There is nothing I like bet- ter than watching some loud mouth get it shoved down his throat in the field of sports. [jumped from my seat in glee several weeks a "dtett Coastal moved up g the rail to win the Bel- t Stakes and spoil Spec- ular Bid's bid for the Tri- ple Crown. Not that I have anything against the Bid, but when his trainer Bud Delp went on record as say- ing no horse could touch his, and jock Ronnie Franklin blabbed that the other horses would be lucky to be turning into the stretch when Bid crossed the finish line, well, nothing burns me more to hear people spout off like that. Of course, it was predictable after the loss that they would come out with some lame excuse like a safety pin in his hoof. People who can't back up their claims invariably have atlas of alibis on hand. ‘ut surprise. surprise, isn't motor mouth John McEnroe humble after he was humbled by Tim Gullik- son at Wimbledon. McEnroe, a spoiled brat and chief yapper of the net set with manners that make Ilie Nastase look like a choir boy. was dismissed with straight set ease and it couldn't happen to a finer chap. The usually staid Wimbledon audience even July 9 Centennial ) b30 City Cabs vs Frank Veteres ) 6 30 Team Sports vs Reg Police 8 30 Bruce Edmeades vs Kent Hotel Frank Veteres Kent Hotel Team Sports Jrs City Cab Jrs, Regional Police Baird Moving Bruce Edmeades Conestoga Dodge July IO Centennial (N) 630 Bruce Fatmeades vs Reg Police iSi 6 30 Conestoga vs Baird'i _ July ll Conestoga 6 45 Baird's vs Frank Veteres 8 45 City Cabs vs Conestoga 8 io Team Sports vs Kent Hotel " Princess St. West 886-2900 or 886-2370 A WATERLOO BOWLING LANES WATEBLOO CITY FASTBALL LEAGUE Team Standings - City League mung: WEEKEND SPECIAL July, August ADULTS - 3 Games $2.00 CHILDREN - 3 Games $1.00. 80M 2 Games, get one free. 55e Per Game on Weekends tor mfovmahon call Daily IO oo a m to Cle? FAMILY BOWLING OPEN BOWLING Future Gaines Shoes Frire Toto Yah So I'm expecting an ava- lanche of letters this week from irate Kitchener Ever- green tans who'd like to re- mind me that I V said CHYM’rs were a better club than they were because they play more entertaining fast- Of course, Evergreens knocked off Waterloo 10-5 in the Eliminations last wee- kend, but never once in my column did I say Ever- greens were inferior in ca- libre to the Waterloo team. I salute you Greens, and hope you had a great time against the CHYM'rs before return- ing to a league which had 10 batters hitting over .250 as of the latest release. The Short Interview Talk about brutal co- verage! CBC did a tremen- dous job of previewing and showing the Queen's Plate last Saturday but because of their irritating sports maga- zine format. had to cut from the Woodbine racetrack without talking to the win- ning horse's owner or jock- ey. They did manage to ask trainer John Tammaro two questions and were polite enough to let him answer one-and-a-half. then cut to the Queen Mother spladiing her way across the track. Nice try goes to CBC an- nouncer Mike Magee, but give me the boldness of CTV's Fergie Olver and scribe Jim Coleman any day. Those two could inter- view the winning Jockey be- fore he crosses the finish Bobby's Bock Many Waterloo Tiger fans have been asking why Bobby Schnurr hagn't been in the lineup lately. While playing first base for the club several weeks ago in Brantford, Bob made a putout at first on a but by Athletic's Nick Noonan, but got spiked as the Brantford player crossed the bag. Seth nurr limped off the field and "The Patio Series†DOWN PAYMENTS AS LOW AS For a limited time only, l your new "Patio Series" lllRFl'I'IUNS [mated In the Heart of Wattrtoo Women l'mvorsny Ave and Bring? Prr' Rd L, Mayfmld Ave ott Lnnnnln Rd in Prestigious Lincoln Heights, Waterloo tege,h1go2y.".".".1t.'t'.' 3719???? $3 '79t, TWO APPLIANCES or mm He'll be coming out to take batting practice tonight and should be back in the lineup Wednesday (tonight) against Toronto." said Tiger GM Champ Glaaatord Tdeg- day. "We need him in Good Attitudo The City of Waterloo out- side workers have been on strike for two weeks now, but the ring of play ball still permeates our pasture play- grounds. . Mainly because the Va- tedoo teams. coaches and administrations have pitched in to help chalk the lines, rake the diamonds, .l hotoald construction $1,2§_'_7.* we are including two appliances when you purchase ' home in Waterloo. our agent to tailor our program to your Call Collect or visit and get the fields prepared to continue playing. Specta- tors laugh when they see field managers with a rake in their hands, but that is whathas to be ifme are to keep things niming smooth- Iy. And a tip of the hat to the outside workers. I may or may not sympathize with your stand, but I commend the way you have not bad- gered fans entering ball parks and have cooperated with team managements so that everyone doesn't have to suffer. Waertoo amide, “My, July 4, "ht - P313015 "A name you can live with" 884-262 1 OF YOUR CHOICE Jnnior Dave Olive of Stratford is the Inter- County’s player of il".,' week after a .556 averag in two games plus four stolen bases. According to league Statistician Herb Morel]. the youngster's name is pron- ounced AUAW-AH. Bpt as was the ease with mapr league umpims. you He the best at your job so hurry back! V What's In My Martini' After a calm like this, I think ALL-OF-AH rye and income.