Todd Sheridan of Waterloo Optimist midgets (30) strokes a single during Sunday's 17-1 victory over Paris. Waterloo made it two in a row Monday by defeating Kitchener tt-3 and thus qualified for the playoffs. Actually. if everything goes their way. Optimists can still finish in first place. "Everybody has A A - .. . . .-. _ n, _ _---------. n-.-| n.._-|..... "..-b.".- " “non-n- playons. nuually. " everyuung guy: mun way, urn-m-.- a-.. --... ..----.- ___ n--- r.__ -'" - . . helped us. now we have to help ourselves." said Waterloo manager Paul Puncher speaking of upcom- ing weekend games against Guelph at Bechtel Park Friday and Sunday back in the Royal City. By Rick Campbell Chronicle Sports Editor They came, they bel- lowed, and they left with their tails between their legs. Brave fans reduced to whimper it was the inevitable Cort- frontalion. Brantford Braves and Wa.. terloo Expos. perennial In- ter-County Junior Baseball League rivals, met Saturday in the final regular season meeting between the two clubs. Expos wanted the win badly, as it would clinch irst place mt them and pro- kbly insure their berth in {Ontario Baseball As- sociation Labor Day tour- namenl. Braves also wanted to win though. because if they did it would give them four Wins In five meetings with the Expos this year. plus silence the local critics who felt the l-C junior all-star team was too top-heavy With Brant- ford players Well, Expos Jumped tttto a 4-0 second Innmg lead and never relinquished n as they won 7Mtoimprovetheirlea- gue-leading record to 2.TA But In the end. It was the [ SUPERIOR I MEMORIAL, SHOULD yor PURCHASE YOUR CEMETERY MEMORIAL AHEAD OF TIME mmrsc THE ADVANTAGES WITH US 528 “can. St N. “who." (m Weno- Merit“ "bam After Donn $7.7t54 t up New Showrooms bizarre antics of the fans that proved to be the high- light of the contest. _ _. Always a vocal bunch, the Brave supporters came to Bechtel Park ready to wage verbal warfare and that they did for the early part of the game, hurling invective at the Waterloo club and more specifically the "im- ports" and those who turned down the all-star invitation because they were not se- lected to the first team, The prime target was first baseman Dan Collison. and he did not endear himself during the middle innings when he tossed an inning- ending ball to the yapping Brantford throng, all the while sporting a grin a mile Ott the field Expos proved. at least this time. that they were the better team as Mickey Collison carved out a "ve-hitter Expos jumped on loser Nick Noonan (where is his hometown) for 12 hits as they put the game out of reach with three more runs in the fourth. Mickey Kozlowski dou- bled and singled for Expos. Rick Williams doubled and Terry Boegel and Don Beaupre had two singles each. Jim Taylor, Larry Crooke, Dunc MacDonald and Paul Macintyre had a single each, t "It‘s good psychologically to beat Brantford now, be- cause if we don't. then we'll go into the playoffs knowing that they beat us four out of live," said Expo manager Nels Grigg. “And let's not forget. we have to beat other teams to even get to play Brantford. We had more than our share of prob- lems with Guelph last year - all playoff games are hard 't itufrsdalv It took Expos only one hour and 40 minu- Boegel and Williams each doubled and singled while Crooke, Dan Collison and Kozlowski doubled. Single Expo hits went to Dave Bar- rett and Macintyre. Wa- tertoo did most of their da- mage in the second inning when they scored six runs on only three hits. Waterloo closes out its re- guiar season schedule this week with a game in Lis- towel last night. Cambridge tonight, and a home en- counter against Listowel again tomorrow, tes to dump Cambridge Jr. Terriers 11-0. Jim Taylor, in his second mound appearan- ce for Expos, threw a nifty five-hitter and was never really in serious trouble. A complete decorating centre at your door 'itess, - Get your Master Bedroom K-W DRAPERIES LTD. ‘We Arc t A'itffp' WHEN YOU HAVE US MAKE YOUR LIVING, DINING & FAMILY ROOM DRAPES 1lifatariettttlttrttr9, Wound-v. Aettett t, 1979 - m " FREE ESTIMATES ' CONSULTATIONS FOR APPOINTMENT CALL 885-5530 Mutual Life Team Sports KN! Pacers K-W Hospital Bauer Dominion Life Team N .C. R. 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Shoes - No Charge -ttnaMErt SPECIAL ADULTS - 3 Games 52.00 MENS TEAM OPENING Foe Fa. tongue Monday: “0:00 p.m. "C" DIVISION "C" DIVISION - EAST OPEN BOWLING Daily 10:00 o.m. to Close [33133 "C" DIVISION FINAL STANIXNGS "A" DIVISION "Fully Air Conditioned" "B"' DWTMON Open Mon to Fr: ll 12 10 ll 10 10 15 15 ll 12 10 15 10 13 ll 10 196 124 157 152 155 135 151 291 321 142 172 191 134 Outlaws 9 Twins 8 Eatons 6 139 ( m 164 126 133 201 133 140 100 192 169 218 274 104 211 156 242 IS 14 14 16 16 21 17 10 16 10