ROW won the meet with 465 points followed by Lon- don 300, Burlington 242, Guelph 126. Tillsonburg 80 The Region of Waterloo Swim Club (ROW) hosted a Regional Development short course meet Sunday at WLU. Competing teams were from Burlington Swim, Guelph Y; London Y, Stratford Y, Tit1sonbur'g Torpedoesi and ROW. f “We played all 14 players," said Warrior head coach Don McCrae, "We Can't continue to do that. The players and probably our fans know who our top seven or eight players are. '. The first Sunday's action will run from I _ ll p.m., Mon- day to Thursday in the evenings from 7 - 11 pm, Friday from 6 - ll p.m., Saturday from 8 a.m. - ll p.m., and the finale. the three division championships, on 'unday, No- vember 19. The minor midget championship game will start at l p.m., the juvenile game at 2:30 p.m., and the major midgets at 4 p.m. Each team will play a minimum of three ga ies in their respective series, with twenty-four teams in " Each divi- sion is divided into two sections of four teams each, with the winner of each section playing for the division cham- pionship. T Along with trophies for winners and runner-ups, trophies will also be awarded in the following categ'ories in each division: Most Valuable Defenseman, Most Valuable Goal- tender. Most Vat6abie Player in the Tournament, Most Va- Two of Warriors best players from last year also hit double figures for the losers. Seymour Hadwen was high with 18 and Pat Brill-Edwards had 13. The eighth annual Gold Puck Tournament involving minor and major midget, and juvenile teams from across Ontario, will run from Sunday, November 12 to Sunday, November 19, 1978 at Waterloo arena. _ ’ Four former Warriors shared the scoring spotlight for Estonia. Jamie Russell had 27,- Tom Kieswetter had nine and Phil Schlote and Mike Visser had eight each. The old alumni got the last laugh Friday night at the UW gym when Toronto Es- tonia beat the Waterloo Warriors 98-83 in an exhibi- tion game. Warriors trailed by 10 at A PROVEN record of financial . responsibility "antegrtty,"and hard work EXPERIENCE Warriors lose to Estonia ' Gold Puck Starts Sunday ROW swimmers place first For ALDERMAN elect: K-W Women of the Year (Politics), 1976 Trustee - Waterloo County Board of Education 1970.-78 Chairman of the Board 1975-76 President - Association of Large School Boards in Ontario 1977-78 Trustee Organization representing 1/3 rate payers and students of all the students in Ontario - Founding President - KW Chapter of Committment Canada A a National Unity Organization Member Board of Directors - KW YMCA 1970-76 Member K-1hl Federal Appeal Budget Committee 1977 Elder Trust United Church - Waterloo LiiiIiiiireIiiijiirF 'iirltIiii0rnNjiiq, arc, Warrington Drive, Waterloo - Phone 886-6083 Three ROW swimmers each had four first-place fin- ishes. They were John Oesch, Linda Gardiner and Mardi Hansen. Other ROW swimmers in the top three were: John Allen - three lsts; Geoff Bennett - 2nd, 3rd, 3rd; John Rokyta .. lst, 2nd 2nd 3rd; and Stratford 28. Thanks go to the K-W Optimist Club for their support and organiza- tion. the half and the closest they could narrow the margin to was five. [621 KING WEST. KITCHENER -- 745-9495 6:033:3ch RAH-BECHTEI. FUNERAL "(ME t BHAPEl This weekend Waterloo Convenient parking, entering Wellington br King Street Robert Walsh - 2nd, 2nd, 3rd; Luke Martin - 1st, 2nd, 2nd, 2nd; Angela Pinder - lst, 3rd; Carolyn Walsh - Ist, 2nd, 2nd, 2nd; Barb McKillop - 2nd, 3rd; Romana Ptak - lst, 2nd, 2nd, 2nd, 2nd; Sandy Gardiner - 3rd, 3rd, 3rd; Lianne Harker - 1st, 3rd; Jackie Beckner - Ist, 2nd, 3rd, 3rd; Jackie Hess - lst, 2nd, 3rd, 3rd; Mi- chelle Gonsalves - Ist, 2nd, 3rd; Cindy Klinck - 2nd, 2nd, will take part in the McGill Invitational against St. Francis, Toronto, and the host school. . unable Player in the Championship Game. _ Once again this year, Midas Muffler Shops is the sponsor. The Waterloo Minor Hockey Association is indebted to Mr. Fred Bttttinger, owner of the Midas Shops in (help. Wa- terloo and Kitchener, for his generous 8:on of this atm- munity event. Anyone interested in seeing minor hockey at its finest should plan to attend the tournament. MIDAS GOLD FUCK TOURNAMENT scmtbt.aas; - ms Sunday. NOVEMBER It 1:00 p.m. MM Waterloo vs Barrie 2:15 p.m. M Kitchener VS Owen Sound 3:30 p.m. J Samia VS Barrie 4:45 p.m. MM Guelph VS Niagara Falls 6:00 p.m. M Sarita VS Waterloo 7:15 p.m. M St. Catha rines vs Stratford 8:30 p.m. J Welland VS Stratford _ 9:45 p.m. J Waterloo VS St. Catharines Guelph Sarnia St. Catharines Welland Waterloo 2nd; Kim Gellately - Ist, 3rd; Ieanne pinder - 3rd; Amanda DeBoer - 3rd; Emily nger - 3rd, 3rd; Peter Berczi - lst, lst, 2nd, 2nd; Todd Major - 3rd, 3rd; Scott Webster - lst, lst, 3rd. vs VS VS VS VS vs VS VS HARRY HUEHN that it continues Service worthy of your confidence - a tradition since 1925. Barrie Owen Sound Barrie Niagara Falls Waterloo “Waterloo is getting better everyday. LetU see to do so!†Wmloé Chaim. WM. Nov-aha I. 1978 - Page 2t 0 Preyentlv.eoordinatirtg Multicultural Programme in the region. . q Past elected councillor Amprior, Ontario, Regional and Town Flaming Board, Chairman-Health, Wel- fare, Education Committee, member of Recreation and Police Committees. _- Served on Hospital Board of Directors, Library Board of Directors, Volunteer-Meals on Wheels, Church Organizations, Youth Organizations, Hospi- tal Auxiliary,- Community Drives. Former Journalist Nominated for K~W Oktoberfest Woman of the year Veteran of the RAF FOB WATEBLOD ALDEBMAN Our bookstores offer great birthday special: to celebrate the occasion . MAW ms . mum-m) BACK BOOKS 31 .00 " BOXED GIFT WRAP (ROLLS) 25% on A.le EWIETI’ES MANY UNADVER TISED SPECIALS $1.75 my») way MW Ova-n new AM" " VI“. " 2iâ€: VOTE CAMPBELI. RESPOISIBLE REPRESEIIATION Fee " Punk Commitment to at Autograph Pony. Saturday. Nov. " 12:30 - $30 F"', Author ot "Come Fill My Cop" & "Tho Magic Bonk" (Incl-one: Store OMV' MEET LEE BRYAN] NOVEMBER 0-11 Di: - St Ramona JI 0...»: SI T 0001M Refreshments for our Walton A gf) for ch dron accompanied by parents.