.. " The Region in re view W- of "The Belle trf AM" by Witiiam Luce. aptartutttedettttetiteof the mete†Emily Dickin- son. will be presented at the Theatre of the Arts, Univer- sity of Waterloo on Decem- 'gtcira' The . Waterloo Knights of Columbus are co-sport- soring a Gay 90's Dance on Saturday. Dec. 3, at 9 p.m. in 'cooperation with the Twincity Harmonizers. Music will be supplied by the Veri Tones and proceeds will go to charity. The dance will take place at the Knights of Columbus hall on University Ave. and admission price will be $10 per couple. For further information contact Paul MacDonald at 576-2941. The Kitchener - Water- loo Camera Clnb will hold its monthly _meeting on Dec. 6 at 8:00 p.m. in the Waterloo Public Library. The title of the slide con- test is Thistles, Teasels or Weeds. The Waterloo Region Review Commission has been established by the Province. at the request of the Regional Council, to examine the system of local government in Waterloo Region end to recommend changes to it. Mr. Palmer is the Commissioner and. as such. is responsible for the preparation of the report. Before becoming Commissioner. Mr. Palmer was Deputy Minister for Municipal Affairs in the Province of Ontario and later the Chair- man of the Ontario Municipal Board. Ask residents of Waterloo Region why we should have a study of local government here and you will get a lot of different answers. Ones I've heard range from the unprintable'to concerns over cost. What most-of them boil down to is that people have seen an increase in taxes, and are not convinced that the costs are Justified. Some people are also upset that the old municipalities they were used to have disap- peared. Names like Gait, Bridgeport and New Ham- burg still mean something, but they are now neigh- bourhoods in Cambridge, Kitchener and Wilmot. Peo- ple are not sure what they have gained from these changes either. WW1 1trfidt?al%'.'L,ri So, your elected councils and the Provincial Gov- eminent have agreed to find out where and why costs have increased and to lay out as clearly as possible what benefits and disadvantages there are to the new system of local government. For the last couple of months I have been sorting out how best to do this study and I've come to a num- ber of interesting conclusions which I would like to share with the residents of the region. " have been Handed that job and been told to have my report ready by the crud of 1978._ - - First, there is no simple answer. I've noticed a ten- dency by some people and groups to come up with in- stant solutions by proposing major changes to the region without really examining either what the prob- lems with the present system are or what problems their "solutions" might cause. It would be a real mis- take to throw out the present system for something different without knowing whether it will make things better or worse. So my first conclusion is that until I know what is going well and what,is going badly now, l'm not going to Ieap,to any conclusions about alternatives. . Second, there is no one villain. It would be nice. I suppose. if I could conclude at the end of the study that one body has been responsible for all the cost increases but that is not the case. I've already found that inflation, the Province, the region. the school tirrtf W presenMgdmrm new polemic-a! pro~ 3:13? GAY 90's DANCE CAMERA CLUB By William H. Palmer tterg,9amr10.Tttetttaria qomttmd by MON-“w W ttMeeted by m AttsBttarrt,UW." Plank a tree-lance plates- The “Belle of WV tsionaiditxtetorq6tigtigtistr. Map My Dickinso- to tsionaidimetorq6tigtirtistr. ing up his stint at the uni- verlity. and will feature Peterttorottatt actres‘Mar- trot Hull as Emily. It is Christmas Trees 1110. Drawing heavily on the hand accounts of the poet from close relatives and boards, the poticeeommisaion, the chiidren's aid so- ciety, the Jocat municipalities and the conservation authority are all placing increasing demands on prop- erty tax dollars. My job is to try to sort out which of the increases were needed and justifiable. and which ones are questionable. Third/there is definitely something wrong with the system. It goes without saying that no system of gov- ernment is perfect but there is lots of room before the local government system is in any danger of being accused of being perfect. Let me mention one of the things that I think is a problem. The system is confus- ing. Hardly anyone has any real idea of who is respon- sible for what and that is a dangerous situation in a democratic system which depends on an informed electorate to make decisions about candidates for office. I don't know that this problem is any worse in a region like Waterloo than it is elsewhere, but that is scant comfort to the people in Waterloo who want to know what-is going on here. Unfortunately, there is a big gap between saying the system is too confusing and correcting it. Once again, there is no one villain. The problem dates back over 150 years to the first local governments in Ontario, and it results from thousands of decisions which may have been wise at the time, but which now must be questioned. So my third conclusion is that the review is going to have to Sort out all of the things these various local bodies are doing and try to find a more understandable way to have them done. Fourth, the review can't do its job without a lot of help from residents. We really must get all the advice and assistance we can about what you see as the prob- lems with the local government system. Specific prob- lems you have seen like roads being torn up time and again, subdivisions that seem to be badly planned and serviced, delays in getting satisfaction from the re- gion or the local municipalities, poor bus, police or fire service, are the sorts of things we want to hear, so that we can direct our studies to the real problems. The good things are important too. What are you satis- fied with? What seems to be going right? This kind of comment is also useful. The review will be making public its findings as it goes along and from time to time you might read something we have found or said that you inst don't agree with. Please write us and let us kno , so that the final report that we produce will reflect as much local input as possible. Write me at: w.H. Palmer Waterloo Region Review Commission llth Floor. Marsland Centre 20 Erb Street West Waterloo. Ontario NM 467 No. 1 Spruce & ‘Scotch Pine. The Optimist Club of Kitchener will have Xmas trees for sale at Leon's Furniture Parking lot. Fairway Rd., starting Dec. 9/1977 GET YOURS EARLY. Proceeds to the Youth of our Community. For more infor mation call - - WE'RE BACK 885-5422 '74a-01 00 her Incubus. her habits hear from Emiir'trersett flinch. William Luce In: ttuttiutetteetattiogrighr OR ttlt-tttoct-ttttteds-Hts-tters-r-rt-st lbs mm. Midas»? PHMttttartdEWtirm- eats._edigietr,ttereetntietw mum.ams:.n. Ittieherhrtgirgtrrtternrb- in'atedoo. - “and: " we meet the 900910 and - the new events of her life. The result is a miracle of evocation and insign. he play could he called a self-portrait of the poet. For those who know and love the poems of Emily Dickinson. the play introduces them to the fas- cinating lady who fashioned them. To those who are not familiar with her work, it is a disarming introduction to one of America's greatest writers. The "ole of Emily was originally created on Broad- way by Julio Harris. ' Margot Hull who will he portraying the poetess in this Waterloo production is a relative newcomer to the theatre scene and is rapidly making a name for herself. Tickets for the play are $3.0ttr" (Stu./Sen. $2.00t available at the UW Arts Centre Main Box Office. guages building. UW and at Bishop's Style Shop, Stanley Crhinrtht1t1itt1tte1rt.tt.ettfy,. 493-3230 JllfTjiirlllllllrjii'd Confidential ' Anonymous Listening Our New Hours Monday to Thursday , 1 :30 mm. to 9 :30 pm, Ftidoy , , :30 am. to 10:30 any Saturday " to 10:30 p.m Sunday " to 9 am. A We're open 7 days a week all your! . . . from our dinner menu FILET MIGNON , 5liiit,tty.elet,,tt A choice 6 oz. cut of beef tenderloin. Dinner includes chef salad, potato and roll for only it en Volunteers: If you are interested in assisting call Any problemor cris% by trained volunteers . Weeknight: 6 gun. - 12 p.111. Weekend: M hours 12itt'a, fieg,tt 745-1166 or apply Box 851, Waterloo l 745-1166 AND TAVERN