'-atottttrtoocttexret-sdrteatricaHt2.ttm' Box No. 183 . CHURCH SERVICES- SUNDAYS SUNDAY SCHOOL- 10:00 A . M. WORSHIP-10:45 A.M. BOB HIBBARD. Evangelist 884-878 For Further Information Phone 576-8285 A friendly country chmch close to Noun Waterloo and [unborn VIM-go SUNDAY SERVICES 11:00 a.m. - WORSHIP SER- VICE (includes nursery) 10:00 a.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL classes for chil- dren, teens, adults, cou- pies. PASTOR: REV. GEO. A. WAT ERLU 0 _ " RTH PRESBYTERIAN Sir Edgar Bauer School 660Glen Forrest Blvd. Minister - Rev. Iris M. Ford 885-5655 Summer Services 10:30 a.m. - Morning Wor- ship Nursery facilities 11 :30a.m. - Social Hour Come Join Us Is ime that believes God has spoken in and through the Bible only. Fellowship With Us at the orir UBRARY BLDG. Duke & Argyle Streets 1 COMING EVENTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS Church of Christ 4 PROPERTY FOR SALE MM. a resident of Lake- shore Village. Church 664- 2311. Residence 885-0725. CANARY UNITED CHURCH HOUSE FOR Sale or for rent Three bedroom. 2'2 hath townehouse With dri- veway, near University. " 886-0466 N.A. MacEaclIern Public'SclIool Rnlling Hills Drive (Lakeshore Village) You Are Invited 'td Attenf 'Pt with Beauty Salon CHURCH SERVICES Phone: 886-2733 59 MENNO ST WATERLOO REFORMEO PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Preston-Cambridge 10:30 am. Every Sunday chicks Hens Bill & Grace Weinstein (and roosters ia!) KING STREET ST. JACOBS The t28t after hours. 886-3712 Toll Free Number t-800-265-8761 TRUSTCO. PRIVATE FUNDS 1 st and 2nd Mqrtgages -BEsr RATES --PRE-PAYMENT PRIVILEGES -REmNANCrNG --HOME IMPROVEMENTS --PR0MPT SERVICE 2 MORTGAGE FUND!†RETIRING? Country set- ting, large treed lot, patio, paved streets, garden area. Special 14' by 60' mobile. Complete price $10,300.00. All units priced right. Call Chatham Mo- bile Homes (519) 352-7635 or (519) 692-4453. (30) Income Martgage Services 745-4795 4 PROPERTY FOR SALE " COTTAGE FOR SALE ONE BEDROOM Apart- ment, fridge and stove. shady trees. front and back entrances, veranda. residential district, two short blocks to King. Kitchener. Special rates for Senior Citizens. Phone 578-2270. after'. 5 p.m.. 742- 0879. FOR RAWLEIGH PRO- DUCTS Call 742-2438. 1th STARTER HOME [ SEMI - DETACHED. $39,300.00. close to schools. shopping, buses, garden, patio. Phone 884- 4921. No agents. . (tf) TALL MAPLES And birch trees enhance this beau- tiful 3 4 acre registered building lot. located at Sauble. short walk to beach. financing can be arranged. Phone 886-1533. t28t 9 APTS. FOR RENT CUSTOM PICTURE Frames foruschool photos wedding pictures. oil paintings. prints, post- ers, etc. Contact Ross Pritchard 745-8652. (tf) INSURANCE CO. 13 ARTICLES FOR SALE Going away on holiday Keep your valuable coins. jewellery. cash safe at home in a Mini-Vault. $99.95, 96 Margaret Ave, North. 8834358. i30i GIRLS' BICYCLE. 20 inch wheels. 14 inch frame. good condition. $25.00. Phone 885-4954, Bargain Barn Good Used Furniture and Stuff Buy-ScII-Trade 49 King St North Waterloo 886-2510 " ARTICLES FOR SALE USED RAILWAY TTES - Excellent for reclining walls. [lovema- bowlers, etc. Approximately Ht VACUUM CLEANERS - Ex- cellent condition, with or without power nozzle, trade-ins. reconditioned. PIANO. Cecilian by Mason and Risch. Original finish. new keyboard. $800.00. Phone 88b6804. -. t28t TWELVE BARN BOARDS, eight feet long, plain on one side. $i.00 each. Phone 886-1685. 128) TURNTABLE _GERRARD 3-speed fuTIy automatic record changer. Ladies and Man's bicycle stan- dard - reasonable..742- 3025. (28' GARAGE SALE. Plants. childrens' clothes. toys, maternity dresses. small appliances, pottery, je- wellery, floor polisher. solid chestnut door, my men's clothing sizes 12-14. Crosley rug 11% by 24't. Saturday July Mi, 10 a.m. 363 Anatolin Place (off Amos l Waterloo. 1 28 t GARAGE SALE. 592 Rustic _ Drive. Waterloo toff Northfield at Bridge Street), Friday 6-9 p.m. Saturday 10-5 p.m. "Vic- torian violet china." old silver. dishes, picture frames, chairs, fence pickets. banister, insula- tors, convertible baby buggy, and many odds and ends. (28: HYDRO POLES. 30 feet and ARTIFICIAL FIREPLACE with accessories $250.00 or best cash offer. Arbori- te desk with chair. $25.00. 884-0464. Y, t28t long, tr.n Wed. $7.00 picked up. m. m) guaranteed, (E-lux). For assistance Call Joe Gabert 884-3651. ttf ) 35 feet. pine and fir. 885. , 0631 and 885-6880. 128: is moving to their own permanent location at " Witliam Street W., Waterloo The only mixture: of custom - matte mattresses In the area _ 743-3219 USED AIR CONDITION“! and used Prigidnire retri- gerator for sale Phone m. (an GRANDFATHER CLOCK " ARTICLE! FOR SALE USED SUMMER Clothing for all the family. books. and ho.usehold articles. Rockway Mennonite . School Thrift‘ihop. 204 King Street Eas ' least of Elaton'st Kitchener. Daily 10 am. - 5 p.m. Phone 578- 8640. (so) USED HOUSEHOLD FUR- NISHINGS. Metal double bed, wooden bookcase. older styled vanity. gas stove, electrolux vacuum cleaner, chests of drawers. hutch and corner desk table. Rockway Men- nonite School Thrift Shop. 204 King Street East. least of Eaton'st Kitchener. Daily 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Phone 578-380. (28) FRESHEN-UP Cottage or den. Green Chesterfield and Chair. $100.00. New cuddlyljluffy toys. 885- 4630. _ 428! GARAGE SALE. Saturday July 15. 10-5. Five Family Extravaganza. Snyder sofa, chair. new rockingh- orse. frig, antique trunk. retailerirug remnants large sizes, tables, lamps. drapes. appliances. draf- ting table, records. chil- dren's toys-books. Many more bargains. Refresh- ments. 38 Euclid, Wa- QUICK! 20 inch convertible bicycle. 2 three speed 20 inch ct.M. girls' bicy- cles, 18 inch self-propelled reel mower. Phone 885- 1967. t28t CEDAR FOLDING Picnic set. Coleman lantern, small wood burning stove. canning sealers. Phone 8854405. (28t wood kits for bane crafts- men. Lowut prices in On- tario our/most item. For free catalogue contact: Canadian Standing f.aqees. 272 ‘Woolwich SCreet North. Kitchener. 74b 3291. (A-th MODELS WARDROBE of clothing, sizes 7-11. Baby articles, ladies' dresses size 16-18. Electrolux va- cuum, electric can opener, student micros- . cope. blender. etc. Phone 886-1533. t28t HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES. From drapes and special- ly large kitchen table set to games from SI .00 and up. Phone 886-4534. (28) 15 PETS th SUPPLIES SIZE 6 Brownie uniform traded or will buy size 10 uniform. Phone 886-1685. BOARDING FOR All breeds large kennels, indoor/ outdoor runs, Northfield Kennels, Registered Bea, gles for sale, W.C. Hart- man, 699-4300. Benjamin Road, 2h miles west of Weber Street North, Wa- terloo, it“ " ARTICLES WANTED terloo mm: in: magma»: 'a--, awed-cut Mama» uni-Wm! mum-am.» â€CAMEO.†ma “has AMERI- CAN 38; i in: 'trtdrrt, ms PEUGEOT ttN Station wagon. dark gruntin- 1SEm-TRAVEL- TRAILERS 1973 DATSUN Station Wagon. Excellent condi- tion. Safety cettitietrte. $1,000. Pttoete-tt3.t28) 60 METEQB as is $200.00 or best offer. 101 Albert St. Cars wired, Reese trailer hitches sold and install- ed: Phone 669-2633. Cedar St. W.. St. Jacobs, eve- ningsand Saturday only. 1973 CHRYSLER, executive owned. Phone 88b422r, 312 Old Stone Road, Waterloo. " SERVICES DO YOU need weekly, bi- monthly or monthly clean- ing for your home or apartment. Reasonable rates. Call 576-0500. (ti) uCENCED ELECTRICIAN Will do electrical work. Free estimates. Phone 88445753. (35) DRIVEWAY REPAIR Ser- vice - Asphalt sealing to preserve and protect your asphalt; also hot asphalt repairs. Cars oil sprayed for rust protection. 742- 2051. (43) INTERIOR PAINTING - Commercial and residen- tial. References. Call TM- 3838 today. an DRAPERIES AND Curtains custom made, "your wish is my pleasure". Sample materials available. Phone 886-1432. ttit CERAMIC TILE Repairs also plaster repairs. Free estimates. Phone 885-1044. is. have n "e.- (a) JEANS UPHOLSTERY - PROFESSIONAL HOME Improvements. Wallpa- pering and painting; bath- room renovations: sealing of cracked basement walls inside or out: recreation rooms: installation of interlocking pave stones. References. 7432360. on winch. 40,000 miles, str. lay checked. 84,850.00. cm W. m) Apt. 4. GOING CAMPING? Rent A Trailer From _ SAUDER‘S CAMPING SERVICE We specialize in chairs and chesterfields, Free estimates. pick-up' and delivery. Phone 699-4473, (ti) Call today for any in- terior or exterior pain- ting to your home, also wallpapering. Fully qualified and insured. Prompt free estimates 742-2834, (ti) HOUSE PAINTING .. £0! WQIEBS "ttlt. mg W -51 EiiiirNii- â€News experience in cm- tom upholstery. reco- vering, My“, plastic covers made to unsure. Free estimates. Personal- serviceat.4Bgtt,tob5tiM. . -- (tft " SERVICES _ ROOF AND chimney. re- pairs. New and main to sidewalks and driveways. Cement; asphalt. and sealed. Phone 743-8173. 4578-2210 after 5 p.m. Phoetett2ABN. (28) - CONESTOGA FENCE Chain Link. Wood, Western Cedttr.-Patio, pools and privacy: 1'Alb work guaranteed." Very rea- sonable prices. Free es- timtes. 1m. (35) ROYAL TOUCH CHIMNEY SWEEPS INC. Clean, ef- ficient. courteous service. Dressed in traditional at- tire. Fully insured. plus a special inspection service. Discount rates if more than-me flue cleaned per house. 'WHEN WAS YOUR CHIMNEY LAST CLEANED? PHONE 742- 8277 ANYTIME. (28) PAINTING - Exterior and interior, quality work done at reasonable rates by experienced painter. 10% Senior Citizen dis- count. References., Call 744-3838 for free estima- tes. It!) A & _ P ENTERPRISES Home maintenance ser- vice experienced in - pain- ting exterior and interior. staining, pool maintenan- ce, gardening cleaning win d o w s, aluminum siding, and other odd Jobs. Phone 885-6323 or 885-5104. ODD JOBS - Cleaning, rub- bish removal. light mov- ing, gardening. reason- able rates. Call Jeff Hard- ing 884-2831. ttft LIGHT ROOF and chimney repairs, painting, drive- ways sealed. sidewalks put in and repaired. Free estimates. Special rates for senior citizens, etc. Years of experience. Phone 578-2270, after 5 pm. 742-41179. (29) WHY PAY Proiessionar rates? Call Jack Of All Trades for sticky doors, leaky, faucets, trim work, small appliances. broken windows. furniture repair, faulty switches. minor renovations. etc, Fast ef- ficient service for almost all minor household re- pairs. Free estimates. 5764325. K. KESSIZEB of dead and disabled cattle and horses Phone I-416-692-4421 . or Kitchener 579-3820 Licence No 57trC-77 PACONI DEADSTOCK FREE REMOVAL