but 8- tthtertoo Chtonldo, WM. My A, 1979 3 Chad†St. West Kitchens. Ont. 7426951 or 7‘2-6581 tyllytirit.t,ttTrp,fters; wen? e, program for kids Advanced audio WESSEIII‘IG' GD PIONEER ottt.1..t1tfs Open Daily 10-6 Thurs., Fri. 10-9 Cambridge Closed Monday 33MSt. 'No fat left in Waterloo' Another part of his 1978 platform - a modified ward system - and one he thinks is “still a good idea", was not considered the best sys- tem for Waterloo by the Palmer RegiOnal Review Commission. Waterloo council itself has rejected K - W Symphony , awarded scholarships should be maintained at the regional level. The Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony Orchestra As- sociation and the Central Ontario Musicians' Associa- tion have each awarded a 8500 scholarship to two young string players to at- teid the American Federa- tion of Musicians' Congress of Strings. Now in its let year, the congress, which attracts the young string performers and faculty coaches, is de- signed to encourage the de- Monday, July 30 - "The City that Waits to Die" (earthquake'- prone San Francisco). Monday,Aug. l3 - "Drift.. ing of the Continents" (con- tinental drift theories). Monday, Aug. 20 .. “Death of a Legend" (unfounded myths about wolves lead geople to endanger the spe- ies). Monday, Aug. 27 - "Rise and Fail of the Great Smile far the Crocodile" terocodiiiarts and how man threatens their survival). Tuesday, Aug. 7 - “Scien- ce on, Safari" (ecological problems in the Serengeti plains, Africa). 5 Compost lawn and garden refuse During the current strike by CUPE Local 1542, resi- daitial garbage collection has been suspended. Please do NOT place garbage or refuse at the curb as it will not be picked up Garbage must be stored on your property until pickup service resumes. or it has been taken to a disposal area. The following steps are suggested to assist you in min- imizing the nuisance in storing garbage 7 DISPOSAL: Daring the strike, bagged residential garbage oaly may be takea to The Regional Land- fin Site on Erb Street West, Mmtdny-F'ridny 6:3. mm. - 8:†p.m., Saturday 7:30 a.m. . 5:30 p.m. Separate all newspapers and store for future recy- cling pick-ups, Thoroughly wrap all kitchen wastes before dis sal, 8-day ':00 Lin. - 5:†pm. All garbage and refuse to be stored should be placed in double plastic bags securely tied. Remove top and bottom of all metal cans and flat- ten the can before disposal Wash all metal, plastic or glass containers before disposal CITY OF WATERLOO RESIDENTIAL GARBAGE COLLECTION - .. -k _. “Half 2‘th Each scholarship provides for free round trip transpor- tation to the University of Cincinnati - site of this year’s congress - plus hous- ing, meals and numerous re- creational programs. Two members of the K-W Youth Orchestra were cho- sen by audition from eight applicants. They are Robin Chadwick, violin, and Shel- ley Worden, cello. velopment ot yoGg artists for symphony orchestras. Aid. Shortreed was the highest vote-getter among the unsuccessful candidates in the 1978 municipal elec- tion and, as such, was se- lected by a resolution of Wa- terloo council to replace Walter McLean, who re- signed to take office as the federal member of pa“ ment for Waterloo Ridi UW's biology-earth scien- ce museum is in room 379. Biology 1 building. Parking is available near the build- ing (inquire at the informa- tion booths at the campus entrances). The Mainline- University bus service stops just south of the bi complex, at Needles h! campus. The museu open to the public through the summer, Monday through Friday (holidays excepted) from 9:00 am. to 5:00 pan. the system for the city. lakes" (a canoe tour of the Great Lakes) and “Volcano Sunsey" (a submarine vol- canic eruption near Iceland in 1962).