Plot 10 - Waterloo Chunk“, WM, Novo'mbor a, 1978 DAVID GRANSKOU? He is a father of six children involved in our school system from kindergarten to university. He has two decades of service to education and seven years service in Waterloo He was the spokesman to the Board of Education on the Alexandra School Issue We are for our neighbourhood schools Sponsored by "Parents for Granskou" DAVID GRANSKOU for ' Trustee, Board of Education ON NOV. 1 3 VOTE Who is lhntlkqteyyrage krynrlteariag Greetings and felicita- tions! Tis the eleventh month and Bluevale is still going strong. And there's only 10 more schbol days Montreal - A free offer of special interest to those who hear but do not under- stand words has been aft- nounced by Beltone. A non- operating model of the smallest Beltane aid of its kind will be given absolute- ly free to anyone answer- ing this advertisement. Send for this free model now. It is not a real hear- ing aid, but it will show you how tihy hearing help can be. The actual aid weighs less than a third of an ounce. and irs all at ear level, in one unit. These models are free, so we suggest you write for .yours now. Again, we re- peat, there is no cost, and certainly no obligation. Thousands have already been mailed. so write today to Dept. 9825. Bel- tone Electronics of Canada l Ltd.. PO. Box 647, Mon- treat, P.Q. By Cathy McBride Bluevale briefs '. until cums - have you start- ed studying, yet?, .-- _ Last Tuesday. Hal- lowe’en. Bluevale held an awards assembly. Winnets were presented to all staff and students who participat- ed in the Slow Jog Fun Run. the football and girls volley- ball teams, and intramural basketball. That night there was a ski club meeting. A filmyas shown and a trip to Quebec during March break was planned. Anyone who didit make the meeting but would like to go to Quebec should contact Sherry Berg 5A as soon as possible. _ Bluevale’s swim team is at it again. Practices have been going strong for a cou- ple otweeks now, but you’ can still get on the team. To find out when the next prac- tice is contact can be made through coach Mr. McPhail. And now, the moment yoive been waiting for - the TroFicana results are in! Wil Zenker Id gets $50 as top salesman with $516 worth of fruit. Roger Polgar 4H. gets $25 - second place - for selling $348 worth of fruit. Anthony Cousineau M, 1978 at W in the Campus Centre Great Hall, Waterloo. Ontario. Gudmundseon will be performing a Simultaneous Chess Exhibitim-takingonasmanyasfiftyoppments.,'lhis "spectacular extravaganza" will commence at 1:00 p.m.. and, mereisnochargetothepuhlic.1'heeventisspomoredbythe University of Waterloo Federation of Students in cooperation with the University of Waterloo proper. The event is open to students. faculty, staff and members of the general public. For those interested in “challenging the Master" it is advised that they be at the site prior to the commencement of the event. Kristian Gudmundsson of Reykjavik, Iceland, will be making his second Canadian public apearance on WyLliov._16. Vln 1974. the Board of Education's budget was 50 mil- lion dollars. Today it is near 100 million. The numbers of students and Board employees are unchanged: l Taxpayers have reason to groan under this rising burden. We need Trustees who can economize without jeopardizing school programs or morale. Salary in- creases must be held to reasonable levels. Trustees must set an example in their emoluments and head- quarters, _ How else to economize? I suggest four ways. - Collaboration with the Separate Board. We have duplicate systems. No effort has been made to share facilities or support services. That effort should be made. _ - Collaboration with city councils and the Region. The Region ahd the Board need headquarters. The Board should reconsider its rejection of the Region's proposal to share one. A large vacant school might be used. Collaboration should be sought in maintenance. printing. purchasing. security, etc. . - Coiaioration with the uhiversities. The universi- ties need space: the Board has empty space. They run parallel support services. Some sharing should be pos- sible. Trustees cannot cure our economic ills but they can provide an example of firm and enlightened fiscal re- sponsibillty If returned to the Board. I shall propose Immediate action on the four ideas suggested above - Zero-based budgeting. It doesn't produce miracles It can show waste. It ought to be tried _ Chess master performs in'exhibition at UW placed third with $297 in sales and wins 810. Id was top homelorm. Their prizes were a page in the yearbook. and orange drink and choco late oranges for everyone, Other top forms - 2B. M, tH, and 5C - also received oran- ge drink and chocolate oran- ges. The Tabard Players are proud to present "An Even- ing of One Act Plays" next Wednesday. November 15. Four plays will be staged - The Undercurrent. A Home for Neroes, The Children. and The Conversation. Cost is 50 Eents for children, $1.00 for fee card holders and $1.50 for' everyone else. Tickets can be purchased at the door or from any Blue- vale student. Curtain timeis 8:00 p.m. - see you there! Here are the results of the final Low Tropicana draw, Chris Pomeroy IF. Tim Goodwin U, and Mike O‘Drowsky (E are winners of chocolate oranges. Dar- ryl Knephtel IE " the top winner of a silver grad ring. Thanks to all teachers and students who bought or sold fruit. Your support made this year's Tropicana cam- paign a success. BAKER Education Costs DONALD