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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 10 Jan 1979, p. 7

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The guy can fly! . ldon’tcarewhatlaacNewtonthtnkth‘provedby being hit on the noggin by an apple; I’ve seen Swer- man, and he reaiUrd.oes ny. The matinee was a mad- house the first time he took off. lgot soexeited I spilled my popcorn all over the kid in front of me. Weweretheretoderthepretextutuepiaqtapre ke toth0idsto1etttternseetwtMttba-hatthtts" 'ottttesttperherooftttemau, huttotellthetruthlwas dying to see the slum. Being somewhat of an authority “J - W -_. ..-- -iVie -N. -----v ____Prev T" -_e- -__"--" . on super heroes. I have followed the adventures of. Superman, Captain Marvel and theaest at that crew through my formative hero-worshipping years on radio serials. at Saturday matinee: and by spending a small fortune on comic books. In addition, the kids keep me posted on the cartoon activities at everybody from Batman to Spiderman during their Saturday morning television marathons. However. none of that can touch the movie "Superman" for its spectacular By Frank Epp _ Before I begin this week's article I want to ack- nowledge 'with regret the resignation of PC candidate. Richard Robson. and to wish him well in his new and growing responsibilities. In resigning he also con- sidered his young family which fits in with this week's theme. If it were possible I would share with all the readers of the Waterloo Chronicle two precious items from our 1978 Christmas mail. Both have to do with children. which' fact serves as a reminder that 1979 has been proclaimed by the Unit- ed Nations as the International Year of the Child. The first is our Prime Minister's yuletide greeting. Some day it will be a col1ector's item. It features a striking color photograph of Mr. Trudeau reading a bed-time story to his three sons. The card is signed by " four: Michael, Sacha. Jus- tin, and Pierre. _ The second is a child's book of sayings-and drawings on the subject of politics. Entitled Vote for Love (Lon- don: Collins), thé colorful collection of ehildren's wis- dom was sent to me from England by six-year-old . By " Smiley New Year is a time for housecleaning; the house. the desk. the mind. Not to mention your personal relationships, your language. and your ears. rll leave the house to my wife. And if you think that's male chauvinsm. whatever that silly phrase means. you're right. A male is a male. A chauvinlst is a super-patriot, And we all know what a pig is-one of the most valuable animals man has ever created in his own image. - Thdoreticauy. I'm a tvnale. I was so pronounced. I imagine, at birth. due to certain plumbing. I am not a chauvinist. I do not believe in my countrrtight or wrong. although I love it. I do not trust my govern- ment as far as I could throw a used car into a swamp. _ _ - . - . _ . . - _ _ .J . _ v . '. V . r' .t, .H "v. .‘: ,1“: 's"r.a " 1.1,, '.'ti' “3] ' ,u i' s, , v ," "l. rbt . . H? .. '9. . . . ['m.r A _ "ttC". A - Pe - . cm " . _ '. . f 4 . ‘( .. _ a I g C} ' ',). ,, . , ". . ', _ ,eut,tidr, . . -. _ u. _ ' x . l _ l .. _ ', I', " .~-, .. _ ' 1 .: l 1 _ t _ ". b ' . . _ , n _ T .. , ' . " 'AV . H ' _ _ ',y' Jr Irct _ .. _. (P. _"Y'"t., r' [ . . _ . _ 4.“; “,1 ' . _ '., '34 wt _ . , '-. . ', n?, '.‘-4 "-i And-l am not a pig. although I wouldn't mind being one. Do you realize that a pig produces. in his or her short life. about eight times what a hiiman doe?? . To eat: pork chops and roasts and Bacon and pig hooks and ham and head cheese and pigs tails. Not to mention sowbelly. if you want me to get male and chauvinistic. _ To wear pigskin for making gloves For sport: making footballs the put the old pigskin square be- tween the uprights) A _ - _ For use pig bristles for making shaving brushes. although I fear they are becoming plastic in this plastic age, And finally sows' ears for not making silk purses of. OK That deals with cleaning up the house. in a rather round-about way The Old Lady can do it. I'll help clean up the basement if she's ever crafty en- ough to get me down there on a Saturday morning just bggan cleaning up my desk That's definitely worth while I have just re-read some Christmas Bill Smiley ”Guam style. . ' P . " _ we“ . . -tmtMttPa"eNe -idoet't-tsateettteNtt.-ttr.e.tttter- . mugwmum trmttttrstarqriosr,%reredittrsttqimitytrirt.rorotts ‘IbMW-m. . 11:me erimtrtutht,eutettirtettttlitstraattietey- T 'tirittir)tay-rtrnittthoste+uyttrryt cleu missiles: but Iviiluy ”W's: loathe qum-mmmm~mi mostrrartreettrtt-ardtiteateetiilaaectto"9e, pirated _ "iatr-asegrtttse'ttiiseri- sacrum. , "ex-utr-ds-e-ii-ttyet-Hee'."- seiViittetpe1rtee?ttet1tyr,tt.ePa't . mile-WWW; Menuhin itcoetiiigdtinaiastttottttnthtstgettiryLtttttte . i#triti,.-JtrAeitirrtrqrt'eir"*riittJettltt popcorn counter). By thetime the phpet‘tw an in hit meeifwe with!” up speed. After} itGdirteamttt-itrttattr-istpierlthety ,mi1tjratyte,mreatCgertisttrreatettiygtmuetrtm"ae- "ttteeiut-dtt_irtarteto_derfdt ietgGoteiitia_ttttei-trride._ l galaxies enroutetosolvethecrime rateonearth,r _ . Ieart'.tialtatgttttt,tte-ttrthitterintrseometort 'irurigtttintrrtseatrnemrttereotthestorrotteiiev- 1aterttarmr.'hemireio-tioestberettar'ette'et' ingevery bitofit. . . sanegood sthiettueeistthttartditahttndi6rtmtt Mayheit'sheause " iaetottetievetttatmaaoii1 chum, he ittheit-itrartdagsarsrerqettia,t be able to fly at some stage in his future development. affect: in the Superman mm are an in0eation of IwatctteddnoldBuceRogersrerunoettheUre, late tttingstoeome,ttiemoviesareetdeadrondneittter showafew months ago and what ,rasoneeemtsidered is Superman. , 1 . John Brubacher of Waterloo, whose family is spend- ing theyear at Oxford. - - - - _ a -- It's a delightful piece. In the words of Author Nanet- te Newman, the sayings “combine inndcence with madness, occasionally {touch of truth where he hadn't thought to look, and uncontrived humour." Here are some samples: “I think when yourvote you have to do it in private. Ws like smearing" (Jill aged T). . _ “Politicians are people sometimes" (Alison. 9). "My daddy says he votes to go to the pub every night" (John, T)., __ - I _ :‘My father sais you have to watch out for a prime minister to tell the truth" (Benjamin, " "A prime minister is so busy. He doesn't have time to think" (Bruce.8). “Politicians are people who tell other people to go to war" (Alimony. l3). . _ -- J -riruet a vote you haire to kiss old wdmen and babies and that spreads disease" (Karina. 7). “If I had a vote, I'd vote for the Christmas Party” (Sandra, 6). . 77 __ , "rd vote to step wars but they never ask you that? (Mary, 7). " _ - - - - cards. merely skimmed on arrival. 1 always enjoy a card from my kid brother, banished tsttteSittatria of the James Bay project in Northern Quebec. He hates everything so much that he makes me feel positively benevolent toward the world. Then there's my TV repairman. as he always signs himself. who drops a line every Christmas from Westport. Ont. I suppose Int never know his real name. but there's always a cheery message, urging me to go on pricking balloons and stuffed and shirts. even though he often doesn't agree with me. There's an annual card from Major McErving in California. who is hooked on the bagpipes, with a lively account of the various events the pipes have attended in the past year. Here's a letter from an old fighter pilot friend. who reminds me of the time. on the way home from a country pub, that I missed a turn in the road and went straight through a thorn hedge. Next day my face looked as though it had been raked by a ter- magant with long nails. 'And a letter from Beth Boyd. a former student. now in Lacombe. Alberta: lquote: "Hopefully you'll recall me as being tall. beautiful and an extremely bright student. However. the reality is-short. acne and the only person who consistently spelled "throughout' as 'throughC'. Not so. Beth, I re- member you exactly, You sat near the back where you could liner and giggle with Gail Ellison. And I'm sure the acne is gone. And that youve short but beautiful. And Cm glad you are h?ppy, A _ " Tien there's the "usua'l smatteriikof letters and cards from deeply religious beagle who take my tom gue-in-cheek rGiaru%de-ieyed and write me ear- nestly. quoting scripture and verse. to outline my easv road to hell, SW f s-eakrt'i'tuirse, Vt.sigNa/i.'m"r 5%?“ .. Liberal candldhb wittrtoo:rtdtng 2ae mb) "tab' Km News could have been a prime minister if he/d wanted to" (Veronica, " _ “Myauntietopkmetothezooandwesawtwopoli- tistmns"tKaty, 5). _ . "My mum was in the Labour party when she had me born in hospital" iCatheriite, " "I wish they wouldn’t tax my daddy because it aiwaybmahes him cross with me" (Robert, 6). "My Granny was a sufferer jet. I think she flew a lot" (Robert. T). / . 'Politicians wave a Iott when they tell you bad news" (Elem, 9). _ “When you grow up and get a job the politicians make you pay for their, taxis'.' (John, " “People blessed bombs during the-war'and 1 think that's wicked" (Jeremy, 7). _ - , "Why can't yogvote for love?" (Brenda, IO. Well. Brenda, you can. As the introduction to Vote lulueputsit: “Whenyouvoteyouputaklss(X) next to the man you like beat." - ' Voting for love is that, and it's more than that. Poli- ties,atitsreat,i-e*irteterrttteriattts_tIeiue common good for all the people. so that an find hair piness and none suffer. To vote for that kind of politics is to vote for love. _ Hello, hello! What's this? Annnopened letter. Let's see, Well. well., a cheque for just over $1,000. Dated November, 1977. I thought that the old finan- ces had gone a bit haywire in the last year. I hope they'll cash the blinking thing. There is some silly rule about not cashing cheques that are more than sixmonthsold. Happenedtomeafewyearsago. Here's one from Germany, all! and from Aus- tralia. and two from Texas and one from Holland and a note from Dawson Creek, and another from Oregon. That's the summer crowd. from Our Trip. Another note from Anne. a former student: "Why did Joan Engel get an A-plus on an essay, and I got an A, when I wrote them both?" Life, Anne. An old friend of mine. George McCong wrote an entire French exam for a friend at university. was caught intheaet. kiceed-t.andismtqraHetttyetddiree- tor. with several tax-wives and a big income. No con- nection, but where there's larceny. there's loot. From Miriam Fischer. Milton: “God bless you for your invigorating column in this week's Champion. It was more than Sugar & Spice, it was like a shot of adrenalin to my "wounded ego" that had been bruised badly in the last two year since I turned 65. .. Thanks. Miriam. rm getting there. Well. ics been fun cleaning up the desk. All I have to do now is clean up my personal relationships. my language. and my ears. “ Hmmmn. No problem about the ears Let‘s ‘ear from you. readers. That might do " all Have a fine year in '79 and don't be scared of a damn' thing. Woops From a lady in Allistonfof 70: "Damned if rll subscribe to the Alliston Herald again, since they dropped your colymn, Hope you'r_e writlngttyye, .. it! {W Wyn. A»? “I;

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