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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 16 May 1979, p. 5

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Walter McLean, Conservative Mike tv/lakarchuk, hllry? scam v’19â€"Thecandldatasonmaissuas . j Frank Epp, Liberal-x---:â€"â€"I .1 Mike Makarchuk Walter McLean Frank Epp Tuesday, May 22nd is election day A federal elec- tion is always a significant event but I feel that the decision to be made this time will be vital to the fu- ture of our country and all Canadians. The Star is a normally Liberal newspaper which has decided to endorse the New Democratic Party in this election because of our common sense approach to the problems which face Canada at this time. The NDP has consistently been the only party which has direct- ed attention to a discussion of the real issues - unem- ployment, the cost of living, the threat to our medi- care programme. We could not have made the point better than the Star: I believe in Canada and its potential. But it is clear that the pessimistic and apprehensive mood across the country calls for firm and renewed commitment. I believe the Progressive Conservative party offers that commitment. For many years it has been my privilege to serve the citizens of my community through Knox Presby- terian Church and Waterloo City Council. I truly enjoy my work for it puts me in touch with many people in everyday situations. Last winter a great many of these same people asked me to consider extending my sphere of service to the Parliament of Canada. As you will appreciate. this was not an easy question to decide, But with the support and encouragement of family and friends. and the strong belief that this is a crucial time for Canada, I sought and won the nomination I am offering my energy and experience as a member of a Conservative team that will work to- gether to bring about the changes so necessary for Canada < future Rather than spend a great deal of time talking about the issues that the NDP has stressed in this election campaign, I would like to quote a few lines from an editorial in the Toronto Daily Star. "With close to one million Canadians out of work, our economy operating well below its potential and inflation biting deeply into the incomes of people liv- ing on low and fixed incomes the country clearly faces serious economic problems. And until these problems are addressed it will be difficult if not impossible to establish a sound basis for future national unity. The NDP has responded to these concerns and pro- posed programs to deal with them. While Trudeau has tried to highlight leadership as the basic issue and Clark has simply tried to avoid making mistakes Broadbent has travelled across the country discussing the issues and treating voters like intelligent respon- sible citizens. . The 1.:heral record speaks for itself - record high unemployment, record high Inflation. uncontrolled go- vernment spending and deep divisions within our (ountrv Also, we particularly admire the courage of the NDP in raising a fundamental issue which, although not attractive politically, contributes to our high un- Elections give direction. qtte parties, policies, and peopleweehoaregivedireetiorttotheemmtry. We must. therefore, choooe cordially. Here are sane rea- sonswhytheUberaloptlonrepresentsthebeatdlrec- tion for Canada at this time. I. be“: Among the available leaders. Pierre Etiiott'rtudetttt isheet orPrimeMirtiateraimove toward the Quebec referendum. which is intended ul- timately to divide the country. Let‘s not give Rene Levesque what he most wants: Joe Clerk in the Prime Miniater'a Office. , than: The Liberals have spoken and acted un- equivocally to bring our present and future energy sources under Canadian control through instruments like Petrocan. The other direction is to leave energy largely in foreign hands and with the multi-nationals like Exxon. 3., Government Expenditures: The question before " is: will we restrain government expenditures or will we have another spending spree, thus giving infla- tion another upward push. The Liberals are holding expenditures below the growth rate in the economy. They have achieved a two percent reduction in the civil service after severaraears of zero growth. Thirty-three departments and agencies are getting less dollars than before. Meanwhile, other political parties are making wild promises costing uncoumted billions. _ . 4. Inflation: The Liberals have demonstrated that they can reduce inflation. Inflation. excluding food, fell from 10.1 percent in 1975 to 6.4 percent in 1979. Average Wage settlements tell from IT percent before controls to seven percent in 1978. Corporate profits, amounting to millions of dollars, were returned to consumers during the controls period. .0. We refer to the serious decline in our largely foreign-owned manufacturing industry which for, some years has been losing its share of both the do. mestic and exportmarkets. We now incur a trade deficit on manufactured goods more than $12 billion annually by importing roughly one-third of our manu- factured needs much of which could be made in Cana- da. Where manufactured goods in 1970 accounted for 20 percent of total exports they have now dropped to 10 percent. In the early 1950s manufacturing provided 26 percent of all jobs in Canada. Now the figure is 19 percent. . As Broadbent has said, we can no longer afford to rely to the extent we have on decisions made in foreign head offices to provide Jobs and maintain our standard of living. We must develop our own infus- trial strategy and promote the development of Cana- dian owned companies to exploit our resources and utilize our skills. " employment, the decline in the external value of the dollar and even some of our inflation. To accomplish this he proposes a national economic development program which would identify certain key industrial sectors where we can be competitive and provide incentives to attract the necessary invest- ment. He also favors a determined effort to shift from the export of raw materials to finished products, for example, from lumber to furniture and from gas and oil to plastics and Petrochemicals." '._.Persttesattaurertqt-tt1-m.dnrtea. tureaadtheNttieats Niteseig74aioqiht-ttt adiasit_ttedtatteattr88dtbiltittrt.Omrttte sameperiodtatteuufortmsinettttouiied8i.6ttiitimt. Adjustment: for igttlatimt magma] savings“ atrotettittiiiiort. _' of ti be- 6.Dt-rtths: The . dupin' . es oldlTfe',hffCll,u"got'll'b0u'X1,"l,'e"l,d'tit rich and poor families,' between afthreqt and less at- fitteett 'trovineesisevideettinrntt<Litteeai policies, 'Netdmervativ-tttteother tsttrtd,teeidtofavrtur help maintain farm income, such as better marketing arrangements, farm improvement loans, tarm credit loans, mall farms development programs, stabiliza- tion plans, and the crop development fund.- 8. Small Business: This accounts for 90 percent of aiueanadiantmsinessesandeoettritmtm38perrmttto the nation’s GNP. A full-time Cabinet Minister was appointed in 1976 and numerous programs (tax incen- tivet, access to capital, employment assistance', etc.) are now in place. 9. Quality of Life: Liberals are determined that ser- vices like medicare remain universally accessible, portable from province Mince, and of high qua- my. The Comervative commitment to Marga un- certain both provincially and, federalty. A q In all of the above areas 1egtttlgt are char, the Liberal record is very good, the direction right. This is why Frank Epp is runningas a Liberal and why he is seeking your support on May 22. tinge already favoured in almost every maniac they 7. Antennae: The Liberals have declined an tnrtrra11 'ttttd, sprang ttttd etetist.ted_tmtgrapts_to A Progressive Conservative government will make economic recovery the number one priority. We are committed to an immediate program of job creation. We must reduce government interference and regula- tion so that small business will be encouraged to ex- pand. The small business sector provides two-thirds of Canada's employment. "‘“D" __.-.... ____t J“"" . Leadership has become an important issue in this campaign. Mr. Trudeau does not wish us to examine the record of the last eleven years too closely so he chooses to make personal attacks on Mr, Clark. But in the three years that he has been leader of the Progres- sive Conservative Party Mr. Clark has united the party and developed responsible policies to end the confusion. disorder and frustration Mr, Trudeau has created We must have a new government which can dispel the cynicism that Canadians now feel and res- tore a climate of trust We are also committed to a plan which would allow homeowners to deduct from their taxable income up to $5,000 in interest on a principal residence mortgage of up to $50,000. This plan will allow more Canadians to buy their own homes so that new jobs will be gen- erated in the construction and home-furnishings in- dustries. At the same time that programs such " this are introduced to stimulate the economy we will make large cuts in the site of government and in go- vernment spending. It is our aim tohave a balanced budget within five years. ' 'r?,T8l'RXP'?l'a.?,Pt58l8,,r%it;

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