DUCTS Call742-2438 (th ART & ANTIQUES Now Open Saturday uh BOOK EXCHANGE In"... " WIlllAM ST WEST WAIERlOD Th.orirrmnutactururo' GBeamand 3he 74 Regina N . Waterloo In a little old house ll/i Thur. Fri Sat (Friday to 8 pml rking 885-439t 28 REGINA ST NORTH New Hours! itft ttft IlfI LEISURELAND RAI. - CAMBRIDGE Our discount prices save you money on ProWler & Lextra travel trailers; Lex- tra hardtop campers: Empress Mini & Class A Motor Homes: Home and Park raised Fibreglass roof van camperssoF'ibreglas & Aluminum truck caps. Drive a little - Save a lot! We want your business! Come to Hwy 24 just south of Hwy. 401, Cambridge. 623-7670. Open weekdays til dark. Sat. til 4 p.m. COLEMAN SERVICE - Have your Coleman‘ stoves and lamps repaired ready for summer camp- ing. 745-4212. (35) ICE CREAM Bars. drum- sticks. sundaes. etc. $1.75 dozen. Waterloo Farmer's Market. Wednesdays and Saturdays. (35) DRAPES - CUSTOM-MADE lined living and dining room drapes, each pair 91% by ISO-inches wide. _ 884-0746. " ARTICLES FOR SALE PLAY IT Safe for the long weekend. keep your valua- ble coins, jewelry, impor- tant papers safe at home in a Mini-Vault. $99.95. See: 96 Margaret North. (31) BOAT - lZ-FOOT Mirror Craft aluminum, Thames tilt trailer with acces- sories. phone mm. USED HOTEL Furniture: beds, dressers, lamps, rugs, spreads, drapes, tables. chairs, combina- tion air conditioner/ heaters, etc. Executive Liquidators. 665 Colby Drive (at Northfield ), Wa- terloo, 88b5801, (39) Unique old stuff, crafts clothing, Junk 12 KING ST NORTH Waterloo mpstavrs» besnde Waterloo Theatre 8846601 We buy. trade & sell small Interesting things Tu-r-ea-mire-tttnt Maul-yum Bargain Barn an - - 'atm "t.rtqe tt King " ELMIRA “92600 or 006-2641 (for " hour serwce/ RAY REIILINO For lnduunol, homo: Communal Vohuciu Good Used Furniture and Stuff 49 King St North Waterloo Buy-Sell-Trade 2nd TIME AROUND t oral dealer 886-2510 Wltodoo (31) (30) at!) HOUSEHOLD!!! RAT! Minimum " Word. 31.50 "mm..." " Each Additional Word " N Each mam; cox NUMBERS 81.00 Extra WHY BUY? Rent a refri- gerator. stove or deep freezer. Phone 579-2124 or 743-6913. GARAGE SALE - Stereo, speakers, games, drapes, double bedspread. boys' clothing, sports equip- mmt and more. Wabes- day, August8th,6:00-9:00 p.m., Westgate Town- houses 1-407 Keats Way, Waterloo. " ARTICLES FOR SALE CHESTERFIELD - FOUR Piece, almost new. Wall to wall carpet, top quality, must sell. 886-1882. CURTAINS FOR Kitchen, living room and be- drooms. Stereo, AM/FM, tape deck. Phone M3233. (31) USED ELBCTRIC Stoves - 30-inch Westinghouse. General Electric and Mor fat, also 30-inch Wes- tinghouse gas stove. in good condition. Phone 742- URINE-ERASE Saves car- pets! Guarantees removal dog, cat, human urine stains, odors from car- pets! Free brochure. Dept. A, Reidell Chemi- cals Limited, Box 7500. London. Ontario. MOVING - MUST Sell Vik- ing 30-inch deluxe range. harvest gold. new condi- tion, best offenPhone 578- 5612. YARD SALE - Furniture and household odds ‘n ends. Saturday, August 4th, starting 10:00 a.m. 209 Erb Street East. USED WATERLOO Chrnnr Walls sealed With a fantas- cle newspaper carrler tic Epoxy chemical wa- hags Wlll pay SI 00 for terproofing process Cer clean (ttot torn) news- lar floors. crumbling bags Mk for older bags In walls reftmshed Rnckfac- good mndttmn Bring to ma Guaranteed work Waterloo Chronicle, 92 King Street South War 745-7790 or 744-9996 terloo 'tts USED TEXT Books for ele- mentary and secondary schools, Rockway Men- nonite School Thrift Shop. 200 King East, Kitchener (east of'Eaton's) 578- USED ELPXTTRJC Stoves - One General Electric three burner. one Moffat four burner. in good condi- tron Brown rug 10 by low. feet Fleetwood record olaver with two speakers Rockway Mennonite School Thrift Shop. 204 King East. Kitchener least of Eaton'st 578- DINING ROOM Suite by Kaufman. seven pieces. oiled walnut. in good mn- dition, asking $350 00 Phone 576-3289 " ARTICLES WANTED 'lMnrtttoetttottetb_frtt1rttrtIr_tl9te_t_te1tWfteAt (35) (31) (31) (32) (31) (31) (31) t3it (31) ttfr " PETS th SUPPLIES Limited number of Poodles clipped, with the care not found in larger shops. Phon'e " ARTICLES FOR SALE " CARS FOR SALE 1975 FORD GRANADA Ghia V-S, vinyl roof, leather upholstery, all extras, under 38,000 miles, certified. 83,400 firm. Phone 57643325. COMMERCIAL“ RATE ANTIQUES - ANY Amount. any price.. anything from downright junk to upright pianos. Phone 669-2345. ttf , " SERVICES FURNITURE REFINISH- INC, And Repairs. free es- timates, excellent rates. puck-up and delivery Call Reichert‘s Refinishing MS2914 or 742-7690 (tfu Minimum " won†$1.76 Each Additional Word " CARPENTRY WORK - Renovations and installa- tions. recreation rooms. cabinets installed, etc. Courteous. guaranteed service. Phone 884-2875 Monday or Wemesday or any day after 4:00 pm LIFE-LiKE Pet Portraits in oils: varied sizes and prices, samples available for viewing. For more in- formation call ans-(n56, WITH THE Help of a profes- sional metal detector and other equipment, I will lo- cate any lost metal - je- welry, keys, valuables, RUBBISH REMOVAL - Wall washing, light mov- ing, gardening, cleaning. other odd jobs. Jeff Hard- ing 884-2831. DRIVEWAY REPAIR Ser Vice - Asphalt sealing to preserve and protect your asphalt, also hot asphalt repairs Cars ml under. coated for rust protection 742-205] 50 Laurel St., Waterloo -l YEAR ROUND Tree Service _ Maintenance and removal Insured M H Kesserling (a Son, Kitchener Phone 576- Expert dog grooming All breeds PROFESSIONAL PET GROOMING LEAKING. DAMP MUSTY BASEMENT? (24D (31) (33) (31) (32) d") (32) ttft i4.3r