" CAMP-TRAVEL. TRAILERS “WWW. VANSNSTA‘I‘DN 'AG- 0N8: II . I!" has; ' - an no“ and PM; a -1m I â€W†- 1114 Static: WW5. Pty- mouth, Chev and AM donl- *ttoutut1f-toaa, Chm, Dodges and Fouls; ' - 1m to " Dodge Club cattaartdCrxnrcattsiircttev, trucks. m with state body and hoist; lo - mo to " Vans, Ford; Dodges and Chen; 1 - 1976 Java, 350 twin motorcycle; 3 can on choice or was, one 1975 Plymouth, lie. no. US 352, I - 1974 Dodge, Lie. No. KKE 849, one was Chevrolet Lie. No. JKL a. Mightons Car Sales, 6 miles east of Ban. over on No. 4 highway. Phone Durham 308-3136. TWO - 1974 Rainbow tent trailers. sleeps four. One 1974 Rainbow tent trailer sleeps six. One 1974 Rain- bow tent trailer, sleeps " with dinette. Sauder's Camping Service. Cedar Street, West, St. Jacobs. 664-2633 evenings and Sat- urday only. _ (l9) LET US Provide the janitor service you've been look- ing for, while your Jani- tor is on holidays or off sick. One time, daily, weekly or monthly. Call anytime: Crawford-Arm- our Janitorial Seririces 744-8600. (20) Rent A Trailer From SAUDER'S CAMPING SERVICE Cars wired, Reese trailer hitches sold and installed. Phone 664-2633. Cedar Street West. St. Jacobs, Evenings and Saturday only. (35) " SERVICES DRIVEWAY REPAIR Ser- vice - Asphalt sealing to preserve and protect your asphalt; also hot asphalt repairs. Cars oil sprayed for rust protection. 742- 2051. (43) ROOF REPAIRS - Roll roof- ing laid. stone roofs re- paired, exterior painting, chimney repairs. Free es- timates. Phone 578-2270 early morning or evenings _ ' (20) WE WASH' Windows, paint and cut grass, by the day, month or season. Free estimates. Call Anything and Everything, 653-8049. 24-hours daily. (22) JIM MARTIN Painting - Quality work at reason- able rates. free estimates. book now for summer 745-3724. (22) INTERIOR AND Exterior COMPLETE YOUR Spring painting. residential, com- mercial or industrial, guaranteed workmanship. Call Brad at '45-2000. (22) cleaning with a fresh paint job, Call Rainbow Resources for free esti- mates on any interior or "Nt: work, reasonable "%t quality work, ' V F- t22t mama tn um GOING CAMPING? Wc with to have painting. decorating and - ar- Do yoolatow who takes pride in good workmanship? . BRANT TREE Service - HOME IMPROVEMENTS- Additions. chimneys, fire- places, garages, etc. Free estimates. Phone 886; 4798. (19) ALL TYPES Of home re- pairs. cement work. carpentry. chimneys. roofing. carports. garages. recreation rooms, plaster- ing - fancy or plain. Rea- sonable rates. Phone 579- 4091 after 4:00 p.m. (tit JIM MARTIN Painting - Quality work at reason- able rates, free estimates, book now for summer 745-3028. " _ (22) PROFESSIONAL HOME Improvements. Wallpa- pering and painting; bath- room renovations; sealing of cracked basement walls inside or out; recreation rooms: installation of interlocking pave stones. References. 743-2360. tti) Sales, service and installs tions of water heaters, dish- washers. gas barbecues. pool heaters. water soften- ers. whirlpool baths and many more items. 278 King Street North. Waterloo. Phone 884-6550. (ti) qhttdti+etgqtttmietr. CHIMNEYS _ ANY Type Topping, pruning, removal and hedges. Ten years experience, free esti- mates. 578-0781, 745-5276. (ti) PAINTING? RAINBOW ROLLERS SANDBLASTING rebuilt or repaired Fully insured, prompt free esti- mates Don't neglect an unsafe chimney Phone 742-2834 4th RAYCO HOME EQUIPMENT INSTALLATIONS Reg. Bus. Lic. w.c.x.1m70 Compensation K-245-st2 PAINTING I DECORATING ", can help. For Free Estimates REITZEL BROS. S CALL 884-3755. Reg. Bus. Lie. WCX 780370 Prompt Service REIT2Et 8808. Free Estimates 743-4466 “I Genet-600i 'OUESTION PAINTING 743-4466 Yes! and (1.) (21) (tf) unused work. Runnable price. “WWII; is my business not a incline". Cémpany. Call Hans sau: ten 576-0143. itt) Complete Lawn Care per cutting rates. Planting - Roto Tilling Sodding - Top Soil - Railway Ties. PHONE 884-3622 HOUSE PAINTING - Call today for any interior or exterior painting to your home, also wallpapering. Fully qualified and insur- ed. Prompt free estimates 742-2834. (ti) Walls sealed with a fantas- tic EPOXY CHEMICAL WATERPROOFING PRO- CESS. Also cellar floors. crumbling walls. porches chemically resurfaced. Guaranteed work. PHONE 745-7790 of dead and disabled cattle and horses Phone 1-416-692-4421 or Kitchener 579-3820 Licence No. 578-077 DRAPERIES AND Curtains custom made. "your wish is my pleasure". Sample materials available Phone 886-1482. at , A.A. LANDSCAPING & MAINTENANCE PAINTING AND Paper- RECREATION ROOMS. PAINT CONTRACTING PACONI DEADSTOCK FREE REMOVAL hanging - Call the men with experience. Most reasonable prices in Twin Cities. Call today for free estimate on any in- terior or exterior paint- ing, 578-6639, (th PAINTING & DECORATING Fireplaces. flooring, gen- eral carpentry. basements repaired, No job too big or too small. Free esti- mates All work guaran- teed Call John 886-1418 (I?! lEAKINB. DAMP MUSTY BASEMENTS? Free Estimates CALL 884-3972 744-9996 by or (20Y (tf) (ti) HAVE YOUR Recreation room renovations or any kindof hommaldonc expertlyfree emulates. Phone mm. (19) JEAN'S UPHOLSTERY - We specialize in chairs and cheseerfields. Free estimates. pick-up and delivery. Phone 699-4473. ttfr WHY PAY -" Ptxtfessimtal rates? Call Jack Of All Trader for sticky doors. . leaky faucets. trim work. small appliances. broken windows. furniture repair. faulty switches. minor renovations. etc. Fast. efficient service for al- most all “minor household repairs. Free estimates. 884-1021 _ (16) CARPENTRY WORK To your satisfaction at rea- .sonable rates. Recreation rooms. carports. suspend- ed ceilings, etc. For free estimates Phone B. Dek- ker 743-2743. M v ODD JOBS - Cleaning. rub- bish removal. light mov- ing, gardening, reason- able rates. Call Jeff Hard- ing 884-2831. (ti) 20-Years experience in cus- tom upholstery, recovering, restyling. plastic covers 20 TYPEWRiTER, SALES AND SERVICES made to measure. Free estimates. Personal service. 886-4680. 886-5524. (13) CUSTOM CARPENTRY - Trim carpentry, carports, _additions, renovations, storm windows and doors. Free estimates. Call 744- 8882. (20) PORTABLE TYPEWRIT- ERS Cleaned oiled. ad- justed, 'repairs to all makes. reasonable rates. work guaranteed. Add- Type Business Equipment 28 Bridgeport Road East, Waterloo (just down from Towers" m2570. (t! t K. KESSLER UPHOLSTERY PHONE 745-0940 tttt btr m Ch- he $10M“. sm'mm T _ “WOW": L10’WM 1M'Ftfvrt'9trt.thrrsrtt he.“ I Ptr-tt - R v v . . . - . - . I I . " R 1, Waterloo s%otaa4AGaJ1e'GGr,rrrasal'orl, M 664 2482 Over 10,000 Trees from 2'-20' Fw ACRES OF TREES, BLUE SPRUCE, SHRUBS a FRUIT TREES - a... he _ _ _ o _ m812 um. T"V ..Fm.1a Frutt Trees, Oaks, Walnuts, Maples my“. T . . _ M85 ' Pyramud - ScarletHarlequm . Red S ml Mush nu . _ _ .__....Fm '" Silver - Schwedler and Japane WW _ 7 has 1.2! Locust. Lmdens. Flowenng Crat M I My». cm rm " I Boxwood, Euonymus. Japanese q I has. - PM 3-75 etc Cocoa Beans Bark C.t.L. or Vigoro Fertilizer . . . 10-20% Discount Come and shop our outstanding -tmeett of healthy. colourful trees. 'hrvenroetftomthotrowort.ttnt--etsoo.rtou-who-o Fwy mm tdr on. m gef.2tihl..'. $.91. 9.3. §£BJL Avon helps make it fun for ness.â€Vou set your own hours, too. Find out about this challenging earning opportunity. Territories available in areas of: - Albert and Candi]! -Bluevale and Bridgeport - Hemlock and Hickory - Also other choice locations. Call Mrs. Orr,Avon Mgr. JANITORIAL SERVICE BE YOUR'Own boss. Ser- vice Fuller Brush cus- tomers in your area, Ask re: phone plan. Excellent commission. Phone 742- 7572. an 25 CHILD CARE TEENAGE GIRL Will babysit or mother's helper during summer holidays. References available. Sheila 884-2555. (19) EXPERIENCED MOTHER Will babysit days and some evenings, reason- able rates. Phone 885- BABYSITTER REQUIRED for five month old in my home, part-time work'for 2% weeks starting May 29. References. 884-3882. (19) DAY CARE Available, bab- ies welcome, Keatsway area. Phone 886-4616. (20) 1','llffll'l2 92m..."- 'latte PartyurtetF,Mtit" mm, com mu m. Requires canvassers for janitorial contracts, 6n commission basis. Phone 744-8600. (20) Avon BE SUCCESSFUL IN SAlES WITHOUT EXPERIENCE 743-0421 {o Frurt Trees. Oaks, Walnuts. Maples Sugar- Pyramid - Scarlet- Harlequm - Red Sunset - Save: _ Schwedter and Japanese Red Locust. Lundens. Flower-n9 Crabs, Ash. Boxwood. Euonymus, Japanese Yews. etc Cocoa Beans, Bark (20). (l9) unwise And " terations Ame. M Alan Street Fast. “Mellon. Phone 743-063. Ml " PERSONAL! DANCE EVERY Saturday - The Carlton Single Club invites We: thirty and over this Saturday and everytkttxudtttr.it:00, at Waterloo Motor Inn, Viennese Ballroom, 475 King North, Waterloo. EXPECTANT PARENTS Education classes. physi- cal preparation based on Lamaze. Next classes begin May 15th, June 36th. Waterloo Regional Health Unit, 850 King West, Kit- chener, 744-7357. . (l9) M TUTORING TYPIST AVAILABLE - Will type for small businesses, essays, thesis, etc. Not far from universities. Reasonable rates. 886- 4798. (19) IF YOU Think abortion is the only answer, explofe the alternative. Call Birthright 579-3990. (tf) ACCORDION LESSONS Given by qualified instruc- tor. Reasonable rates. Phone 886-4798. (19) 32 MUSICAL INSTRUCTION - MATH - GRADES 9 to 13; Math of Finance, Busi- ness Statistics. Phone 884-2641. (18) DO SOMETHING New! Phone Rendez-Vous Dat- ' ing Limited. Brampton (416) 453-1661. 11:00 a.m. 36 OFFICE SERVICES prizes. Membership for 1973 - $S.00. Information 74b1066. (19) to 9:00 p.m. SATISFIED CLIENTS SINCE 1972 DIVORCE 3155 CALL NOW, 578-4135; WE'LL HELP iui"';'C'a"G'i'/i; MMMMM Eur-Cum ttft