§§Polar Bear wilderness _iiss_". trip ends in success By 600" Hone mamas-u , Rated as a trip that “could change your life." the Polar Bear Odyssey took four K-W' area canoeists through 250 miles of wilder- ness expedition that ended on the shore of Hudson Bay. like scenario began June 124th Year No. 31 Wednesday, August 1, 1979 Waterloo, Ontario 15 Cents There's no disguising the look of anticipation on the faces of these youngsters who were gathered at the Waterloo Family 'Y' last week, The kids were participating in the 'Y's Sneakers 'n' thr miches Day Camp. and one of their activities was a rather unusual contest where this photo was taken. To find out just what's going on, tum to Pg. tt of this week's Chronicle. " when the tour men left the Kitchener train station with about 600 pounds of camping gear and two canoes, and ended July 18 When they returned tanned and bearded, having sur- vived dangers of dehydra- tion, unknown rapids, forest fires, black flies, mosqui- A-N-T-I-C-I-P-A-T-I-O-N The party travelled by rail and bus to Nakina, flew to Winisk Lake, then spent 14 days on the Whisk River, canoeing its Mini!!! length to the point where it empties into Hudson Bay near the, Cree Indian settlement at toes and horsemen. (Continued on page 5) Ken Arnold (10) of Waterloo Athletic A's and Peter Poulson of Clarkson seem to be dancing up a storm during last Sunday's OASDI. game at Seagram Stadium. Actually, both missed a hard-driven pass near mid- fied. Clarkson won the game 3-1 . The story of A's season so far is on Page 12. Disco soccer bucks ministry merger By Howard Elliott Chronicle stall writer Merging the Ministry of College and Universities with the Ministry of Education is "nothing more than a political version of musical chairs," accord- ing to the Federation of Students at the University of Waterloo. That statement was made in a report prepared by the federation, and pvesented to the provincial Standing Administration of Justice Committee on June 8. The brief was written by federation president Mark McGuire. to express the stu- dent government's disap proval over Bill 19. An Act to Amalgamate the Ministry of Colleges and Universities and the Ministry of Educa- tion The Federation of Stu- dents is an organization re- presenting H.500 un- dergraduate students at UW In the report. McGuire says "we (the federation) wonder if this merger will provide the solutions to the problems that plague our educational system $q The provincial govern- ment would be further ahead. the brief says. to Polar Bears return 5 Comment 6-7 Sports 12-20 Classified 21 -22 Community Calendar 23 group Inside seriously evaluate of cur- rent policies and priorities. McGuire and the federa- tion maintain that not en- ough information about the proposed merger gathered They claim a statement made by education minister Bette Stephenson on April 24 backs up their point “What is the long range plan for education in this province?" the report asks. “and how does this merger fit in"" “As a result of the tutor mation that was gath- ered-and there is a paucity of Information. specifically on the subject of the bene- fits of either one ministry or two in the educational {Continued on page 3)