",.rt-e,oetm,4tnresn-voarettt,ret, [ALBERT MCCORMICK ALBERT MCCORMICK ARENA RINK IN THE PARK MOSES SPRINGER "i, LESSONS (BEGINNERS) WATERLOC ARENA MOSES SPRINGER ARENA RINK IN THE PARK Persons interested in helping to coach minor soccer baseball & softball should call Community Services at 836-1550. Ext. 214. . PHONE: Ret. . . . . . . Bus. AMOUNT ENCLOSED: t. . . B - ADULT ONLY RINK IN 1. Fridays - 64:30 pm. THE PARK 2. Saturday ' 8-10 p'.m. NAME:. . . . ADDRESS:. Pt-r-ttto-p-ttlot/ttyet' Watodoo, and rqturgt to CITY OF WATERLOO COMMUNITY SERVICES P.O. BOX 337 WATERLOO, ONTARIO N2J 4A8 Plans are now under way for 3 days of family fun in Waterloo Park, If you or your group have an idea for this years programme, please call Tom Litwiller at $1550. Ext. 214 (business hours) _ -- -e - - 'rtstruetortPmtCet-ryttlttGottCttrtt W)OPGAW MOMDOMGMJ Mammal: LoetauttpttSo-tStmtham P-ttttres-src-tef-ttttxr., m.wm tk0tt,Nttt,th0tt,th0tttt.m. 1hdrteetter,Attet"ttt tk0tt,rm,that,tk0ttpas. AdiancedcttttotttrtsMtmtttty,May28tttatr:00 p.m. 3 sessions onlyat Menyhm GoifClub $8.00 per session. which irtciye' organ foes coumumn _!,.!,!!, SERVICES r?irf" ACTIVITIES MINOR SPORTS WINES NEEDED . Marsh-d Centre: “I“. 'irrtriiGaiGiaaGiitit%a." WHERLOO "" i979 JUNE 15th, 16th, E 17th ADULT GOLF lO-llz30 pan. Thurs. 1:30-3:00 pan.: 10-11230 pm. Thurs. 1:30-3:00 p.m. Wed. 10-11130 am. Fri. 10-11:30 am. NO SKATING Parents and ITeai.att p.m. _F'_tiey..I-_1p, Ant. FRIDAYS 8:30 - 10:30 pan. Schedule for Mar. 21-28 A .. PUBLIC SKATING Friday 8:30-10:30 p.m. C - FREE SKATING General 'Nes.-'Ihugs. 11:30a.ht.-1 :20pan, 1 l :30e.m.ri:20pan.) 11:30 am. 52 pan. Tttes.-rtiday 11:30aan.-1 :20p.m Adult Noon Hour Skating SUNDAYS 3:30 - 5:30 pan. Saturday " p.m. Family /-' lemma m sums Ns. mu also-um: 'etmte My _Natret @3390 an. Coloured Slide Pre-ttation _ “Caribbean Cruise" No. 2 Tuesday April 3 1:00 p.m. “Mennonite Life in , Waterloo County" No. t Tuesday April 3 2:30 pan'. ' ' “Mennonite Ftaktor a Folk Art" No. 1 Tuesday March 27 1:30 pan. "History Of The "Mennonite" Thursday April 12, 1979 ' “ONTARIO SCIENCE CENTRE" Leave: 9:00 a.m. Cost: 35.50 Return: 5:00 p.m. This is a new travel club for adults forty years of age a: older organized by the Seniors at the Adult Recrea- tion Centre. If you are interested in a friendly game of bridge come out each Thursday at 1:15 p.m. No partners needed. Spring Classes Begin: March 27, am “my 9:W4:00 (Woodworking I: Upholstery) Thursdays 9:30-41!) (Refinishing) (bring your lunch tr, stay all day) The Owl is a monthly publication produced by the Newsletter Team, It outlines all upcoming events and features articles of interest to Seniors, Yearly sub- scription rate: 3200. Call: 57%1020. Registration: 820 (40-59 yrs.) _ $15160 yrs. +) March 19-23 2-4 pm. Adult Recreation Centre Community Services For The Widowed present: Rev. H, Hartig St. Peter's Lutheran Church Rockway Senior Centre Sunday March 25 2:00 pm. - 4:00 pm. All Widows Welcome Discussion & Social Guest: Dr. Michael Bird Guest: Rev. W. Martin Thursdgy April 26, 1979 Starring - Richard Kiley Leave: 6:30 p.m. Return: 11:30 p.m. Cost: $25.50 ... see trimittte best seats in the house CORNER KING & ALLEN 8T8. WATERLOO 57.4020 Pioneer Comedy & Music Group Pancake Luncheon & Solo Tournament Saturday March 24th 12 noon Tickets for lunch $1.25 Tickets for Solo $1.00 Tickets available from Hilda Wagner. For tickets or information 9:00 a.m. 12 noon WOODWOIIKIIB & FURNITURE BEFIIISHINB - call: 579-1642 " A Friday Mum "THE MENNONITE" Mini-Lecture Series UPCOMING TRIPS Arc Travel Club Social Bridge "Man From LaMancha" The Owl 5 P." Calendar " ", . Community ls Library's memo mus-d Your cl he an“ is the Waterloo Public uttmrrsttt.emetorgretanrtrrearrtexNraettttre_ March t9to'tgarem.theh-ofaetieitieshitretteert planned for school-age Guam. Tickets an available with membership cards. _ ’ The Wilfrid Laurier University Romance language I)? partment will present a Stsantatt Poetry Recital March! at 11:30 a.m. in Portable 10. Portable no is located between MacDonald Home and CH. Little Home. Admission is free and everyone is welcome. f The Grand Valley Chapter of the Administrative Manage- ment Society presents a seminar on effective management on Wednesday, April 25 at the Charcoal Steak House, an KingSt. 'Neoetedarsoruttopisdesigtsed torpeoplewlio want to manage their time. understand when their goes, focus on the future, and gain some techniques to losing the battle against time. Cliff G. Bilyea. M.B.A., _ siness manager.at WLU, " be the seminar speaker. Friday. March 28 the Waterloo Horticultural Society will meet at 8 pan. at the Adult Recreation Centre, (corner King & Allen Sta.) Speaker: Mi. uc. Shel-k, Chief Horticulturist. Sheridan Nurseries Ltd., Tepie: “That Spot in Your Gar- den." Planning ahead for Spring. - Illustrated. lhe National Film Board ofCanada and the K-W Regional Folk Arts Multicultural Centre presents the International Year of the Child film program. The program will feature the tm academy award wining film “I'll find a way," plus other selected short films. The evening will be held on “My. "arch 22 at the Kitchener Mlle Library Audi- On Wednesday, March 21, Anton Kuerti nears the comple- tion of his cycle of Beethoven Sonata concerts. Features in this concert. to be held at 8 pm. in the Arts Theatre, UW. are Nos. 7, ll, 24 and 32 of the 32 sonatas. Mr. Kuerti‘s lee- ture precedes the concert at 7:15. Tickets are $6 and $4 from the UW Bax Office, W. , K -W Christian Women 'tt Club Luncheon The Kitchener-Waterloo Christian Women’s Club invites the community to a luncheon at Binireman Park Ballroom. 120' Victoria St. N., Kitchener on Tuer lay. March 27 be tween 1 p.m. and , p.m. . The special feature will be bread baking for Easter. tie Brubacher of St. Jacobs, a baker at the Stone Croc Rita Bauman of Elmira, a former hostess at the Stone Cro'ck will demoetstrate)raking Easter specialty bread. toriurn,WtttreeetSt. N. Admiasioetiatmeandeeerymteitt Norm Sonnenberg of Kitchener-TN†a recording artist and former tenor with the Watchmen Quartet. will provide musical entertainment. Free nursery on location. For late reservations or can- cellations call Margaret Mueller. 578-4846 or Edna Bryce. 744-7584. . -'e A workshop for condominium directors will be held on Friday. March 30 and Saturday. March 31 at the Doon campus of Conestoga College. This workdwp is of interest to condominium directors and property managers. Guest speaker will be James Breithaupt. MPP and the event will be held from 7 pm. to 10 p.m., Friday and ' am. to 5 p on Saturday. The fee is $15. For more information «a. Bernard Mara at 653-2511. ext. 328. Guest speaker will be Nina Ogilvie, an involved home- maker. weIl-known speaker. teacher and T.V. personality. Seminar on effective management St. Mary's High School Community Services Day will be held on April M. Any disabled person or senior citizens need- ing assistance for general house-cleaning inside and outside, painting. shopping etc., are asked to contact St. Mary's High School by April ' at 74W]. St. Mary’s Community Services Day A Canada-wide competition in creative clothing will be helddt the Humanities Theatre, UW at 8 pm. on Tuesday March St A parade and judging of clothing as body sculp- ture is being sponsored by the UW Arts Centre Gallery. _ munitions! Yin of the Child International you; of the Child ' ï¬lm program _ Spanish poetry recital at WLU Horticultural Society muting Canada-wide competition In creative clothing at UW Workshop for condominium directors Anton Kucru ends iircto