The president of BF Goo- drich Canada Limited. Dover R. Fonts, Jr. was awarded a distinguished service citation by the Wake Forest University Alumni Association, Winston- Salem, North Carolina. Waterloo businessman' awarded service citation Wake Forest University annually presents distin- guished service citations to Fouls. now a resident of Waterloo, received the cita- tion for his accomplish- ments in the field of bu- siness, Co-Ordinator of services enters Anglican Order After 20 years of working with crippled children at the K-W Rotary Children's Cen- tre. Norah M. Barrett has resigned to enter the Novi- tiate of the Anglican Order of The Sisters of St. John. Taking over her position as Co-ordinator of Treat- ment Services is Shirley Baptie of Guelph. During her two decades of service with the Centre. Miss Barrett saw it grow from a staff of three and a caseload of 130 children into iits present caseload of over 500 children and a greatly enlarged program of treat- ment involving a staff of over 40, plus a large corps of volunteers. Her interests in- cluded serving as a director of the Developmental Cen- tre and Sunbeam Home and as a director of the Associa- tion of Treatment Services of Ontario. Mrs. Baptie. who has a pphysical and occupational therapy degree from the Un- iversity of Toronto. served for four years as chief physi- cal and occupational thera- pist at Guelph General Ho- sipital 233.33 . W:'. ..; gag 's"ir)i:il" we srnRT 'r,'_'t mew __",":),""',-"",":"):"' :§€V€ Rvonv _,":' '_?___, 726 - 736 King Street West OLD FA SH ION ED Opening Soon (Kitchener) alumni whose achievements and recognition have re- ilected honor upon their alma mater, In addition to a citation for business. awards are presented in the fields of journalism, human- ities and medicine. The BFG Canada presi- dent received his Bachelor of Science degree in econo mics from Wake Forest Uni- versity in 1955 and later did graduate work at the Whar- ton School of Finance at the University of Pennsylvania. m addition to her hospital activities she has been ac- tively involved in work with the physically disabled and is now completing her se- cond term as president of the Board of Directors of the Guelph Services for the Physically Disabled. " you don't find the biggest stereo bargains at Wesseling Advanced Audio's 5th Anniversary Sale My Name isn't Rob Maynes. See our ad in Wed., Nov. 15, Newspaper F(uts joined B.F. Goo drich in 1958 and within 10 years was the company's area director for South America. He was promoted division vice-president in 1971 and, two years later, vice-president and area director for BFG Europ'e. By 1977 his responsibilities were expanded to include all BFG International opera- tions in Europe, South Ame- rica, and Asia Pacific. He wagappointed presi- dent of BFG Canada in July. 1978. Dick Tracy pun/inf crime doesn't pay on ra IO. Hope and Crosby on the movie road to somewhere. Enol Flynn 'etgtge,tti,r, war. Joey Sma wood push- ing to join C onfederation. You and your heavy date t,"it,e,tigi at the Palais de Danse, [suede shoes Your prforitieiare a bit different now. You have the car you need, even if it isn't the biggest on the block. You have a home, And you have a few dollars handy to put into some- thing that gives you a stea y return on your investment. and The friendly neighbour- hood exercise. Royal Trust. Building more than memories. You promised . yourself someday, _ Someday V - you’d oWn one. Alumni-iv- “ilk J M"ch rod." b.3 ws"..." iu'lhu24s'ry. _ 3 ailllMgiW.;'ri, 3.3.: att8tt . I; stat. tMlRti!tgWW"' sf:'iaMNiti.i., _ ., we.» 1..T .. ":iNliliilWl8.".ii: ' A" 3,3,4 "it..::. w". i'i8""'Rt. .33 "ij)iii."is, 't,.t)lt'iiitr"i":), ':ji,i:,?.xsggi= 15%.? i A. "i1t'::'fi.'i' 'U', “33"“; 'W. 'e%llRr,,e.N, 'Oh" , '. ".t.tldF' 3 V _ , "ciy -::-:.... 188kt .,'w'. NN k4 _ tt .. T max}: 'v,-'. H q C 'ro, .; gilRti ',., V q :y' i88 "-"siPfi'::?.'i2ii ._-.»;.3;.' r's', c'". ;-‘1-3.'.,i: "M . 5" i8tiKil1l' t ‘ F, /?iryf::'. 8ilE 1l1lllltlfp 2"?"i w','."' . " yy dMliliB , o .-.- >..,;;'.;:;';:; " Mil' ,' Jer', ' "-9: , 534:3" 4R, . "fpi.rff,i;T: ' 'lil' I; "i . is? TV 132:2 _.%,Fjfiiiji..?.'ijijiiiii:, - IE A Guaranteed Monthly Income Certifi- cate is one way of doing it. You Yut money into a GM C for 5years and we guarantee a high rate of Interest paid every month. - Asa Royal Trust 60 ree/pliers? earn an extra l/4 of l ‘m on your Mu, evenhti ned this service to include a special plan for special people, those sixty years of age and over. It's called " oyal Trust 60C OPEN SATURDAYS 100 King Street South, Waterloo 886-0210 105 King Street East, Kitchener 578-6900 73 King Street West, Kitchener 579-3000 88 St. George's Square, Guelph 821-5740 Personal and . Professional Service Edward R. Good Telephone 745-8445 Funeral Home Limited 171 King Street South Waterbo Ontatio N2J1P7 Warm Chronicle, WM, NW tt, 1078 - _-.---- "q-ttgit-tqt-rl. Guaranteed Monthly Income Certificates. wan mail you the interest each month ifyou wish or auto- matically credit it to your _ Royal Trust 60 Savings Account where it earns an extra V4 of l% interest over our regular Blue Chip Sav- ings rate. .- Royal Trust 60 mem- bership also entitles you to other' services like free per- sonalized chequing. free utility bill pap/men! (where permitted), rec truveller's q l 1..Yearrs-Aldtrrman q Past Chaumon Board ot Management Sunnysme Sto by and see us. Share a lgw memories with US. And let's see if we can help you organize your financial affairs so that . the memories . stay good. r = i 0 Put Presudem Watedoo Lnons Club. . Past Proud." Waterloo Minor Hockey, q tt You: _ Chain-nan Community Somccs Board. . 2 years Regional Councillor RE-ELECT Have a chat with one of our Will Consultants. It will give you the chance to air some of your concerns, and he will be able to discuss the various benefits of hav- ing Royal Trust as your executor. RE-ELECT (rl/j,.,; -Pqn13