Maiden vtyyiiitii Waterloo Days Just around the corner Spring is here and Waterloo Days is just around the corner. This weekend of family fun is planned for Saturday, June 10 and Sunday June 11 with the opportu- nity for local artists and craftsmen to - display their talents and works to a large audience. The cost for a single display area is $5 a day or $8.50 for a two day pass. There will be no commission charged on total sales. All money collected will go directly towards offsetting dis- play setup costs and any profits realized from this show will be gener- ated back into other events which are free to the public as part of the total Waterloo Days Program. In; tor my ttyil Mo wittttlte-tottttem. You use. - an“. about this time of your 1 just can't wait to put on my old man's up. hoist the but onto the family (11mm. chuck sail, ours, and dagger- board in at the rear, and head for be near- est body of ope water. Usually that has been nearby Laurel Creek .. well,notthecreek, mind you, but the reservoir above the creek. Now I’ll grant you Laurel Creek doesn't rate with any of your great lakes, but then my boat isn't all that big either. No sir, it doesn't require a huge lake to have some sailin' fun with my little boat. Heck, about all you need is a heavy The Arts and Crafts show will be held in the new "Rink in the Park" beside Seagram Stadium in Waterloo Park. Park- , 'll),?):,",))),',;. . BFiij','ii'srr" 'ait.gFs.r.titri:/i'" _ ( ‘ ',ijis';'iC' "t . :réwsj'? Nix-u _P' _ '.;j'j'_is?cr,r,, _ w i's'i'-i ", k' - _ {41- _, l ave-humbm 'trt/Str,',',",'., if be may,» at} main a hit. my: ing is available directly adjacent the arena with easy access off Sea- gram's Drive. - The arts and crafts show will get underway on Saturday, June 11 at' jgut caan sink it. Eiren 12 noon until 5 p.m. and on Sunday, June 12 in the same time period. Display areas are avail- able each day on a first come basis starting at 10 am. each day. 'e?ttriivo-,str- crack hi theteei. Registration and pay- ment by cheque must be submitted by June 2. Artists and craftsmen should be present for sales unless arrange- ments are made be- tween exhibitors. Water- loo Days Committee will assume no responsibili- ty for - lost, stolen or damaged articles. Other events for the weekend will include a fishing derby, minor baseball tournament. gymnastics demonstra- tions and a rock concert. ny summer anemoon I've spent sailing my the slapping surf. But the greatest thrills usually have come in early spring when the wind, waves and weath- er are most gnpredict- able. 'Course that's also when you can sepa- little Sea Snark though boys, what. with dis- plays of courageous maneuvers, sheer skill, mun-m.» . qlhtt “"WI all!“ the m and thrrtetidtetrasltrt eipaiion of image soar~ ing swells, No matte! was psyched up to put forth into the most treacherous waters. Why I could already feel the wild west wind tugging at the spin- naker, hammocker, or ham-hockey, or what- ever they call that thing up there. Yes sir, once more this was 'Open T days a week (formerly taught classes and free time.) We _ Black, Walnut Academy of Marslid Arts and Physical Fitness Came " 200 King St. E. Kitchener 744-9551 - Kung-Fu, Karate. Yoga , for Men. Women and Children in modem ‘ well equipped facilities with carpeting. mirrors, heavy bags, focus balls, speed bags, weight room, student lounge. " conditioned and much. much more. -. Ballet (ildrnparyi' 3% Wm 8Utet Ottawa Dance Theatre HUMANITIES THEATRE UNIVERSITY WATERLOO Scribe Bookstores University of Waterloo Box Office Sam the Record Man iF" - Hefty A. Harms Saturday April 29, 8:00 p.m. Tickets $5.00 and $3.00 T Tel. 743-8051 PRESENTS -tseqtotettte-Méti walnuts-pa Byt.etimettrtt** in the road one: the lake - that with, him WNWWJW’ in! my". " civic". or when: anyhow! There’s just SNOW and ICE.Ye gtsds,shiersyet. Well I tell you I tried my best that. afternoon, but just what exactly happen- ed shall forever re- main sealed in my sub- consciousness. Why it wouldn't even be cor- tect to call the whole afternoon a washout - whiteom - is what it was! Sheer disaster. Who said it was spring? q: ah 2% ., as; 'oi,, .3 .' 'tcitl _"‘*w.;, hr will 2: w†"ce'"" % 3", -.f, . V ,- .. y. if: an“: 5,- ' a 601.. a. am a. u... J. Garbo am I.A.. Lu. in. P. any n. us. M. Gala W In». M. to. uni P. on... as. Saint cum.- " mm 8... ac. , "r-es/ii-sa-tout- ( "repteraaodtoartnoummtttat _ DAVID P. OLSEN eVerYone There will be three full sessions of outdoor tennis lessons this season. Each session will consist of five, one hour classes Sr, SUMMER TENNIS MEMBERS /'" 'kii/ WWATERLOO y hi/i,ri, 8859500 145 LINCOLN ROAD OUTDOOR TENNIS LESSONS WATERLOO FAMILY Y COMPARE PROGRAMS! COMPARE FACILITIES! The Tennis Membership Entities You To: - " YARD INDOOR POOL - GYMNASIUM (Indoor Tuck) - SAUNAS - SPECIAL EXERCISE ROOM l - KEEP FIT CLASSES ." ( ... RECREATIONAL VOLLEYBALL _ - RECREATIONAL BADMINTON - SWIM LESSONS - RECREATIONAL SWIMMING AND- 3 REGULATION ILLUMINATED Ns OUTDOOR TENNIS COURTS - NO ADDITIONAL COURT FEES COMPARE PRICES! is nva any.“ with than in vel the practice of law. BROCKBIBROCK . tennis (Register one week before) - SESSION 2 - June 12th - July 14th SESSION 3 - July 17th - Aug. 18th For Tennis Class Times and Costs SESSION 1 - May 8th - June 9th TENNIS CLUB - K-W Y M EM B E R s Adults $50.00 Students $35.00 Youth $25.00 at the Call Join Now! FAMILY TENNIS PlAN -