(Continued from page 7) sodium lights would control the streetscape of a new bubdivisioh, and that their characteristic yellow- orange colour would be the dominating impression that the new areas would give. We certainly agree that energy conservation is im- portant: however we would feel it a pity if it is to be emphasised to the point of virtual exclusion of aesthe- tics. For older areas of the city. where sodium lights may some day be considered for replacement pur- poses. we are not sure that a light described as "mo- dern" is suitable for a streetscape composed of older houses. Nor are we sure of the effect that the yellow- orange lights will have on buildings comprised of various colours of brick. paint. or aluminum or other siding. ' We agree with the residents of the Dominion Life subdivision that the mercury vapour blue-white is a "cold" colour. and that yellow-orange is a "warm" colour. We are sure that "warmth" is not the only cri- teria. otherwise red would be the optimum colour. Our main objection to the sodium lights is that of colour. We feel that the yellow-orange colour is repug- nant when applied to residential areas: that it has all the charm and grace of a highway interchange. and that it is much more suitable for an industrial basin than to a street comprised of people's homes. We would be very unhappy to feel that none of the engineering talent in this country is capable of pro- ducing an efficient light in a neutral colour. and that we will all be forced to turn yellow in the sole cause of energy conservation, 120 KING STREET SOUTH, WATERLOO - tttb6tttttt OFFICE FURNITURE o STATIONERY o GIFTS SCH EN DEL. Downtown Perspective RAD UA TION SPECIALS try Smith Corona 11-16†- Exclusive Playback feature -Lets you recall without printed tape -Com- M" plate with adaptor Rog. 39.95. Solo . SR-40 -Ekrctrortic Slide-Rule Calculator with algebraic operating system -Comp¢ete M" with adaptor Rog. 39.95. Solo . . . . . 5.6.91. Corooet Saw " features -Cartridge ribbon system -Wide carriage -Futt size keyboard -Repoatirttt keys 9“ MNDAILVTOS‘S WW8 am MOP“ CALCULATORS by To“. mm at $15 Savings TYPEWRITERS STATIONERY LIMITED HOME DECORATING CENTRE 382 King St. N., Waterloo 886-3430 Carpeting SII 0|“ ll' SASSY 100% nylon carpet rubber backed 5 colors - multi tone PALOHIIIIIE PRINT by Harding Carpets 3 beautiful colours, decorators design pattern, 100% nylon. All this plus the experienced and friendly sales staff at " K TIL Illia 1eetStttryen, Fm» my 9. 1979 - Pattt ll IE IE per sq. yd. per sq. yd.