y "" {*g ~Report from Queen‘s F < .. Page B â€" Warerioo Chronicie, Wednesday, May 10, 1978 © There has been considerable discussion about the status of The Occupational Health and Sefety Act, . which was amended by a committes of the Legisâ€" lature, mb&cwdbwb include workers wmw excluded. We, in the Liberal Party, believe it mwwamhu-ï¬ tural sector, includinig public servants. in having held meetings with management and labour groups, we have concluded that there are certain relatively safe work places, such as offices and include workers in wmw excliuded. We, in the Liberal Party, believe it mwwamhu-ï¬ tural sector, including public servanis in retail shops, where health and safety committees would be required only in exceptional circumstances. For these work places, committees could be esta blished at the discretion of the Minister, rather than on a mandatory basis. The Minister of Labour has raised strong objections to drastic alteration of the bill, and has suggested there should be separate legislation for groups such as policemen, fire men, employees of general and psychiatric hospitals as well as farm workers She has refused to con sider the question of coverage for farm workers as a separate issue from the W of widening the scope of the bill The s position is that they want the amended bill reâ€"introduced, so that it extends to everyone the right to refuse unsafe work. In an attempt to control the rowdyism and drunkâ€" enness which has traditionally marred holiday weekâ€"ends, a temporary alcohol ban has been imâ€" posed in 10 Southern Ontario Provincial Parks: a partial ban has been imposed in one other park. The ban will be lifted on June 19, but for the reâ€" mainder of the season open containers of aleohol Mwy. 8, 2 miles North of 401 â€" 892â€"3230 Eat‘n Putt OPEN DAILY â€" Three students of Centennial Public School were among top prize winners in a French language compeâ€" tition held at UW on May 4. The competition was open to grade eight students in Waterloo County. John Watson, left, was a thiqd' prize winner, while Rebecca Plumtree won first prize. Nancy Folliott of Centenâ€" nial also made it to the finals. Maria Gogos of Sunnyside School in Kitchener placed second. will be permitted at campsites at al} 128 .atfliflï¬m'mm have the power to remove 1.“ will not be allowed to return to the pask within 72 :dbm-:d&nrd.‘: Arrowhead, Balsam Lake, Bon Echo, Harl Rowe, un’;'uuu'yrd;u_w' Park, alco. mick‘‘ and should be sold by the Ontario Govern uum,mâ€uz.flmdw Stuart Smith, commenting that the Crown Corporâ€" ation‘s officials ‘"have spent their time reinventing the street car, as far as 1 can determine‘. The Mdtr-:uuu-ndl“c-d&wb rflaawmmm said he has yet to recommend to the Govern ment that UTDC be sold. Umammum:m vincial law, an accused traffic offender offer an explanation in his defence by letter rather than Provincial Courts Amendment Act would give a person who receives a ticket, for example, four 18 CHARLES 61 w _ KITCHENE® moyDAY SATUADAY 10 6 30 P M between ONTARTO and GAUKEL $t FARIDAY 10. 9 P M pENMANS§ FACTORY OUTLET STORES LADIES TANK TOPS LADIES T SHIRTS 41 .49 1.99 FRENCH LANGUAGE WINNERS chsices. He could the fine out «f couct, in pead befose a justice pesce, .&bmbmfl not nfl..m:mnm boex on tistket and returning it in a amount of time, probably a tew wotks. Apparently, these new procedures would save millions of dol lars, because theose who do not request a trial may be convicted without one. This would mean that wumumhmuu a the coust process will be shortened :nt‘.;b changes u‘dl qfly'-u‘mu offences â€" most d them under the Highway Traific> flnvml:é:ï¬:huuflym to . Police the hen rpineeimed e Te niemare esemateee * The woman went to claim the money recently afâ€" uumwwwm police were unable to locate the money. zrmlï¬â€œmbhe?m- The Regional police commission last Wednesdayâ€" agreed to compensate the woman for the money. EASY COME, EASY GO Kâ€"W SOCIAL PLANNING COUNCIL ANNUAL.E’IIEET ING PANEL DISCUSSION "AImplications of family law reform" . PANEL CHAIRMAN: Ald. M.J. Mewhinney PANEL: Judge E.F. West Judge D.A. Bean David Whitfield Barr. Doris Baker M.S . W . Wed. May 17, 1978. 7 :44 p.m. Conestoga Inn 2668 King St. E. Kit Everyone Welcome. By Hesb Epp, MPP.