I Risk managrrgent program offered iContinusrdfrom has!" _ l, from a variety of disciplines "We already have a I (Continued fromle . l, terms completing it would require four and two-thirds years; that is, a student enrolling in September, 1979, would not graduate until May, 1984. He orshe would, however, have spent considerable time working within the insurance in- dustry in the interval. Graduates of the program should find employment in the‘insurance indus.ry and as management trainees in other industries with large insurable risks. An important aspect of the proposed Waterloo pro- gram would involve provid- ing courses for students ma- joring in other academic programs at the university. Thus it would be possible for large numbers of graduates Page 20 - Waterloo Chronicla, Wednesday, July 4, 1979 I I . V - . . t . r I' 's . . I , _ _ _ . . P' I .. ri,", (it 2'19�! .r,, f . . . M _ I , j V . i y/, ' 1 . . ,-‘_/ _ T The' biggest Sale Event. of the summer 4 Days Only -" End; Saturday, July It’s a sale won-thawing to; i,) Don't miss it! . _ ‘1 The risk management pro- gram would he offered through the university's large Faculty of Mathema- tics. There would be con- siderable emphasis on mathemathical sub- Jects--c6mputer science, statistics and operations re- search as well as algebra and calculus. UW's math facuty already offers a thriving un- dergraduate program in ac- tuarial science and a mas- ter's program in the same area is expected to begin soon. Waterloo’s established strength in this field is seen as one of the major reasons why it was selected for the risk management program. from a variety of disciplines to gain a better understand- ing of insurance, at UW. Ultimately, hersays, the program would have to meet with, the approval of the university's senate, the body that has control over all academic activity on the campus. However, Dr. Matthews reports the propo- sal has been enthusiastically supported by the various academic groups on campus that would be involved, in- cluding the department of statistics, the actuarial group within that depart- ment, and the dean of math- ematics. "We already have a good deal or the expertise required to teach the risk management program," says Dr. Matthews. “In fact, we are already offer- ing a number of courses that would be required for it." EWOW Mrs. Carl Pollock, centre. her son John and daughter Barbara unveiled a plaque ‘at the University of Waterloo last week during a ceremony held by the Board of Governors at which the Engineering N building was renamed Carl A. Pollock Hall. Mr. Pollock. UW's third chancellor and former chairman of the board of governors died last August, , " ~13: (I.