Pm " . Watwloo diminish. WM, My11197. Hannah and Craig Dubecki. The loss went to Mark Aber- nethy. _ AgaimOhe Dodgers the Expos scored their seven runs off 12 hits, three walks and six batters struck-out. They left nine runners stranded and made three errors. The Dodgers scored their six runs off seven hits, eight walks and eight batters struck-out. They left It runners Expos sweep. games, Wheat, oats, barley or quadllrgrass, ROUNDUP® WILL CONTROL QUAC KGRASS THIS F ALL, FOR A CLEAN START COME SPRING. Next spring, nothing will be wheat, oats more important than getting in and planting as early as possible. Un- - B',.rsr'ivf'-' drtuntitely, that doésn't ‘ m8 T' rr"" r'" leave much time for d?' , r" ttee, with , F.,)" T ifjfi':] quac grass. ilMtttegt _,r."' l Unless you (3lliiiiiiii8 'it) .s’ _ a . apply Roundup"' (iii,, IE F herbicide by“ ri' " g "v" Monsanto t is fall x 1 -- _ after harvest. gig E.-' l Sim ply allow the (..')a i" asa:',:':,',',,'.)',,;,:.:':,),),:;:;,,.",' m rarknra<< to re- it: E 9, /"/ ' ' itl'fiCii"ia"i'). l Unless you apply Roundupt herbicide b“ Monsanto t isf Simply allow the quackgrass to re- grow undisturbed in the crop stubble until the majority of plants are actively growing and at lea st inches high (3-4 leaf stage). But treat before the first lfilling frost. be absorbed and "iiii.i1.?),lll.rlll..f "translocated" down into "'v'/'j.?"?ir' the network of rhizomes - de- stroying the entire glam, above and below ground. ive days after treatment; you can resume fall Progerly applied, iloupdur? will' ELECTROLUX 321 WEBER ST. NORTH 884-681 o for the convenience of our many Wastioo Customer, COME AND SEE US, WE ARE LOOKING FORWARD TO SERVING YOU. NEW STORE OPENING (CANADA) LIMITED July 4, 1978 at announces What are you harvesting next year'? MmSANIO C AHADA LTD, TOROhTO, MONTREAL, VANCOUVER. WINNVEG Monsanto _ AgaimtcaeitttrirtgeJrr.miitriesrs9"lFeete1.rt3 mttti-#tbtt-MrrTCroettttr1tesute, Brian runiottttttittctttiimtraguFitetrattérstrFmt.Sttey Iifet.1rrhlt"t.tiPtrseltItrrremr'terry.Beetrtitit three. lett two ruminant! manufacturers. . " 5 Jim Tutor. Jim lingo TitrrForryttt and Mark Gryba hit Cambridge Terriers scam an: no run-oft " hits. 10 two and Don mm. bin Scharhch. Scott Hannah, Gary walks and three batters struck-out. They left It runners JotutsoetattdDttve Barnett each hitone. ' f , . Dmtt-erehittryB.ustSqtirtarrrt2t,LarryCrooteer, » , - -., - _ Durt_Berre_itrri," strandedeoytitttiU_iet Waterloo Canbar Hawks tario Youth Soccer League defeated Cambridge 9-0 on play. _ . Wednesday in Central On- __Th_e goal $0531“; 'At canbar Aaweidoteat I Cambridge 9Ar . / tillage pperyiony -Sirke Roundup has no re- sidual soil activity, you can plant wheat, oats or bpriey ngxt tspring.-- ALWAYS READ AND CAREFLLLY FOLLOW THE LABEL DIRECTIONS FOR noun)? HERBKYDE. R du d demank of M C ',og,ds"g',0sce,td,7ght' mm†WK; Take a walk. Feeling tiled? There's never been a herbicide like this before. Walk aMtaeh.Tuday 'i'iiiri,i':i: v Don't think of 'li'iii..i..ll,isi,,i',s1 : treating quack- _-r),.',.)'::',,:).":,-,'. ,' grass as one more 'iiite, _,'.-", chore in the fall. /’ .r,'i, Think of it as one less . , f.') chore in the spring. Ft.?)' See your dealer 2.3-3.1 er about Roundup. The ' herbicide that gets to the root of the problem. x I ( r i m!) '2; withon risk of 'crop'im ' What's more, _ many farmers using Roundup as the key element in a quackgrass con- 'tr, trol program, iiif. have been able to F achieve' manage- ; able quackgrass 5'? control for as long as threeyea r; - with three, Mark Steft1er, Marcel Desmeules, Gary Cairney, Joel Curtis, Steve McGrinder, and Gary Hen- del. Mark Steiner and Gary' Caimey shared the shut-out for Waterloo. i The goal scorers for the Hawks were Mark Ross In Ontario Cup play this week Waterloo will host St. Catharines at Hillside Park on Sunday, July 16 at 4 p.m. 'Ptyifit In 'tt rusteie _ Water 'lott, City a»? v»? 2“ Gryba hit a triple and Brian Schndrr hit two home runsandLarryCmuehitottehomeewt. _ l . The Expos next home game is July 22 at no pm. when Listowel will supply the opposition. _ _- . In tttis1+.itrttettLYr' Cnoo_ke_ hit fire singly; __Brian Regional Police Keht Hotel Team Sports Jrs. Regional Police Team Sport J rs. Kent Hotel " Regional Pond} _ Conestoga Frank Veteres FUTURE GAMES July 17 Centennial 6:30 Frank Veteres vs. Regional Police _ July 17 8:30 Team Sports Jrs. vs. Kent Hotel July 18 Centennial 6:30 Conestoga vs. Team Sports Jrs. July 19 Conestoga 6:45 Kent Hotel vs. Frank Veteres July 19 8 :30 Regional Police vs. Conestoga S. Uberig i D. Saunders R. Muséleman A. Boileau S. Lehman R. Collett R. Grassi D, Dautner B. Tilt P. Dietrich S. Norris C. Bender G. Trask "No drive-self passenger vehicle shall be offered for rental under this by-Iaw that is more than 15 months old from the date of first registration as a new motor vehicle Fr The Committee requests that any interested ci- tizen arid agencies (eg. Insurance companies, li- censed mechanics. established rent-a-car agen- cies. etc) comment on this section, The Commit- tee is willing to hear comments concerning other sections as well This meeting will be held on Monday, July 17th, 1978, at 10 oo a mt. Committee Room B. eighth floor. Marsland Centre. 20 Erb Street West. Wa- terloo, Ontario TAKE NOTICE THAT the Council of the Regional Municipality of Waterloo has directed the Licen- sing Committee to review Section ll of By-law 25-75, as amended. which reads as follows: D. Dautner R. Falk A. Boileau' B. Tilt W. Lobsinger H. Fidler D. Gies G. Durst SUBJECT: CAR RENTAL AGENCIES W}. faStbaII league The Regional Municipality Of Waterloo PUBLIC MEETING x. RESULTS THIS WEEK STANDINGS , PrrcmNG BATTING AW. Woods. A.M.C.T Regional Clerk CON. CON. T.S. T.S. T.S. T.S. 38 TS. T.S. GP W . L 12 ll 1 l3 7 4 15 6 7 121 19 l7 43 1192 l7 17 10 ll 18 l2 12 ll 13 .447 .367. .367 .343 .321 .750