The last few weeks have made us appreciate working in the Grand River drainage basin or waterphed. During the winter break we were able to get into the Dunn- ville-Port Maitland area. There, the Lake Eries ice was piled impressively Chequing Privileges w SEE ASTRA TRUST !lllLR., 104 KING ST. s., WATERLOO, ONT. N2) 1P5 '- ACROSS FROM WATERLOO SQUARE tflat, 884-2444 - 88h2400 - FOR , - GUARANTEED 1 YR. K) l/ 0/ INVESTMENT TERM 2 (O CERTIFICATES 5 YR. K) l/ 0/ TERM 2 O Spring comes to Laurel - Creek area: BY Rick Dowson BllYA’19 VOLVO. rr coum saiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii; ONEY. $.- Member Canada Deposit, Insurance Corp. We are a 100% Canadian Company If your faith in the value of money is declining, no wonder! It seems that no matter where you go, your dollar buys less than it ought to. To buck this trend, buy a Volvo. '79 Volvos offer improved handling and new styling which make them the finest automobiles we've ever offered. So stop in at our showroom now. What better way to get more value for your money than to get more Volvo for your money. voLvo along the shoreline as far as the eye could see. Yet, in- land, the soil was warmlng enough that snow drops were out, in bloom, and the skunk cabbage ntmer was waiting its "delicately" per- fumed pollen about. Taquan- yah Nature centre was lea- turinx maple syrup in its 15 University Ave. East at Regina in Waterloo 885-5090 st:0t?E miho: fd as situation 'rottrarrtmittg be- in- fore Laud Creek In: in- Ing ken glue durt off the, maple 7 There was general snow covering and the lake at Luther was generally under ice. The only open areas were at stream inflows and at the dam itself. After the heavy rain of Good Friday, all the snow in the open fields had melted. Brid- geport, Cambridge, New Hamburg and Brantford can tell you that it didn't disap- pear. There are still areas that have large deep snow drifts, particular in thick evergreen plantations and on the east and north sides of tree windbreaks where the prevailing ,winds had piled the white stuff in excess of 2-3 metres. As of this writing, the weather is reducing the snow that is left to water. Conditions at Luther Marsh on April 12th were different. _ some at the southern parts of the dra,inage are: have their second week of even tulips in bloom, in spite of the very late - storm in the early part of this month. But then, most of the snow was gone from below Brant- lud, very shortly after April On Easter Sunday, Luther Lake was still 65% ice co- vered but the Mergansers or fish ducks (so called be- cause of their diet) had moved into. the open stretches along with the Scaup, Canada Geese and Herring Gulls. The Canada Geese were showing their tapNnetyipmee1t. And iiow (WATERLOO) LTD. (Continued on page 24) determination to reproduce and their faith in the arrival of Arnett, m tune of the older geese seemed to have nested in spite ot the - and ice. Such behaviour is typical of geese in the more northerly part,ot theTrrmrtn- ce and country, where, when the geese arrive in late May and early June they are often landing in snow or ice; immediately begin nesting even .while there is still snow on the ground. Up there they can't afford to wait because the new young must be able to fly south in three and a half months. It is said that if conditions there are not good enough for success, they simply don'tproduce eggs.» As ire were saying, the northe n end of the wa- tt [shed is behind the rest of 5'-12' Paul I Eur. Clamp trtrth..., 6'-I0' and Magus-..........--.-..-. 5'-20' Norway 'mrters........-.........f...., INe Smut & Alumina Pine 2'-IO'.... c-ttr Munich! P-tarc.......-.--., IM' Print & Alpine ttarrest.............., 8mm & Humid Junipgrs............. an l, Waterloo iiiuiiiiieritiu9Tfiriet 'c.I.L. orVioom Fmilim . . . 1020 as Discounts Come and Visit our outstanding assortment of healthy. colourful trees Buy direct from the growet with large selection. Retail a. wholesale, Fully Guaranteed - At2tihl,yi,h.1lJ3f,igJ3E,,.. .. Over 10,000 Trees from 2202 Acres of Shade Trees Blue Spruce Shrubs and Fruit trees. (th......,.............' $12 ---r---rPm $12 Fruit Trees. May w........'.'................' " dens. Locusts. " T-tot.............) $16 Magnolias. Flov ...T.T.rr...W. .......Frttttt 1.25 tNtrta-Nertst Spry '.r.r.r.rt..r.r.;',i',',',', .23 :2?P;EEZEVT' 1tt-'ttitlttmrsit'kttHr-i.A.eitakt0N"it' ' its, _...-Fwn cm! or WATERLOO interrupted water service with nusrv WATER Water main cleaning Sunday April 22nd "rhru Friday May‘4th Affected area bounded by King St. Marshall Weber and' Erb Sts. TO Fruit Trees. Maples. Oaks. Walnuts. Lin- dens. Locusts. Flow. Crabs. Mountain Ash. Magnolias. Flow. Almonds; Hoopsi-Al- hem-Nos! Spruce; Cypress. Holly. Box- wood. Euonhiuss. gilt. Vows. Roses & Fldw. Shrubs. Cocoa Beans. Bark. etc. ' 2482